NFL 2013

Ok, before all the ignorant bashing begins lets think about this:

1. Weak QB draft
2. Weak QB free agent pool
3. Long contract to save cap room this year to improve rest of team.


Anyone got a better available QB than Cutler they want to suggest?
Ok, before all the ignorant bashing begins lets think about this:

1. Weak QB draft

Silly argument. Every year the haxperts claim this year's draft is weak for X position(s) and then end up being wrong or at the very least failing to understand how much of a crapshoot the draft is.

2. Weak QB free agent pool

Legitimate argument.

3. Long contract to save cap room this year to improve rest of team.


Anyone got a better available QB than Cutler they want to suggest?

The Bears are basically fucked. It's the right move to make but only because they're in a bad position to make any deals or improve their current status, which has to feel horrible. We already know what Cutler is and the Bears are going to be mediocre for a long time now regardless what is improved around him.
It;s not the amount of years you should be wtfing about because the contract is front loaded the first 3 years @ 18 million per year. guaranteed $54 million, now that's a wtf!
Yea, ideally, but if you want to keep your franchise QB and future success you have to sign your high potential QB now or someone else will. They might not be the best, but they can get you to the show, and that's all that matters.
True to a point and he is really not that bad of a QB. But Cutler hasnt and wont get them to the show imo. He is 1-9 againt Rogers and the Pack. That roadblock isnt going away anytime soon. Unless they surround and put him in the perfect situation (still no guarantee there)...itll continue to be tredging in mediocrity. I think sticking with Mcnown and spending that money in other areas may have been a wiser move?
Muz, you're absolutely wrong. I've learned never say never. I've seen Eli Manning win two Super Bowls, not only that; two Super Bowl MVPs. Eli is the definition of high risk/high reward as is Cutler and Flacco. I've seen Eli be great and utterly horrible, but the potential(and this is what the organization is paying for) of getting hot and going on a run is always there. and there are more QBs we can't say that about than we can. This is the value. McCown does not have this potential and therefore not much value.
Looking back at some of our preseason predictions.

Worthless preseason predictions

AFC East

NE 11-5 (2)
Mia 7-9
Buf 4-12
NYJ 4-12

AFC South

Bal 10-6 (3)
Cin 10-6 (5)
Pit 10-6 (6)
Cle 7-9

AFC South

Hou 10-6 (4)
Ind 8-8
Jac 5-11
Ten 5-11

AFC West

Den 12-4 (1)
KC 8-8
SD 7-9
Oak 1-15

NFC East

NYG 9-7 (4)
Dal 8-8
Was 8-8
Phi 6-10

NFC North

GB 12-4 (2)
Chi 9-7
DT 7-9
Min 5-11

NFC South

Atl 11-5 (3)
TB 10-6 (6)
NO 9-7
Car 7-9

NFC West

Sea 12-4(1)
SF 11-5 (5)
Stl 8-8
Ari 5-11

Bal over Pit, Cin over Hou, SF over NYG, Atl over TB

Bal over NE, Den over Cin, GB over Atl, Sea over SF

Den over Bal, Sea over GB

Sea over Den

Got half of the playoff teams right, but also had the Texans, Bucs and Falcons in the playoffs. Woops.

Useless postseason predictions:

WC: 49ers over Packers, Eagles over Saints, Colts over Chiefs, Bengals over Chargers

Div: Sea over SF, Phi over Car, Den over Ind, NE over Cin

CH: Sea over Phi, Den over NE

SB: Sea over Den

I still think Seattle has the most well rounded team that can win a variety of ways.

Not bad. I have Broncos over Cowboys in the SB.

Still might get half of it right.

Well, barring the Injurypalooza they had last year, and given the significant upgrade in defensive scheme/pedigree, I agree Dallas should take the division and be in the thick of it. I'm concerned about the lack of depth in the lines, and the injuryproneness of certain players.


You were right on about the injury prone players though.