NFL 2015

Haha, it was a blast at FedEx field, despite a mostly slow game. There was a ridiculous amount of Cowboys fans there--more than I had expected, and I had expected a lot.

Nice. How awesome was it to watch these phenomenal athletes play live? Plus, doesn't the game feel so much different, no commercials or music, awful camera work or announcing bullshit. You get to watch everything. I love watching the safeties move around and communicate. You dont just have to watch the qb in the pocket, you can pick the holes in the D and watch robber plays develop, it's really so much better. What was your fav part?
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Oh yeah, it was much better than watching from home. You can see receiver routes so much better. It was pretty crazy seeing Sean Lee get in on nearly every hit in person. The crowd dynamic was a lot of fun too, and since there's so many Dallas fans that go to the games, the 'Skins fans didn't get out of hand with jeering. It's funny though, I noticed it's much easier to miss plays live. If your eyes aren't glued to the field, you don't always notice plays starting. My favorite part was definitely the 50 yard catch Dez made in the fourth quarter.
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Yeah that shit needs to end. I really do not like the league anymore from multiple angles. Unfortunately they have no legitimate competition, and I have an irrational pull to the Cowboys that supersedes my distaste for the league itself.
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Pretty much. It's also pretty shitty that teams around the league--particularly regarding the popular teams--are eliminating seats because of lower ticket sales numbers. The claim is that people aren't as interested in seeing live games anymore. The reality is that tickets are too expensive. But lowering ticket prices is out of the question, so, instead, they eliminate seats to make stadiums look fuller and to keep ticket prices high. Honestly, the only reason why I went to Monday's game was because I buddy of mine got me a ticket.
Yeah, I've been to 2 NFL games, 1 NBA game, and 2 MLB games, and only paid for 1 of the MLB games (and it was a group/military discounted ticket). I can't afford that shit and it's frankly generally not worth it.
Mara comes from a family of bookies involved with gangsters, whaddya want? He's a saint considering

The only credit I'll give Mara is coach continuity (but it's always with a SB winner, not exactly longsuffering). The dude was a leader of that "not honoring the capped uncapped year" shit. That little debacle showed up the NFL imo, as a capstone to the fleecing of taxpayers. Cherry on top is the ref situation and to a lesser extent, the cheerleader situation.

Jerry is on record as stating that if he could buy a Super Bowl, he would write whatever check size was needed. His FO moves in the past were governed by this orientation and the organization suffered for it. His son has watched and learned and is much more analytical about the current nature of the NFL. As much as I appreciate Stephen's maturity about it, I do appreciate Jerry wishing he could reward talent without the strapping of a cap.

The current NFL format has overvalued certain positions to an absurd degree, and restricted the amount to be paid out to the point that 1 player can monopolize 15+% of the cap, and a handful of players can take over 50% of the cap. The golden age of the NFL was the mid 70s to the mid to late 90s, and it's been going downhill since then, via rule changes and CBAs. The quality of play is poor and the rules of all sorts are helping make it so. The owners are mostly scum, FA and coaching changes are starting to resemble deck chair rearrangements on a titanic, and we get happy about multiTO slopfests and/or 1000yd combo offense performances on different weeks by the same teams.
Most of you guys probably are aware of this but it's worth posting

How Taxpayers Keep the NFL Rich

This is why I don't support the NFL in any way financially. Everything I read about them as an organization they appear to be a typical major corporation out to rape and pillage everyone for the all-mighty dollar. It's fucked man.

Pretty much. It's also pretty shitty that teams around the league--particularly regarding the popular teams--are eliminating seats because of lower ticket sales numbers. The claim is that people aren't as interested in seeing live games anymore. The reality is that tickets are too expensive. But lowering ticket prices is out of the question, so, instead, they eliminate seats to make stadiums look fuller and to keep ticket prices high. Honestly, the only reason why I went to Monday's game was because I buddy of mine got me a ticket.


Agreed. And the fact that a fan of the NFC East leaders ( :lol: )and the AFC South leaders are saying this shows how bad the playoff system is.

hehe. I'd rather not make the playoffs than get obliterated in the first round tbh.