Non-Weebo Chill Bros Anime Thread

Nah I was just sharing an experience from my childhood, I can proudly say I haven't watched a full episode of any anime in my entire life.
Hmm. Well, "JesterSlaveSucks" is obviously taken :D how about "JesperIsAwesome" :cool: bound to aggravate Slave, Krofius and Ciko every time you post.

I'm triggered already dude, let it go. :D

Also, anyone watching Attack On Titan season 3 here? I'm kinda bored this season, but it feels like its going have much more action on the remaining off the season
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I remember reading a couple Dragonball books when I was like 10 (in reverse of course since Japanese people are retarded and read backwards), but then I grew up.
And now you watch sex and the city every year because that's what grown ups do.
I'm triggered already dude, let it go. :D

Also, anyone watching Attack On Titan season 3 here? I'm kinda bored this season, but it feels like its going have much more action on the remaining off the season
I have not seen a single episode. Started the manga. Didn't like it. So I'm not interested.

But I liked kabaneri of the iron fortress. Same team. Similar story but on a train.
Very strange behaviour from Krofius. He complains about us talking about anime in the SC thread, so we say, fair enough bro. We'll create our own thread on it, and then you can ignore. The dunce then proceeds to open and comment the anime thread, still desperately telling everybody how "mature" he is for not watching this kind of thing :D attention seeking to say the least. It's also funny since anime and nerd culture is general is pretty trendy at the moment, so by saying "i've never watched any anime herp derp" Krofi-kun makes himself look like even more of a dunce. Good going.

You can pretty much guarantee if Anders came out and said he watched anime Krofius would do a total 180 and become the biggest weebo known to existence. "dem subtitles", "hope the next album artwork is naruto, would be so kawaaiiiiii", etc. It would be dark days.
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Also contained within his watch anime or be mature dichotomy is the implication that all anime is kid-friendly when it absolutely isn't. He should check out stuff like Akira, Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell, Fist of the North Star etc because if all he's watched is shit like DBZ his view on the maturity of anime is worth less than a dog's turd.
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Nah, he's probably watching the matrix and wondering at how innovative it was.

Anime is so diverse that it is amazing that there's people who has never been attracted to any series.

But, there's this people that have seen dragon ball and think that's all that is. So they'll skip a bunch of great series and movies.

I wonder who can watch any of Matoko Shinkai's and think that is intended for children.
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There's a ton of anime targeted solely towards adults these days. A lot of series are essentially adult live-action dramas in anime form. Clannad: After Story, for example, is just about a guy trying to find his way in life after high school. Dealing with forgiving abusive parents, getting married, having a kid, etc. Could easily have been a 'normal' tv series if not animated.

Krofius' comments are especially dumb when you consider he's a metalhead who enjoys metal on the more extreme end of the scale. Most of us will have heard somebody say "oh, you still listen to metal, isn't that just for angsty teens?" or "you still listen to that music with the silly screaming?" - you don't then think "damn, maybe that person is right, I need to re-evaluate my opinion", you just feel pity for them as their narrow-minded view of the world is undoubtedly causing them to miss out on a lot of really cool stuff. I think it's pretty ironic for anybody who listens to a niche genre of music like melodic death metal to talk about being "mature" for not watching anime.

Still, I'm starting to feel bad now as Krofius is buried so far under the ground it would take mining equipment to get him out :D he jumped into the hole through his own stupidity but time to just leave him there to either reflect on his denseness or just dig deeper.
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"oh, you still listen to metal, isn't that just for angsty teens?" or "you still listen to that music with the silly screaming?" - you don't then think "
When I was a teenager people used to tell me that I would stop listening to metal when I grew up.
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Relax guys, I have an little sister who has light autism who also watches Anime. I was just bantering. However Anime is still garbage.
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No way you're just bantering. You have an odd obsession with anime. Even had creepy loli pictures to post in the SC thread :eek: try and stay frosty, bro.
You have an autistic sister who is more open-minded and interesting than you? lol.
Not liking anime = being closed-minded - CiG 2018-09-26
I hope you like eating shit, if not then you're not open minded mate

No way you're just bantering. You have an odd obsession with anime. Even had creepy loli pictures to post in the SC thread :eek: try and stay frosty, bro.
Hard to be obsessed with something I don't watch. I just popped in the thread to see what people were talking about, it's not like threads on this forum is known for being on-topic. Nice try tho
Not liking anime = being closed-minded

The only reason anybody is mocking you for not liking anime is because you made it about being grown-up. It implies that you're so utterly retarded you don't realize that there is anime targeted at multiple age groups.

If you simply don't like anime due to stylistic taste (as in, you don't like the way it's animated) that's fine. It's subjective. But you made it about age and maturity and now you're justifiably being shit on because you ironically are acting like an immature dumb ass.
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The only reason anybody is mocking you for not liking anime is because you made it about being grown-up. It implies that you're so utterly retarded you don't realize that there is anime targeted at multiple age groups.

If you simply don't like anime due to stylistic taste (as in, you don't like the way it's animated) that's fine. It's subjective. But you made it about age and maturity and now you're justifyingly being shit on because you ironically are acting like an immature dumb ass.
Fucking relax dude rofl, it's called joking. I'm just poking fun don't take it so serious and personal.
Hard to be obsessed with something I don't watch. I just popped in the thread to see what people were talking about, it's not like threads on this forum is known for being on-topic. Nice try tho

Of course you did :D you're far too transparent, Krofi-kun.

I hope you like eating shit, if not then you're not open minded mate


Good job CiG. It's quite hard to trigger a grizzled old vet like Krofius, but you got there :cool: