O/T Picks And Predictions For The Upcoming NFL Season

Whatever the outcome, Indy vs. New England is gonna be a hell of a game. Two of the league's best teams facing off in a real showdown, much like what will happen on the 26th. It's gonna be war, and it's gonna be fun to watch.

I had a tough time picking that game - I do think that the Colts will go down for their first loss, but I made it a low-point game. (Nothing like the courage of my convictions, eh?)
Kansas City at St. Louis
New Orleans at Tampa Bay
Houston at N.Y. Giants
Green Bay at Buffalo
Dallas at Washington
Atlanta at Detroit
Tennessee at Jacksonville
Cincinatti at Baltimore
Miami at Cubs
Minnesota at San Francisco
Cleveland at San Diego
Denver at Pittsburgh
Indy at New England
Oakland at Seattle
From Sport Illustrated:

By Rick Reilly

Please allow me to introduce myself.

I am Lou Siffer, agent for a Mr. Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback. And I'm coming to you, the fans, for help. Mr. Roethlisberger is in breach of our contract, even though I've held up my end of our bargain.

He stomped into my office two years ago, after he had dropped to the 11th pick in the draft, behind two other quarterbacks -- Mr. Manning (the first pick) and Mr. Rivers (the fourth). "I know I'm better than those guys!" he yelled. "And Pittsburgh? The Steelers are pure hell for quarterbacks! They run the ball, dammit!"

My eyebrows arched.

"This is not how my career was supposed to happen!" he moaned. "I mean, I'd give anything to change this!"

"Anything?" I asked.

He spun and looked me right in the eye, slapped his palms on my solid-bone desk and barked, "Anything!"

I punched the intercom. "Miss Jones? Will you kindly bring in the standard contract? It's just like the one in Mr. Tyson's file."

Immediately, the world was his own personal Eden. His coach, Mr. Cowher, started him in just his third game, even though he'd normally rather start a Mafia target's car than a rookie quarterback. In fact, Mr. Roethlisberger went 13-0 in his first year, unheard of in the NFL.

He became the toast of Pittsburgh. More than that, he was the lunch -- somebody invented a Roethlis Burger, and the whole city gobbled it up. He began dating a gorgeous pro golfer, Ms. Gulbis. I'd made him a star.

He came to see me again. "This is good," he said, with a demonic gleam in his eye, "but I want it all."

So, in 2005, I gave it all to him. And as he was being carried off the field -- the youngest quarterback ever to win the Super Bowl -- I yelled up to him, "Happy?"

"Yeah, dude! Thanks for everything!"

"You still have the devil to pay," I mentioned.

And this is when he started to get weaselly.

"You know, Mr. Siffer, I checked with the players' association, and they said that a contract like that isn't legal."

And he disappeared, leaving me very unsatisfied.

Of course, right then and there, I could've sent him swimming for eternity in a river of boiling blood, or had crows gnaw on his head forever, but I didn't. Call me a softy. Besides, I wanted him on my team for a few years, sewing discontent, selfishness and greed. (We're very happy with Mr. Owens on that score.)

So I started with some subtle stuff. You know, gave his cell number to Larry King, put Ben-Gay in his jock, threw a new red shirt in with his whites, things like that.

Still, Mr. Roethlisberger wouldn't come around. So I took it up another notch and had his girl break up with him. And I made sure two of his best teammates -- Mr. Bettis and Mr. Randle El -- left the team.


Then I lost my temper and tried to kill him. Four months after that Super Bowl, I smashed him and his motorcycle into a Chrysler New Yorker at 40 mph.

But the damned kid lived. And as he lay in critical condition at the hospital, an even worse thing happened: You fans started praying for his soul. I just can't tell you how much that complicates things.

I complained to God while we were playing racquetball one day. Even showed him my signed contract. But He just shrugged and said, "What can I do? People like the guy!"

But Ol' Beelze doesn't quit easy, Bub. Three months later I put a pox on Mr. Roethlisberger's appendix. It nearly burst, but he survived. I had his backup, Mr. Batch, make like Joe Namath, just to spite him. But two weeks later, Mr. Roethlisberger was right back in there. So, I made him start throwing like Marie Antoinette. At one point his passer rating was 34.3. My pet serpent could do a 34.3. The Steelers' record fell to 1-3, but you just kept right on loving him.

Two weeks ago I sent three Falcons to knock him loopier than King George. Mr. Roethlisberger had to be taken off in a cart. Last week I even had him lose to the Raiders. (Al Davis is a friend.)

But he still wouldn't budge.

I'm stuck. I humbly ask for your help. I know it's not easy to have sympathy for the agent, but Mr. Roethlisberger and I had an agreement. Stop bailing him out with your infernal prayers and hope and faith in him. Please?

