NFL 2015

Really? you don't need the Refs help, you're going against Bradford who is atrocious! Plus the Refs actually helped Dallas on that fumble recover with Bradford botching the snap... it should've been a false start with Eagles retaining possession.

Uh-oh Romo...out with broken clavicle.
Good thing Dallas massively improved their defense during the offseason. If we can split these non-division games in the interim we may be able to salvage the season. Need Hardy, Gregory, and McClain back something bad now.

Perrera says it was a correct call. He's not always right but it sounds legit.

Bet Murray feels stupid going to Philly. Already a weakened line and now Peters getting banged up. For all the talk of scheme fit, it doesn't appear Murray fits the scheme.

Weeden looked like he was about to hyperventilate beating cover zero against the blitz. Lol Chip Kelly.
This offense looks so terrible. The guards are back up callibre. Bradford looks awful. I'll give him more time since this is his second game after two years out of football. That said, he didn't exactly have much of an NFL resume to begin with.
I wish Sean Lee could be cloned and play every position.

Foles didn't have a game to remember today, but he is still looking better than Bradford. I still think the theory that Bradford was supposed to be bait for Mariota was correct.

Edit: Stat for Sunday: Romo in 2 and 1/2 quarters rushed for more yards than the Eagles' 60 million dollar backfield.
Man, wtf was that St. Louis? My SB picks look like shit atm.

Down goes Romo! Time to draft a QB? I think so. Dude is made of glass.

Also, the Seahawks need Chancellor more than they realize. They better resolve that issue, and soon, otherwise Arizona is going to walk away with that division title.
This offense looks so terrible. The guards are back up callibre. Bradford looks awful. I'll give him more time since this is his second game after two years out of football. That said, he didn't exactly have much of an NFL resume to begin with.

That franchise is turning into a disaster. I'd give him this season to show vast improvement on these first two games, and up to the first four games next season. But at that point, if he hasn't turned it around I'd can his ass.

Your comments about Bradford is exactly why that move was not only confusing but dangerous. Dangerous moves seems to be Kelly's M.O.
Chip is looking pretty stupid for fucking up the chemistry of his Oline in the process of unloading a reasonably talented guard and a semi serviceable one. It has neutered that expensive backfield and Bradford has to be hearing footsteps constantly. Preseason champs doesn't mean shit, can't believe the media jumped all over it so quickly.

How can you say Romo is made of glass? He has taken a ton of big hits and kept playing. Anyone having their shoulder driven into the ground like that is more likely than not to have something broken. It's been past time to draft an understudy though. Gotta happen this offseason, although rumormill is Kellen Moore may be the groomee. I have confidence in the front office though now, which is not something I can say has not been the case since forever, so will see what happens.

I may be delusional, but I think Dallas is still a favorite to win the division, albeit with more like a 10-6/9-7 record now. If Weeden can drive the bus and the defense keeps playing lights out (and no more significant injuries, like Sean Lee or to the Oline), Dallas should have Romo and Dez back to close out December. Granted it's against lesser opponents and only two games, but Dallas is #1 in rushing D and #3 overall. Who'da thunk that would be the case for 2015 if you were observing them in 2013.
Chip is looking pretty stupid for fucking up the chemistry of his Oline in the process of unloading a reasonably talented guard and a semi serviceable one. It has neutered that expensive backfield and Bradford has to be hearing footsteps constantly. Preseason champs doesn't mean shit, can't believe the media jumped all over it so quickly.

How can you say Romo is made of glass? He has taken a ton of big hits and kept playing. Anyone having their shoulder driven into the ground like that is more likely than not to have something broken. It's been past time to draft an understudy though. Gotta happen this offseason, although rumormill is Kellen Moore may be the groomee. I have confidence in the front office though now, which is not something I can say has not been the case since forever, so will see what happens.

I may be delusional, but I think Dallas is still a favorite to win the division, albeit with more like a 10-6/9-7 record now. If Weeden can drive the bus and the defense keeps playing lights out (and no more significant injuries, like Sean Lee or to the Oline), Dallas should have Romo and Dez back to close out December. Granted it's against lesser opponents and only two games, but Dallas is #1 in rushing D and #3 overall. Who'da thunk that would be the case for 2015 if you were observing them in 2013.

Because he gets hurt all the time. And his injuries aren't the nagging kind, they're usually on the major side and season ending or close to it. He is very elusive when he wants to be, but he takes unnecessary damage, which is another knock on the way he plays tbh. He needs to start using the Peyton method of when he gets touched to just fall down. Much better to take a loss or sack than it is to have a 300+lb defensive lineman to belly flop on you.
Romo flopped a lot last year after taking the shot in the back, and started getting called a pussy. He doesn't flop and he's stupid. Win/win amirite?
Romo flopped a lot last year after taking the shot in the back, and started getting called a pussy. He doesn't flop and he's stupid. Win/win amirite?

I don't speak for everyone and everyone doesn't speak for me, so what's your point? I mean, seriously. Who honestly gives a shit if some armchair QB wants to talk about toughness? Put them in that situation and they'd cry like a bitch when there are 4+ freaks of nature running full force at them with only one thing in mind: utter destruction.

My opinion is Romo needs to make better decisions than what he just did. Otherwise he'll be working himself out of a career.
He does seem pretty fragile for the amount of huge hits he takes. I think its time for them to draft a qb.
Lotta injuries to stars and starters cropping up early this year. Romo, Dez, Cutler, Lacy, Brees, Nelson, Stafford, etc. Eagles had both ILB exit the game yesterday.