O/T Picks And Predictions For The Upcoming NFL Season

I wonder what the percentage of people actually commit suicide is, when compared to the people who "try" and end up in the hospital.
Hatred, You and have been tight for a while and I figured you to be reasonable enough to see the difference between a million dollar joker with everything to live for and the only thing depressing him being that he can't make love to himself....And someone who's not as fortunate (I was very good friends with a guy who killed himself with sleeping pills and whiskey) And can see an obvious difference between him (R.I.P.) and T.O. If you can't I'm sorry..Obviously my comments weren't ment to bum you out.

MyHatred said:
Having lost my best friend over the summer to suicide.....I don't find it funny at all.
He says he's playing on Sunday and if he does I'm going to believe him that it was a misunderstanding...I can't stand him!!! But the dude has ALOT to live for that's for sure..
Now he and people are trying to spin this into nothing.

It didn't happen... ? Whatever.

The only way I personally will believe it is it they release the medical records.
Then the media and everything would go away, oh wait, he doesnt want that to happen. Duh, fricken media slut. Look at me! Look at me!
I couldn't agree more with your statement below...But seriously man...Why would he want to kill himself?? He seems to have everything he could ever want and despite my strong dislike for the man he is far and away in the top three for receivers in the game right now (Probably the best)

I don't know.....Everyone is so anxious to turn everything he does into the media circus that he wants it to be....I just don't know..

TacoBellJunkie said:
fricken media slut. Look at me! Look at me!
All right I saw come NCAA last night and there's more tonite, tomorrow and Friday b4 Saturday. College football pays for my whole cable bill :D
Fuck TO...

Another Charger in trouble...
Fuck the Chargers
SAN DIEGO -- Chargers starting strong safety Terrence Kiel will miss Sunday's game at Baltimore following his arrest at team headquarters on felony drug charges.


Drug Enforcement Administration officials said Wednesday that Kiel admitted to shipping at least two parcels of prescription cough syrup to Texas. While Kiel did not tell the DEA his motive, the agency in Texas has found widespread abuse of codeine-based cough syrup mixed with soft drinks or ***** and referred to as "lean," said John S. Fernandes, the special agent in charge of the San Diego office.

A pint bottle of "lean" can cost between $200 and $325 on the street, he said.

Kiel grew up in Lufkin, about 120 miles north of Houston, and played at Texas A&M.

Chargers general manager A.J. Smith said Kiel would be paid even though he will miss Sunday's game at Baltimore.

"He's been informed to stay home and take care of personal business," Smith said, adding that Kiel is due back with the team on Monday.

"I'm really not interested at this point in commenting on anything about the matter," coach Marty Schottenheimer said.

Clinton Hart, who will start in Kiel's spot, said the defensive backs met Wednesday morning.

"We have to regroup and make that fist a little bit tighter. Kiel's still our boy and we're supporting him 100 percent," Hart said. "We're going to go out there and win this game with him on our backs."

Kiel was arrested on two counts of transporting a controlled substance and three counts of possession for sale of a controlled substance. He is scheduled to be arraigned on Tuesday.

The DEA is investigating where Kiel got the cough syrup, who else may be involved and the intent.

Two federal law enforcement officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation, said quart bottles full of what appears to be prescription cough syrup were found at Kiel's house. Both officials said Kiel admitted to financial difficulties when interviewed by agents.

Kiel is making $500,000 this year, his fourth with the Chargers.

The player was jailed Tuesday and released on bail.

Kiel's agent, Vann McElroy, said he couldn't comment on specifics of the case.

"Terrence is a good kid. We just have to wait and see," McElroy said.

Fernandes said the two shipments Kiel admitted to sending to Texas each contained prescription cough syrup that had been repackaged in pint-sized water bottles.

On Tuesday, Kiel was called off the practice field after authorities arrived at Chargers headquarters. Kiel was taken into the locker room, detained and read his rights, Fernandes said. His locker wasn't searched, but authorities searched his car, then took him to his house to execute a search warrant.

According to an affidavit for a search warrant made public Wednesday, FedEx managers searched a package Kiel mailed with his FedEx account in June and found 15 bottles of Prometh prescription cough syrup in the box. A boarding pass found inside the box led DEA agents to an address Kiel used to register a car. Three bottles of Prometh were seized last week at that address.

Kiel paid cash to send a second package to Texas last Thursday, prompting a FedEx manager to contact the DEA, according to the affidavit.

Fernandes said codeine-based cough syrup can be used to enhance, mitigate or temper other *****, including cocaine and PCP.

"It goes right to the heart of what really is fueling an already out-of-control, raging fire of abuse of ************** *****," Fernandes said.

Kiel was a second-round draft pick in 2003.

Three months after being drafted, Kiel was shot three times during an attempted carjacking in Houston. Kiel returned to play in all 16 games as a rookie, including eight starts.

