NFL 2015

I stopped following anything other than a countdown to Romo's return after the last Cowboys-Giants game. Bradford to Sanchez is kind of a lateral move at QB. What's up with the defense?

It was just a terrible game. Bucs O was clicking and the D just had a bad game. My sense was that it was an aberration.

Sanchez is worse than Bradford. Sanchez does improve the tempo and bring some athleticism, but he is a much worse decision maker.
I'm really looking forward to the NFC playoffs this year. Panthers v Packers/Cardinals is going to be a badass game. I think if they play the Vikings they'd trounce them. Vikings offense too one-dimensional.

The AFC games are going to be snoozefests and just all around poor play.
I wonder if a 10-0 team has ever been an underdog to a team with less than half that number of wins? Vegas has Cowboys by 1 for Thanksgiving.
Vegas knows what they're doing obviously. I think they're bating people into picking the Cowboys though. It's a fools bet. I don't see anything but a slaughter of the Cowboys coming. Even if it's a high scoring game, the Cowboys won't have enough, the Panthers are on an absolute roll right now.
Vegas knows what they're doing obviously. I think they're bating people into picking the Cowboys though. It's a fools bet. I don't see anything but a slaughter of the Cowboys coming. Even if it's a high scoring game, the Cowboys won't have enough, the Panthers are on an absolute roll right now.

The Panthers have the obvious edge, but I don't foresee a "slaughter".
as an objective fan

Comedy hour up in here. But seriously. The Panthers are very good this year but they aren't the 07 Patriots or anything. They've only played against 3 good QBs this year and all those games were close, and Dallas has a much better D than GB or IND, and they aren't that far behind Seattle - and were missing 3 major pieces of the D for 4 games.
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Comedy hour up in here. But seriously. The Panthers are very good this year but they aren't the 07 Patriots or anything. They've only played against 3 good QBs this year and all those games were close, and Dallas has a much better D than GB or IND, and they aren't that far behind Seattle - and were missing 3 major pieces of the D for 4 games.

I don't get the 07 Patriots comment. They squeaked by in a few games that season. They didn't steamroll everyone and I didn't mean that the Panthers are steamrolling every opponent either. However, a majority of their games they beat their opponent by more than what the final score would indicate. And they are much better than the Cowboys right now on both sides of the ball.

“Do you get emotionally angry after a game yesterday?” Cataldi asked Kelly. “Do you transmit that anger to your players?”

“I don’t think you have to yell at grown men,” Kelly responded. “I think every single play in that locker room is as disappointed, or more disappointed, than anybody in this city in terms of how we played and what the outcome of this game was. So for someone to have yell at them or raise their voice, they’re not two year olds. They’re grown men. They know exactly what’s going on. That’s Harry High School stuff. That doesn’t flow and that doesn’t work and that’s not what people talk about it. If that’s what people want, if people want a screamer and yeller, then let’s hire you ’cause you’re really good at it.”

“I’m not sure I’d be worse than 4-6,” Cataldi said.

The Panthers have played one team with a winning record at this point in the season (Packers). I don't even know how you can begin to claim the Panthers are better on offense.