NFL 2015

There's been an influx of younger referees this year, which I think is part of the problem. Not enough experience. And while they aren't full time, they still do very well financially. However I'm not sure if this only applies to the referee position only or all of the members of an officiating crew.

"Future NFL Referee Pay. Based on the new contract between the NFL and the NFLRA signed in September 2012, NFL referees will earn an average of $173,000 in 2013, and move up to an average of $205,000 by 2019."
That's retarded money for part-timers. If they are making that much money they're probably really only in it for the money. We've already witnessed how a few of these guys are trying to make a name for themselves and try showing off and shit, like Hoculi flexing and shit all the time when making calls or Gene Steratore attempting to do the same thing. The need to stop trying to be as big as the game and take a fucking backseat and do their jobs.

I know a lot of those guys have primary professions, quite a few are lawyers and shit. I think the NFL needs to find people who are actual fans of the NFL who actually give a shit about the "integrity of the game" and with the drive and time to be the best refs they can be and just make them full-time staff members. That way there's no excuses. I also agree with more stringent training programs and all that. Also, get some younger people ffs. It makes me cringe watching these old fuckers try to run up and down the field and jumping in the middle of quarrels looking like zebra stripped midgets next to these monsters. Anyway, end rant.

@NoumeGnon: Tell me this shit isn't true.^tfw
Yeah, it is true to an extent. Neither player were doing a thing for the team. Cutting fringe players to send a message to the rest of the team is nothing new.
Theres a story/quote about Jimmy Johnson cutting some JAG for falling asleep during film review. When asked what he would do if Aikman fell asleep he said "Get him a pillow."
Com'on man. Gonna have to grow up one day. I'm not a fan of suits but it usually goes with the good jobs.

I own a nice suit that I've worn during interviews. I just don't agree that a suit is a good business uniform. They're too expensive for most people to wear on a daily basis and a lot of the professions that require suits as their uniform are cunty professions. Basically anyone in finance, lawyers, executives, etc.
I own a nice suit that I've worn during interviews. I just don't agree that a suit is a good business uniform. They're too expensive for most people to wear on a daily basis and a lot of the professions that require suits as their uniform are cunty professions. Basically anyone in finance, lawyers, executives, etc.

Would you want a lawyer wearing board shorts?
What if he deals with surfers?


When you're in the courtroom, everyone is dealing with the judge/jury.

Lawyers don't spend most of their time in courts, first off. Secondly, you can still look professional without a suit. Lawyers happen to be one of the highest paid professions, so they can afford them, arguably the least trusted profession; meaning they're paid to lie, everyone knows this, and the cost a fortune. All supporting my theory that people who wear suits are dbags.
Holy fuck what a way to the end the game. Two bad calls, one on the no call PI and then the questionable facemask. I thought it was a fair way to make up for the no call.
Lions gonna Lion.

Good interview with Troy. I'm not the only one who noticed play has declined recently:

"The other thing: The quality of football is poor. It hasn't affected ratings yet, but will it? That's the question."

(Aikman also had an interesting aside, this one on the length of college games. "People can barely keep their attention on something for an hour," he said, "let alone how long these college games last, sometimes four hours.")

I finished our talk with the most important question of all. How much do people now approach him and say: Aikman, touchdown, unbelievable?

"Every day," said Aikman. "That or they say, 'I dwell in the past.'

"I had no idea the campaign would last this long or become so popular. But it's been fun."
I'm finished with JJ and his bullshit good guy stuff. Asshole

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