It was the second run-in with the law by a Chargers player this month.

Outside linebacker Steve Foley was shot three times outside his suburban home on Sept. 3 by an off-duty Coronado police officer who suspected him of drunk driving. Foley will miss the entire season and forfeit at least $775,000 in pay.

"I'm very disappointed and very concerned," Smith said. "I'm not the least bit happy with all these things."
Damn it!!!!

I came In last

These weeks Predictions...

Arizona at Atlanta
Dallas at Tennessee
Indianapolis at N.Y. Jets
Miami at Houston
Minnesota at Buffalo
New Orleans at Carolina
San Diego at Baltimore
San Francisco at Kansas City
Detroit at St. Louis
Cleveland at Oakland
Jacksonville at Washington
New England at Cincinnati
Seattle at Chicago

Green Bay at Philadelphia(MNF)
* = Long Shots I'm Picking

Arizona at Atlanta -----Falcons
Dallas at Tennessee ----------Cowboys (With or without T.O.)
Indianapolis at N.Y. Jets------Colts
Miami at Houston-----------------Texans *
Minnesota at Buffalo -------------Bills
New Orleans at Carolina--------Saints *
San Diego at Baltimore-----------Ravens
San Francisco at Kansas City-----49ers *
Detroit at St. Louis---------------------Lions
Cleveland at Oakland------------------Raiders*
Jacksonville at Washington------------Jags
New England at Cincinnati--------------Pats
Seattle at Chicago--------------------------Bears

Green Bay at Philadelphia(MNF)-------Eagles
The 49ers and the Chief's ... I hate for the 49ers to win but since the chiefs are in the Raiders division i guess i'll have to???
Dude all The Raiders are playing for is next years top draft pick!! Whether The Chiefs win or lose..Or any of the teams in the AFC West lose for that matter. Oakland will finish this season with one of the worst records in the league and be picking top 3.

Hate to club you on the head with reality.....Actually no I don't!!:lol:

thraxx said:
The 49ers and the Chief's ... I hate for the 49ers to win but since the chiefs are in the Raiders division i guess i'll have to???
thraxx said:
Fuck TO...

Another Charger in trouble...
Fuck the Chargers
SAN DIEGO -- Chargers starting strong safety Terrence Kiel will miss Sunday's game at Baltimore following his arrest at team headquarters on felony drug charges.

Easy now, let's not "FUCK" all the Chargers! Haha....
I do agree though, fuck Terrence Kiel. And fuck any athlete that does stupid things like that. You play a game, and get paid a lot of money to do it. GROW THE FUCK UP!!

Anyway....... My Picks:

Arizona at Atlanta
at Tennessee
Indianapolis at N.Y. Jets
Miami at Houston
Minnesota at Buffalo
New Orleans at Carolina
San Diego at Baltimore
San Francisco at Kansas City
Detroit at St. Louis
Cleveland at Oakland
Jacksonville at Washington
New England at Cincinnati
Seattle at Chicago

Green Bay at Philadelphia(MNF)
Again Fuck the Chargers


April 14, 2006: Linebacker Shaun Phillips is arrested on suspicion of resisting arrest after he mixes it up with a downtown patrol officer. Charges dropped.

April 21, 2006: Not to be outdone, linebacker Steve Foley gets in trouble for allegedly resisting arrest and scuffling with an officer of the law. Charges dropped.

Sept. 3, 2006: Foley is shot three times by an off-duty Coronado police officer. The cop, apparently believing the linebacker drunk and thus driving erratically, follows him home to Poway. Much mystery, but Foley's blood alcohol level reportedly is high enough to have President Bush declare it a WMD. Foley, done with football for the year and home recovering, has yet to be charged with so much as a hangnail.
Sept. 26, 2006: Strong safety Terrence Kiel is summoned from the practice field and arrested by Drug Enforcement Administration agents on suspicion of possessing *****. In this case, the substance is prescription cough syrup, which is what addicts take when they smoke too much marijuana and then catch cold.
thraxx said:
Again Fuck the Chargers


Wow, did I miss something? More Charger examples..... My team or not, those guys need to GROW UP also.
A comment which, by the way, was directed towards immature athletes and not to anyone here. So if that makes me an asshole, so be it......
A Raider fan complaining about The Chargers stealing their "We're the only scumbag team in the NFL" moniker.....Somebody does need to grow up....Guess who.

AstroCreeper said:
Wow, did I miss something? More Charger examples..... My team or not, those guys need to GROW UP also.
A comment which, by the way, was directed towards immature athletes and not to anyone here. So if that makes me an asshole, so be it......
Hold on a minute..... Anything that like happens to a raider and you would be all over it and me ...... like white on rice.....Correct? So you got to give me this!!!!