NFL 2013


So many things to say about this, so little time.

Thanks, all this does is remind me of how much better Brady's playoff record is than Peyton's. Plus, didnt the Patriots wipe your Colts asses in the playoffs this year? Lol youre a fool!
Thanks, all this does is remind me of how much better Brady's playoff record is than Peyton's. Plus, didnt the Patriots wipe your Colts asses in the playoffs this year? Lol youre a fool!

I knew you were going to say something about playoff records. That's a team stat you silly bitch.

You're missing the key points of those stats I posted.
I get the point(s). Just dont get the point of posting them, espec when your binky ia about to play in the SB...who cares. Yet, if youre going to throw the stats up there, you have to take in acount the playoff records. I only care about team stats, and understand who the biggest leader was in getting to that 18-8 mark. I dont really care anymore about how well or poor Brady plays. If the Pats arent winning or cutting it as of late, then shame on the whole crew! I do find it funny though how youll throw out a stat of how poorly Brady has thrown to his TEs, yet no mention that he lost or has basically been without two of the best weapons in Gronk and Hernandez. Take Peytons best two receivers away and im sure his stats will be off just a bit.
I'm gonna hate this thread if the Broncos win and I'm gonna love it if they lose.

But regarding quarterback record and the "it's a team argument," when you're paid as much as guys like Brady and Manning you ARE more responsible for the results than any other player. That's part of the responsibility that comes with taking up 1/6 of your team's payroll. Sure, you get off the hook if you're team looses 45-51, but Brady deserves a fair chunk of the blame for this year's title loss and Manning deserved a fair chunk of the blame for losing to Baltimore last year. Neither played like a great quarterback in those games and that's what they're paid to be. On the other hand they deserve praise when they do come through, i.e. Manning in the first two games of this years playoffs.
I'm gonna hate this thread if the Broncos win and I'm gonna love it if they lose.

But regarding quarterback record and the "it's a team argument," when you're paid as much as guys like Brady and Manning you ARE more responsible for the results than any other player. That's part of the responsibility that comes with taking up 1/6 of your team's payroll. Sure, you get off the hook if you're team looses 45-51, but Brady deserves a fair chunk of the blame for this year's title loss and Manning deserved a fair chunk of the blame for losing to Baltimore last year. Neither played like a great quarterback in those games and that's what they're paid to be. On the other hand they deserve praise when they do come through, i.e. Manning in the first two games of this years playoffs.

I understand that. The but problem I have with the plebeian is they give all of the credit to the QB when they win and all of the blame when they lose, regardless of the facts and that's just stupid.
If i could some it up once and for all cause im tired of going down this road. We all know both QBs have been the most important player on their own team their entire existence. They have both had great coaches and at different times good defenses. One thing for certain is that Peyton has consistently had a better cast of WRs over his career. Even if people argue that Brady benefited more from an overall system...fine. Still 18-8 is far beyond 11-11 of course.

The fact that Peyton has just reached a .500 playoff record is telling. Its not like he hasnt been on solid teams / org or hasnt had offenses suited for him. Brady has simply done more with less. Yes, winning a SB with Troy Brown as your best WR, or getting to this years AFC title game with f'in Edelman as your best WR...i mean c'mon. When youre "the guy" you have to live / own up to the records. I have no problem pointing the finger starting with Brady when it comes to lack of success of his team. Peyton supporters for whatever reason for the most part can never do the same...its annoying.
2 minutes left in the Super Bowl, you are down by 5, and at your own 20 with 3 timeouts. All things equal, Peyton Manning nor Brady are my first choice to go under center (with the ability to pick from all of the all time greats in their prime).
2 minutes left in the Super Bowl, you are down by 5, and at your own 20 with 3 timeouts. All things equal, Peyton Manning nor Brady are my first choice to go under center (with the ability to pick from all of the all time greats in their prime).

Ok, so who would you pick? And what exactly is that supposed to mean that you wouldn't pick Brady and Manning?
Warner is a name I am ashamed to not have thought of, and at least warrants an honorable mention. Montana and Elway are the real heads/tails there though. I don't know why you would include Young though.

@King: It means no matter how you slice it, neither one are GOAT.
If i could some it up once and for all cause im tired of going down this road. We all know both QBs have been the most important player on their own team their entire existence. They have both had great coaches and at different times good defenses. One thing for certain is that Peyton has consistently had a better cast of WRs over his career. Even if people argue that Brady benefited more from an overall system...fine. Still 18-8 is far beyond 11-11 of course.

The fact that Peyton has just reached a .500 playoff record is telling. Its not like he hasnt been on solid teams / org or hasnt had offenses suited for him. Brady has simply done more with less. Yes, winning a SB with Troy Brown as your best WR, or getting to this years AFC title game with f'in Edelman as your best WR...i mean c'mon. When youre "the guy" you have to live / own up to the records. I have no problem pointing the finger starting with Brady when it comes to lack of success of his team. Peyton supporters for whatever reason for the most part can never do the same...its annoying.

you also forget peyton was drafted to be the future of a franchise that was so bad they were able to have the #1 draft pick. takes time to turn that around. peyton also had a head coach change which is something brady never had to deal with and peyton changed teams with is something brady never had to deal with either. for god sakes matt cassel looked like a pro bowl QB in the patriots system that year brady went down. that says enough about the system new england uses right there
I didnt forget. Much comes with being a no1 pick and Peyton of course turned the franchise around. No matter the systems, both were the most important part of the system / franchise...they both deserve the lions share of the teams success and this also reflects on the playoff records imo. The Pats Defense basically was shit this year, Brady's go to man was Edleman. Tell me how many QBs lead this crew to the AFC title? Im thinking maybe a leader / player like Rodgers. As well as Peyton played this year, he landed in a damn good situation in Denver loaded with ofensive weapons.
Warner is a name I am ashamed to not have thought of, and at least warrants an honorable mention. Montana and Elway are the real heads/tails there though. I don't know why you would include Young though.

@King: It means no matter how you slice it, neither one are GOAT.

Any argument about the GOAT is just silly. You really can't compare what guys like Johnny Unitas and Otto Graham in the 40s-60s to what Montana and Elway did in the 80s and 90s, let alone to what Brady and Manning have done in this era.

The rules, training regiments, nutrition and culture has changed way too much. We have no idea how well these guys would have done if they switched eras.
You mean when shitty Matt Cassell came in and the Pats didnt lose a beat?
System System System.
Brady is and will always be overrated.

:lol:. But you know what...even if he is overrated (which he isnt), so what. This was more bout Peyton ball-washing and all in response to someone who wants to put up stats that included and showed Brady's playoff records, which imo isnt that kind of important? Id say 11-11 from lord savior no1 pick Peyton with some of the best weapons throughout his career at thats overrated.

If Peyton gets his playoff record well over .500 and if he leads two diff teams to SB titles, then talk to me.;)