NFL 2013

Historically, the way to beat any high powered pass attack, like the '01 Rams or most Peyton Manning teams, is to just hold the shit out of the WRs on every play, knowing the refs aren't going to call it more than 3 or 4 times in such a big game. If Seattle gets away with as much holding (and roiding) as they did today, it's going to be tough for Denver, especially if Wilson avoids the big negative plays that he had today. If it gets to be a shootout, I don't think he's a consistent enough passer.
Denvers secondary isnt that great and i think Seattle will be able to hang in offensively and then some. The key is (no shit) Seattles D- has the ability to make stops, get off the field and let their own offense do their thing. Pats are the complete opposite of this as we saw their D- get abused and gassed as Brady and Co continued to be on the sidelines.

Mareno seemed to get banged up? He is such a big factor imo. Not only his production but allowing to set up play action. Pass protection wont be Denvers biggest job imo, Seattles secondary can make plays no matter how much time a QB has. Itll be to run the ball and allow play action to keep the D- honest and allow any possible edge to Peyton and his receivers with their timing and route running. A big hit seam route behind a safety cheating up for run support is the way to crack and score against this type of secondary. Easier said then done.
Denvers secondary isnt that great and i think Seattle will be able to hang in offensively and then some. The key is (no shit) Seattles D- has the ability to make stops, get off the field and let their own offense do their thing. Pats are the complete opposite of this as we saw their D- get abused and gassed as Brady and Co continued to be on the sidelines. Mareno seemed to get banged up? He is such a big factor imo. Not only his production but allowing to set up play action. Pass protection wont be Denvers biggest job imo, Seattles secondary can make plays no matter how much time a QB has. Itll be to run the ball and allow play action to keep the D- honest and allow any possible edge to the Peyton and his receivers with their timing and route running.

This is true. Denver's defense is nowhere near as good as the Saints, let alone the 49ers.
Best defense in the 21st century? Jesus christ people. Besides shutting down the Saints and 49ers in the regular season (and losing to Indy) they didn't really play anybody with a strong passing attack. They also had a very easy schedule.
Mathiäs;10781237 said:
Best defense in the 21st century? Jesus christ people. Besides shutting down the Saints and 49ers in the regular season (and losing to Indy) they didn't really play anybody with a strong passing attack. They also had a very easy schedule.

Definitely not the best defense of the 21st century--that's either the 00 Ravens or the 02 Bucs, but after those two they are in the conversation.

Their schedule was about average (opponents averaged about 7 1/2 wins, which rounds out the league median if you eliminate the Seahawks games).

They shut down Brees in a way he's never been shut down while with the Saints and New Orleans had the #2 passing offense in the league. They held the 49ers to 3, 19 and 17 points. They also shut down Atlanta, who despite their bad record had a top 10 passing offense.

#1 in total yards allowed
#1 in passing yards allowed (by almost 400 yards)
#1 in points allowed
#1 in turnovers
#1 in interceptions
-Held 15 of 18 opponents to 20 points or less.
-Held 7 of 18 opponents to 10 points or less.

I don't care who you're playing, in this day in age that's a great defense.
Seattle has a great defense. Also, Seattle had many players suspended for PEDs over the past two years. Also, Seattle led the league in defensive penalties last year. They're great because they play with an "edge", however you define it (steroids and stimulants, holding and holding). How good they are in the Superb Owl depends entirely on how the refs allow them to play. Traditionally, the refs don't want to be perceived as the people who decide that game, so they will err on the side of letting things slide.

It reminds me of the NHL playoffs where the clean teams get punished in the playoffs when the dirty teams get away with things they wouldn't in the regular season, because refs don't want to feel like they decide the game.
Is it really necessary that you make up so much bullshit in every one of your posts? Peyton has never faced a defense as good as the Seahawks? Reaaaaalllyyy? You actually believe that?


Is it really necessary for you to be ignorant of everything football other than Peyton Manning's jockstrap odor? :rolleyes:

I'm not denying the fact that Seattle does have a great defense. But there have been so many great defenses over the past decade+ that it's just silly to make a statement like that.

Why do they have to be better? Why can't the be on par or damn close? The Steelers defenses in the 2000's were great, Ravens and Pats like you mentioned, the Jets had some great defenses too. And then there was the Bears defense Peyton played in the Super Bowl. Great defenses have come and gone over the years, and Peyton has certainly played against them.

There has been one better pass defense in the NFL since the merger. That defense does in fact happen to be the 2002 Buccaneers - a team Peyton did not play against.

That means Seattle allowed 2.79 fewer ANY/A than the average team this year: that’s better than every defense since 1990 other than the 2002 Bucs.

Next, I calculated the Z-Score for each pass defense. The Z-Score simply tells us how many standard deviations from average a pass defense was. The standard deviation of the 32 pass defenses in 2013 was 0.95, which means the Seahawks were 2.93 standard deviations above average. That’s the 4th best of any defense since 1950.

