North American tour fall 2009

Awesome show!!!! I caught some nice videos and I uploaded Angel's Don't Kill here it is:

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No problem!! Sorry at 3:54 crowd surfer was passing by had to put the cam down or else it would have gotten kicked out of my hand!
dope Bodom setlist. i'll be at the glasshouse the 10th. hopefully they put Needled and Bed of Razors back in the set. i'm really liking they put AYDY back into the set. i haven't seen that their setlist in a good while now.

for anyone interested in BDM and Skeletonwitch's sets

<Unknown song>
Fire From the Sky
Crushed Beyond Dust
Upon Wings of Black
Beyond the Permafrost
Submit to the Suffering
Soul Thrashing Black Sorcery
Despoiler of Human Life (I think)
Within My Blood

Everything Went Black
Black Valor
Closed Casket Requiem
A Vulgar Picture
What A Horrible Night to Have A Curse
Christ Deformed
Funeral Thirst

Look what I've got!!

Here's my video for Lake Bodom/Bodom After Midnight. Oh and Alexi's little rant, I have no idea what he was talking about.

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Heading to this show tonight...I'm glad that it seems like Skeletonwitch is getting a decent set-length...though a little disappointed that they arent playing Sacrifice to the Slaughter God. I'm sure Bodom will be killer as always
hahahaha nikki, we took video of the same song :lol: Sorry I never returned, there was no way in hell i would have made it across after COB started. I also have a video of the 1st half of Follow the Reaper before my camera decided to have an issue. I'm sure I'll post it eventually. Nikki, you won't believe where I eventually found James. I looked up at the stage and he was crowd surfing during Angels Don't Kill :lol:
Alexi's rant was either about someones bottle spilling on him? or I think he may have been re-enacting the live in mystic festival rant before lake bodom.
Alexi's rant was either about someones bottle spilling on him? or I think he may have been re-enacting the live in mystic festival rant before lake bodom.

Look what I've got!!

Here's my video for Lake Bodom/Bodom After Midnight. Oh and Alexi's little rant, I have no idea what he was talking about.

He actually says: "Somebody f**king just spit on my mother f**king guitar, You f**king cocksucker... F**k you. You think I give a f**k? I don't."

And sadly, this was true. I was almost directly in front of him and I could see the spit dripping off. What a great show though.
I was wondering if anyone has done the Meet N Greet thing yet?I have VIP tickets for the first Pomona show and just wondered what it was like.Also why do people to go concerts to spit at the band and throw stuff thats retarded.
Also why do people to go concerts to spit at the band and throw stuff thats retarded.

I agree, it's pathetic and immature. I don't even like throwing bras and panties onstage, that's trashy and slutty.

Anyway, not only that, that throwing stuff is going to ruin concert experiences for everyone someday. I have a feeling that future concerts might end up with pexi glass in between the bands and crowd should that kind of crap continue.
I think the best line last night was, "my guitar gets more pussy than your fucking 86 camaro." :lol:
Also, "what are you ladies whispering about?" "uhhh health problems sir." :lol: