NFL 2013

and luckily while the jets are about to start what on paper is the easier part of the schedule the chargers are about to go into what looks like their harder part.

This year has been so wacked and the strength of schedule or lack there of is totally unpredictable. There always is one game you win that you probably shouldnt and offset by a loss that shouldve been an easy win. Then the rest you can just pretty much check off when the schedule first comes out. This year, no clue at all really lol.

We still have a ways to go. The Pats are 7-2 how?...use to seeing this yet theyre not the typ dominant (7-2) team right now. Main stays like the Steelers, Giants upcoming team! I get injuries happen but usually good teams can overcome. It's been strange though interesting so far.
This year has been so wacked and the strength of schedule or lack there of is totally unpredictable. There always is one game you win that you probably shouldnt and offset by a loss that shouldve been an easy win. Then the rest you can just pretty much check off when the schedule first comes out. This year, no clue at all really lol.

no argument there
I guess in short...there's been some shitty play this year lol. But do like the fact that it seems wide open this year.
Yes it seems.

Another team that everyone was giddy about and hyping up not long ago. 22-10 the last two seasons, seemed real solid. Crash wtf?
Mathiäs;10736119 said:
Bears still only managed to win by 7 points. McCown is probably a better option than Cutler too.
McCown has certainly looked good, but he hasn't exactly faced healthy and/or good defenses. 22/41 was not really an exceptionally good completion percentage tonight. The Bears probably got a little lucky on their 3rd downs.

I'm hearing a lot of people locally clamor for more McCown. He hits the open throws and is surprisingly spry for a 34-year-old QB. But he's not a long-term answer at that age, and the team has to find out whether Cutler is worth a big extension. These last two weeks show that Trestman is just a great coach of offense and might be able to coax effective offense out of any competent QB. (Trestman basically won the game with that 4th down conversion at his 33 in the 4th.) Maybe the team is better served by going with a placeholder QB and spending on defense. I think Cutler gets franchised for next year and they draft a QB to develop for the future.
Rich Incognito aka Dick in disguise, mind blown.

I'm always pulling for the little guy but I think this is overblown, though we don't know the whole story. That kind of crap goes on in every locker room at every level and whether or not you have the balls to deal with it correctly determines your future
Oh i dont know, im all for a good ole hazing (not really)...but to make statements that you are "going to kill" your teammate. Fuck that piece of shit brain cell!

Looks like Discount double check has a broken left collarbone (confirmed). Could be out well into Dec (unconfirmed).
Mathiäs;10736326 said:
I'm always pulling for the little guy but I think this is overblown, though we don't know the whole story. That kind of crap goes on in every locker room at every level and whether or not you have the balls to deal with it correctly determines your future

I don't think the term "half-my pals" or stuff like "I'm going to kill you" goes around in every locker room.
As much as this shit goes on in both sports locker rooms and say the armed services. The difference is an Army instructor (nevermind your bunkmate) will say these same unfortunate racist vicious comments and its par for the course in that world and we almost never will hear about it. Although pro sports is in its own elitest world, these type of comments and incidents will eventually surface. Bottom line you cant say certain things "in a public workplace".
Incognito has been known as a hothead at best, and a complete dick by most. I think this situation is a bit exceptional, and not representative of the average NFL locker room. That said, anything remotely close to this would not fly in any other workplace. Did you guys see that voicemail transcript? No one can possibly survive that in a workplace. Incognito will not play in the NFL again, and I think rookie hazing is going to see a reduction, as all forms of hazing have in the past 10 years.
I don't know why anyone should be surprised at the occurrence. I'm surprised that it surfaced. The Rule of Silence has been broken.
Hazing or whatever you want to call it is BS anyway. I'm sorta happy it has been exposed in some way. I never liked it in H.S football or college and I think it's time to end that horse shit.
I think what's happening is the NFL locker room is become a more professional environment and it's about time. Nobody should have to deal with that sort of personal harassment on the job. Not to mention it's counter-productive. If a guy is already more sensitive than your average football player, how is getting harassed gonna make him play better?

Well I hate to see Rodgers get injured since he's one of the most entertaining players in the NFL, but if it had to happen, I'm glad it was the week before the Eagles game. Some good games tomorrow including the Lions-Bears and the 49ers-Panthers. Really interested to see Carolina in a big game.