Hey. I am willing to look at both sides. It seems everyone is blaming Tarja for everything. I think there is blame to go around to everyone involved. And it still was a weak thing to fire her with a letter. That is the one thing that has always bugged me. But like I said, it won't stop me from listening to Nightwish or Tarja for that matter. Obviously that isn't the case for some people. Oh well.
Actually it wasn't only Tarja but a situation where one member's personal manager became "the tail that twisted the dog", then the dog would rather bite his tail off to avoid fatal injuries and lick his wounds later.

If you want to have an honest view, then wait another 5-6 weeks and you can read the Nightwish-biography book in English.

The book is written by Mape Ollila, an outsider and a sesoned music journalist, who started the writing project in 2002 when there were no signs of the conflict to come. He has known the band from the start and followed their career vary closely, travelling with them on several tours and writing about them into webzines and magazines over the years. For example, the interviews on End Of Innocence-DVD documentary were originally taped by him to be used as background material for the book, not for the DVD.

I think the 400-pages book gives as objective an image from behind the scenes as possible. It is the whole story, not just a dirt digging after Tarja's departure. The band's story is told from the beginning in summer 1996 to spring 2006 with all highs and lows included, based on interviews with the bandmembers and almost all people working around the band, but not taking sides. Only the last chapter, after Tarja was fired, do lack her participation for obvious reasons. If there were something untrue in the book, the Cabulis have had enough time to sue Ollila after the Finnish version was published last May. But afaik, they haven't.
I never realized how large of a head Tarja has. I made Marco's head a little smaller because it was looking huge on her body with all his hair and it still looks big. Also should have blurred her body a little. Marco's head is from one of those extremely photoshopped promo pictures for Century Child. Too much detail in her hands compared to his face and the lighting is all weird.
Meh. that's 5 minutes work for you.
Tonight maybe I'll find a big poofy dress if no one has done one of those.
I will read the book. It seems like my posts point to me being squarely in Tarja's side. That isn't the case. I just like looking at both sides.
I never realized how large of a head Tarja has. I made Marco's head a little smaller because it was looking huge on her body with all his hair and it still looks big. Also should have blurred her body a little. Marco's head is from one of those extremely photoshopped promo pictures for Century Child. Too much detail in her hands compared to his face and the lighting is all weird.
Meh. that's 5 minutes work for you.
Tonight maybe I'll find a big poofy dress if no one has done one of those.
:lol: Good work. I think that the fact that Marco's head is too big for the body would make it a bit caricaturish, if you didn't shrink his head. That would be funny too! :lol:
I never realized how large of a head Tarja has. I made Marco's head a little smaller because it was looking huge on her body with all his hair and it still looks big. Also should have blurred her body a little. Marco's head is from one of those extremely photoshopped promo pictures for Century Child. Too much detail in her hands compared to his face and the lighting is all weird.
Meh. that's 5 minutes work for you.
Tonight maybe I'll find a big poofy dress if no one has done one of those.

Fabulous job! :kickass: I would have sprayed cola all over my computer from mirth, had I been drinking any. :D
Okay, let's throw this name into the hat for the new NIGHTWISH singer. her name is Jennifer Sowle, she is from Texas is a classically trained soprano, and has the goods people. So here is name to look for later.
Jennifer has been chosen to sing the leading role in Timo Tolkki's rock-opera project:

STRATOVARIUS guitarist Timo Tolkki has issued an update on his classic rock-opera project, "Saana - Warrior of Light", for which he recently signed a deal with Frontiers Records.

"Saana - Warrior of Light" will feature "seven characters and numerous musicians (including Tolkki himself) who will collaborate in this ambitious project," according to a press release. "The result is a unique sound, unlike anything ever heard before… from soaring majestic heights to soft and gentle moments and everything in between. It also tells a very dramatic tale."

"'Saana - Warrior of Light' is the story of a woman who makes an unforgettable journey that changes her life and view of the universe forever. On her journey, she will discover the biggest secret of mankind… and her own destiny."

"Warrior of Light" introduces 29-year-old Jennifer Sowle from the USA as Saana, the main character. She is a classically trained opera singer with a master's degree in music.

Commented Tolkki: "The last round of casting for the characters of 'Saana' is on its way. It means I have to do some travelling in the next weeks to come. Still writing the story too. All I can say that what I am doing has never been done before in music and in lyrics. I could easily write 20 STRATOVARIUS-styled songs and invite some known guests and call that 'rock opera.' But I don't wanna do anything like that. 'Saana' will be something totally different, both musically and lyrically. I call this a classic rock opera and you will know why. To me this is like a film turned to music. And maybe one day, someone makes a film about this. The story would fit....perfectly.

"I was in touch with ex-STRATOVARIUS, current MESS bass player Jari Kainulainen and asked him to play the bass on this one and he said 'Sure.' I am happy because he is one of the best bass players in the world. And somewhere in between all travelling, I'm gonna spend time in Venice, Italy in producing a new VISION DIVINE album, called '25th Hour'."

"Saana - Warrior of Light" will be released in the fall.

She also commented in the NW forum that she didn't expect to get the job with them.
She is also quite nice and accessable. :)

Sadly, she was not chosen to be the NW singer, though many of us from the NW boards were hoping she would be.

I'm still eagerly awaiting NW to announce their new singer.

I lurk around the NW forums...that's where I first heard of her several months ago...followed a link to her MySpace page and became an instant fan of her voice. I also discovered several other ladies with beautiful voices by lurking on the NW the top of my head the names I recall are Kassandra, Burgandia, and Meliesa. :kickass:
We'll see what happens. Personally, I thought Nightwish was a band that was greater than the individuals in it. We'll see if Tuomas can work magic with another singer as well as he did with Tarja.
I lurk around the NW forums...that's where I first heard of her several months ago...followed a link to her MySpace page and became an instant fan of her voice. I also discovered several other ladies with beautiful voices by lurking on the NW the top of my head the names I recall are Kassandra, Burgandia, and Meliesa. :kickass:

Kassandra has a pretty voice, but not powerful enough, I don't think.

Personally, I would have liked BeautyOfTheOpera to have been able to send an audition demo, but unfortunately, she's too young.

Oh well, I'm sure NW will find someone amazing. At least, I hope so.
Kassandra has a pretty voice, but not powerful enough, I don't think.

Personally, I would have liked BeautyOfTheOpera to have been able to send an audition demo, but unfortunately, she's too young.

Oh well, I'm sure NW will find someone amazing. At least, I hope so.

Not powerful enough in general or not powerful enough for NW?

I don't recall what Beauty of the Opera sounded like...did she post links to her songs? I'll have to look up that thread.
Not powerful enough in general or not powerful enough for NW?

I don't recall what Beauty of the Opera sounded like...did she post links to her songs? I'll have to look up that thread.

Let me see if I can find Beauty's Myspace page...

Here it is! The girl is only 14. Or 15...I think by now she must be 15.

Kassandra isn't powerful enough for NW, IMO. However, I think she'd be great if Liv Kristine ever left Leaves' Eyes.
Rumor mill again----- It has been rumored that the new Nightwish vocalist is from Spain, and is the lead vocalist of a band called Forever Slave. Well, here we go again.