NFL 2015

Hate rooting for Dallas but definitely need Carolina to start losing. Good day of football tomorrow.

Why? The Panthers have a three game lead on the Packers and a soft schedule the rest of the season. The Packers can still get a bye with the second seed. You're better off rooting for the Cardinals to drop another game or two, which is possible considering they play each other in a few weeks, and the Cardinals still have to play the Vikings and Seahawks again.
At this point, I'm rooting for a Super Bowl between the 18-0 Patriots and 18-0 Panthers. It would certainly be something different, it would finally shut up Dolphins fans still claim the 72 Dolphins were the best team ever while also slightly diminishing the significance of Super Bowl 42.
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What a cool pic

Thanksgiving, 90 years ago, Red Grange makes his pro debut for the Bears at Wrigley Field.

"Grange was immediately courted by teams in the National Football League. The long-suffering Rochester Jeffersons made a last-ditch effort to sign Grange at a salary of $5,000 per game, but were unable to do so, a key factor in the team's demise.[12] The Chicago Bears ultimately signed him; player/manager George Halas agreed to a contract for a 19-game barnstorming tour, signed the day after Grange played his last college game. The contract earned Grange a salary and share of gate receipts that amounted to $100,000, during an era when typical league salaries were less than $100/game.[8] That 67-day tour is credited with legitimizing professional football and the NFL in the United States. On December 6, 1925, between 65,000 and 73,000 people showed up at the Polo Grounds to watch Grange, helping save the New York Giants' franchise."
I have no idea what's happened to the Eagles defense in the last two weeks. They've just fallen off a cliff.

Great to see Romo have such a terrible game, but it sucks to see him injured again. This Panthers team is really growing on me. I'm really looking forward to seeing Newton in the playoffs.
As an NC native, Panthers are my #2, pulling for them the rest of the way. I want Dallas to just lose out and get some more help. Have several names that need to be gone this offseason, and Free leads the list.
God damn this Packers team is so frustrating. So many drops, bad routes, WR mistakes. Two drops that would've won the game on the final drive.

Also, Hochuli's crew is fucking horrible. My god. Atrocious calls both ways, most going against Chicago.
Defense did a good job. Didnt expect Romo to spot em 17 and a collarbone again. At least that should help save draft position.

They need to find Romo's replacement, asap. I hate seeing guys get hurt, and I have nothing personal against Romo, I think he's really good when he's healthy, albeit a bit reckless at times (hence his reputation as a choker). But if they found someone really young with a ton of potential, got him in that offense with their solid line and skill players, and work on getting a little better on defense, they'd be a really good team. Romo being injury prone and getting up there in age, it's franchise suicide to assume he can take the reigns and carry the team to the promised land.

I have no idea what's happened to the Eagles defense in the last two weeks. They've just fallen off a cliff.

Great to see Romo have such a terrible game, but it sucks to see him injured again. This Panthers team is really growing on me. I'm really looking forward to seeing Newton in the playoffs.

From the looks of it they've given up on Kelly, or at least are just going through the motions. I mean, how dumb do you have to be to put a rookie on Megatron when the Lions make it very apparent that they're targeting that mismatch. And the fact that they consistently misuse Murray, try slinging it with Sanchez who is horrible, and don't seem to understand the idea of efficiency and flow, well, that's just hack coaching. Why would those players want to fight for a coach or coaching staff that either too stubborn to change things or too stupid to understand situational football? Honestly, I wouldn't even be mad at Chip if I was an Eagles fan. He's obviously way out of his league here, but Jeff Lurie needs to have many o' sternly worded letters mailed to him for his utter failure as an owner for allowing this situation to materialize. That guy is the root cause of your problems.

As for the Panthers, they're really fun to watch. Riverboat Ron is a hell of a coach. I love how fired up all of their players are. It's something I've always wanted the Colts to have; that extremely intense and intimidating give 100% on every play mentality. Love it.

As an NC native, Panthers are my #2, pulling for them the rest of the way. I want Dallas to just lose out and get some more help. Have several names that need to be gone this offseason, and Free leads the list.

What's wrong with Free? Too many mistakes or poor play or both?


I can't wait til you guys get Manziel

He'd be better than Cassel. lol

God damn this Packers team is so frustrating. So many drops, bad routes, WR mistakes. Two drops that would've won the game on the final drive.

Also, Hochuli's crew is fucking horrible. My god. Atrocious calls both ways, most going against Chicago.

Davante Adams fucking sucks man. That dude has a fantastic opportunity and he's blowing it. The Packers offense is just inconsistent and dropping the ball for sure.
They need to find Romo's replacement, asap. I hate seeing guys get hurt, and I have nothing personal against Romo, I think he's really good when he's healthy, albeit a bit reckless at times (hence his reputation as a choker). But if they found someone really young with a ton of potential, got him in that offense with their solid line and skill players, and work on getting a little better on defense, they'd be a really good team. Romo being injury prone and getting up there in age, it's franchise suicide to assume he can take the reigns and carry the team to the promised land.

What's wrong with Free? Too many mistakes or poor play or both?

They needed to do it in this past draft. I was kind of hoping for Bryce Petty, and I think they might have taken him if he'd fallen to them in the 4th (which was unrealistic given he was rated in the 3rd). Romo has a max of 2 years left, that's probably less than the minimum of time you need to take these college kids running stupid college offenses and put them into a pro system. Like cf said, there's no awesome prospects this year. Sounds like it's time for another Quincy Carter!

Free is old and slow. It's not "mistakes" when it's pretty standard play for you. There are several guys that have been hanging around on the roster that need to be gone. Free needs to go, Hayden needs to go, the safeties need to be benched or gone. The special teams needs an overhaul from the coach down. I wouldn't be surprised if Hardy isn't back next year.

Cowboys fans online are in lynch mode, pretty stupid response imo. The mistake not to groom a replacement for Romo already occurred, and it's a problem as old as Jerry Jones.
Davante Adams fucking sucks man. That dude has a fantastic opportunity and he's blowing it. The Packers offense is just inconsistent and dropping the ball for sure.

Agreed. What's worse is that Rodgers keeps going back to him. Over and over, with no improvement.

I remember Greg Jennings had a similar situation in his rookie year. Started off good and then hit a wall. Hopefully Adams turns it around somehow.