NFL 2013

How about that beating the Panthers dealt to the Giants? I didn't realize NY was that bad this year.
Bears are looking good against the Pittsburgh.
I didnt see much of this game. Actually thought Buff would take this one tbh. Woah, Fins beat the Falcs

Well we should have, I think the Jets had 200 yds in penalties and we had 2 picks but we are just so terrible at play calling it's driving me bananas. And our D-line is such an embarassment, Mario williams can go from 4.5 sacks in a game to becoming non-existent in every other game, I hate being from Buffalo.

same with the jets and they have been getting better every week as they continue to practice together

Eh we have the worst secondary in the NFL, I wouldn't give the Jets any credit just yet.
And all with no bounty's yet enforced lol. j k'n.
Brees is the f'in watchn that dude!

Man, the Giants line-play once great is now horrible.


brees is a joy to watch, but whats even better is watching teams try their damnedest to cover jimmy graham and just fail to be able to
So a 95 yr old VA patient at my wifes work picked (for shits n gigs) all winners yesterday for real. As we're going over all the scores im going and then ask her who he picked for tonites Raiders v Broncos?...replies "Raiders". Lol, the old bastard finally showed his age.
Even if you think the Seahawks are the best, the Broncos are at least in the conversation. (and I like the Seahawks better than the Broncos, fwiw)
The Man. The Legend.


Peyton has thrown more touchdowns than 29 other teams have scored as a whole. Suck it.


As the officials deliberated if Hillman had crossed the goal line after a 13-yard gain, Hillman, Moreno and Ball decided to play rock-paper-scissors for which running back would get the goal line carry if the score was overturned. Hillman said Moreno threw down a rock one beat too early and was disqualified, and Hillman's scissors trumped Ball's paper.

So on the next play, it was Hillman's touchdown.

Please explain how these stupid memes enhance our experience of Manning. They screw up the page format and I'm pretty sure nobody finds them funny or entertaining.

They screw up your page? What is this the early 2000's? Stop running 800x600 resolution ffs. Quit fucking crying and get a better sense of humor. Boo hoo King Richard posted funny memes about Peyton and it screws up my page because I'm still using a tiny ass CRT monitor and I don't think they're funny so I'm going to act like a bitch and tell him what he's doing isn't cool and try to ruin his fun despite the fact that this thread blows for the most part.

Don't be mad that your Eagles suck and Peyton's going to ass rape them next week.