You can probably guess which team has the top rating. In 2002, Tampa Bay faced 510 pass attempts, allowed 2,490 net passing yards and 10 touchdowns, while creating 31 interceptions and 43 sacks. Tampa Bay’s defense allowed just 2.34 ANY/A, while the average of the other 31 teams was 5.50. That means those Buccaneers were 3.11 ANY/A better than average. Since the standard deviation among the 32 teams that year was 0.93, they gives the Bucs a Z-Score of 3.33.

It doesn't matter that Peyton played against "many good defenses" when assessing the factuality of best. Incidentally, those "good defenses" he played against, particularly the Pats and Steelers, have plenty of hardware to show for their excellence.....unlike Peyton. And that Bears defense made Manning look rather pedestrian. It was Grossman that lost the Super Bowl, while Manning put in a rather Roflsberger performance.

So back to the point: No, the Seattle (pass) defense isn't the best in this century, but it is the 2nd best in the last 40 years or so, and 5th best ever. Seattle's run defense is stout but not historically good, but that doesn't really matter either for this era or against Manning.

The Bowman injury was one of the most cringeworthy I've ever seen, and it was his own teammate doing that pisspoor "throw my body" technique that caused it. I would imagine that play will result in changes to review rules for turnovers.

I freaking loved last nights game though, with the exception of the multitude of flags. Football needs to look closer to that than a Manning-Brees Air-a-Thon.
:lol: Oh Dakryn.

Peyton = GOAT. Suck it.

I'm fucking pumped for this SB. Great defense, arguably one of the best, against THE GREATEST OFFENSE EVER (inarguable).

edit: Belichick on the Welker-Talib collision:

"One of the worst plays I’ve seen. It was a deliberate play by the receiver to take out Aqib. No attempt to get open...I’ll let the league handle the discipline. It’s not for me to decide."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fuck you Belichick.

I recommend reading this article, it's hilarious.
Well obviously this offense is in the discussion of best offenses ever. However, it's not "inarguable" until the relevant statistical analysis is done, adjusting for era, opponents, etc. Denver benefits from offense skewed, pass-game-enhancing rules that teams of yesteryear did not benefit from. Apples to Apples for comparison.

But yes, this game should be an instant classic.
Well obviously this offense is in the discussion of best offenses ever. However, it's not "inarguable" until the relevant statistical analysis is done, adjusting for era, opponents, etc. Denver benefits from offense skewed, pass-game-enhancing rules that teams of yesteryear did not benefit from. Apples to Apples for comparison.

But yes, this game should be an instant classic.

I'm sure the stat guys at all those stats sites will find holes and inefficiencies in the offense in multiple places. No team is ever perfect. But I'm awaiting all of the nonsensical arguments from people who are just trying to hate on the Broncos' achievements because Peyton plays for them. For example: I'm sure someone will be stupid enough to argue that that 2007 Patriots offense was better because that team went undefeated. I, on the other hand, would argue that team stats need not apply and once again applying team statistics to an individual or specific area of a team to boost its level. And truth be told, Peyton had a higher passer rating in 2004, which I thought was kind of interesting.

But damn near all of the major offensive statistics were crushed by the Broncos this season.
This Bronco O- is great, the 07' Pats was one of the best. Get over it and stop reaching. Who cares, there were as good if not better O's- before them and there will be better after this. Its simply now a great offense going up against a great defense...enjoy.
I'm sure the stat guys at all those stats sites will find holes and inefficiencies in the offense in multiple places. No team is ever perfect. But I'm awaiting all of the nonsensical arguments from people who are just trying to hate on the Broncos' achievements because Peyton plays for them. For example: I'm sure someone will be stupid enough to argue that that 2007 Patriots offense was better because that team went undefeated. I, on the other hand, would argue that team stats need not apply and once again applying team statistics to an individual or specific area of a team to boost its level. And truth be told, Peyton had a higher passer rating in 2004, which I thought was kind of interesting.

But damn near all of the major offensive statistics were crushed by the Broncos this season.

That would be a stupid argument to make. And "finding holes" isn't necessarily the point of statistical analysis. One of the first things to look at would be how much better was the 2013 Broncos offensive output compared to it's peers (the rest of the league in 2013) vs the 2007 Pats and the other teams in 2007, 2001 Rams and the other teams in 2001, etc.

And even if we come to the knowledge that the 2013 Denver Broncos have the most prolific offense in NFL history, that doesn't mean Manning had the best season an NFL QB ever had. That requires different analysis.
I agree with Overwatch. We'd need to see a comparative statistical analysis, because offensive stats were through the roof throughout the NFL this season. That's not to take away from what the Broncos did this year, because it was clearly one of the best offensive performances of all time. Was it THE best? That really requires a deeper analysis than a quick look at the numbers.
That would be a stupid argument to make. And "finding holes" isn't necessarily the point of statistical analysis. One of the first things to look at would be how much better was the 2013 Broncos offensive output compared to it's peers (the rest of the league in 2013) vs the 2007 Pats and the other teams in 2007, 2001 Rams and the other teams in 2001, etc.

And even if we come to the knowledge that the 2013 Denver Broncos have the most prolific offense in NFL history, that doesn't mean Manning had the best season an NFL QB ever had. That requires different analysis.

Better how? What analysis would need to be discovered?