NFL 2015

Benched Manning's helmeted sad face is pretty hard to watch. I'm really surprised he was actually benched. Granted, this hasn't been his hottest season and he was performing poorly this game, but benching him when the Chiefs were at 22? C'mon.

I love Zeph's casual fan captain obvious post lol good on ya man

This game set the Gmen for a determined run. Loved their grit and fire

Yeah seriously Dak, give me a fucking break. Every single team in the league suffers from everything you just described. Seriously, every team.

The best you can hope for when your franchise QB goes down is to split the wins and losses, that's it. Losing more shouldn't be a shock. Having a winning record in the NFL with a backup QB is nearly impossible. The only team in the entire league this season with a winning record with their backup QB at the helm is the Colts. Fact.

Pats and Giants in another epic battle eh? I had to work all day and don't have cable so I've watched a total of like, 6 games this season? Sucks mangs.

Regarding Peyton: It's amazing how fast players decline in the NFL. Two years ago he had the greatest season of his career and one of the greatest ever for a QB. And now, 24 regular season games later, he got benched for performance. Granted, he's battling some injuries, so who knows how much of a factor that is. And from what I saw, two of those picks were bad throws, the other two were his receivers getting bullied, which is just pathetic. Oh well, I don't think he gets benched forever, they may just sit him until he's 100% but, it was bound to happen at some point. Thanks for the memories Peyton. IMO the GOAT.
I think Peyton needs to hang em up with grace at the end of the season. He's never had a strong arm and it's really hurting him now. What I don't understand is how arm strength doesn't seem to be something guys can work on, although strength is something you normally can improve in any other context.
Nah, you can't really improve it significantly. With perfect mechanics you maximize what you're given, but everyone has a limit. I can throw around a 90 MPH fastball with perfect mechanics, and even with tons of lifting, long toss etc, I'm probably not increasing velocity very much if at all.
It'd be ridiculous to "strengthen" those muscles anyways. You'd have to practice throwing a heavier ball, which I imagine would destroy any ligaments in your shoulder. People seem to forget the natural talent needed to play baseball and QB football.
Nah, you can't really improve it significantly. With perfect mechanics you maximize what you're given, but everyone has a limit. I can throw around a 90 MPH fastball with perfect mechanics, and even with tons of lifting, long toss etc, I'm probably not increasing velocity very much if at all.

Is it a "quick twitch" issue then?
I'm not sure. I think a lot depends on how early you are taught how to throw. But even then everyone just has natural limits to their arm strength. If I was 6'4 instead of 5'9 I'd probably be throwing 95.
Nah, you can't really improve it significantly. With perfect mechanics you maximize what you're given, but everyone has a limit. I can throw around a 90 MPH fastball with perfect mechanics, and even with tons of lifting, long toss etc, I'm probably not increasing velocity very much if at all.

I highly doubt that you can throw a 90mph fastball. That's almost a guaranteed ticket to the minors(at least). I've had plenty of elbow and shoulder issues and have seen quite a few sports docs. Most will tell you that the average person throws around the 60's mark, above 70 is considered above average. If you're throwing in the 80's and low 90's range, than you should be thinking about playing professional ball. Highest i've hit was 79 from what remember.

Is it a "quick twitch" issue then?

I highly doubt that you can throw a 90mph fastball. That's almost a guaranteed ticket to the minors(at least). I've had plenty of elbow and shoulder issues and have seen quite a few sports docs. Most will tell you that the average person throws around the 60's mark, above 70 is considered above average. If you're throwing in the 80's and low 90's range, than you should be thinking about playing professional ball. Highest i've hit was 79 from what remember.

It's honestly not a guarantee at all. I know people that throw mid 90s that can't make independent league teams because the pitching talent has improved so much in the past ten years and the expectations are so high. Besides, I'm not a pitcher, I catch and play corner infield, and played at the D1 level for 2 years before transferring to start at a D2 school. And now that I'm done, I'm trying to make it into professional baseball. I had a tryout yesterday that actually went really well, so hopefully I get signed. Probably have a 50/50 shot. My arm strength is well above average though. It's the only reason I have a shot at anything aside from the fact that I can rake.

Anymore, if you are a RHT and can't hit 95 consistently it's gonna be hard to get noticed. Even lefties are throwing harder than ever now.