Or how about a compromise? I won't lodge him forever in a minotaur's colon, but can I at least trade him to Buffalo?
Holy shit! I don't know if that ref is on the take but, he botched that 4th down call. That was a nice gift for the Patriots.
I was a little worried about this match-up - remember, it was the Dolphins who marred the Bears' perfect season back in 1985. That's why I didn't make that game my pick of the week. Still cost me 10 points - and your Patriots cost me three last night.

My big game is tonight - I put 16 on Seattle. Watch I botch that one as well.
Are you kidding me?!?!?:yow:

That was just pay back for the retarded celebration call on Troy Brown...Or it could have been for the HORRIBLE call on Vrabel!! There were alot of bad calls that went against N.E. last night...

The Pats played bad...There's no escaping that fact!! But the N.F.L. wants Peyton Manning to win a Super Bowl and give his Colts every conceivable break..

They want a Giants vs. Colts Super Bowl....And since neither team can do it on their own (We all know Peytons post season numbers) the N.F.L. is going to help them out any way they can....Kind of sad when you think about it..:erk:

Holy shit! I don't know if that ref is on the take but, he botched that 4th down call. That was a nice gift for the Patriots.
I was a little worried about this match-up - remember, it was the Dolphins who marred the Bears' perfect season back in 1985. That's why I didn't make that game my pick of the week. Still cost me 10 points - and your Patriots cost me three last night.

My big game is tonight - I put 16 on Seattle. Watch I botch that one as well.

I hope you lose it all......... :zombie: :kickass: :puke:
Are you kidding me?!?!?:yow:

That was just pay back for the retarded celebration call on Troy Brown...Or it could have been for the HORRIBLE call on Vrabel!! There were alot of bad calls that went against N.E. last night...

The Pats played bad...There's no escaping that fact!! But the N.F.L. wants Peyton Manning to win a Super Bowl and give his Colts every conceivable break..

They want a Giants vs. Colts Super Bowl....And since neither team can do it on their own (We all know Peytons post season numbers) the N.F.L. is going to help them out any way they can....Kind of sad when you think about it..:erk:

The ref called it a first down as soon as Brady had the ball in his hands. It was a botched call, not the "Peyton must win" conspiracy. When you win, a lot, calls go your way like that. I am no Peyton worshipper but, Peyton has pretty good post season #'s. The bottom line is that at some point, losing talent had to catch up with the Pats. Are they a bad team? No friggin' way. Are they far and away the best team in the AFC like they have been for the past 5 years? Nope. Right now, they are the best in their division and probably top 3 or 4 in the AFC. The Pats have just come back to earth a little.
On a side note, do you think the loss of Weiss is starting to show a little? The Pats used to run screen passes constantly and they were executed so well. Nobody could stop them, even when they knew it was coming. You watch them every week. What do you think?
The ref called it a first down as soon as Brady had the ball in his hands. It was a botched call, not the "Peyton must win" conspiracy. When you win, a lot, calls go your way like that. I am no Peyton worshipper but, Peyton has pretty good post season #'s. The bottom line is that at some point, losing talent had to catch up with the Pats. Are they a bad team? No friggin' way. Are they far and away the best team in the AFC like they have been for the past 5 years? Nope. Right now, they are the best in their division and probably top 3 or 4 in the AFC. The Pats have just come back to earth a little.
Do I think there's a Manning consipracy against The Pats??....No, I believe it's against the entire league!! You watch come playoff time how many calls go Indy's way.. Do I believe the Refs cost The Pats last nights game....Absolutely not!! N.E. played like crap for most of the game and didn't deserve to win!!! I however am a realist and definetly believe the two calls I mentioned earlier wouldn't have gone against Colt players.

On a side note, do you think the loss of Weiss is starting to show a little? The Pats used to run screen passes constantly and they were executed so well. Nobody could stop them, even when they knew it was coming. You watch them every week. What do you think?

No, I don't truly believe the Losses of Weis, Crennel or even Mangini have had a serious impact..But refusing to pay guys like: Willie Mcginest, Ty Law, Bobby Hamilton, Deion Branch, Damien Woody, David Givens, Joe Andruzzi, hell even Vinatieri. And many others have contributed to what's happening to them now...Mgmts cheapskate approach will eventually make us a 1-15 team again someday I'm sorry to say.

Oh yeah and on a sidenote...How useful are Manning's #'s every time they get bounced out of the post season?? Face it he's a choke artist!! Times that by the fact that Dungy is cursed and that equals another post season disaster for them this year homefield or not (It didn't help last year)
There's nothing quite like watching two great titans at the top of their game battling it out for football supremacy!!! And since absolutely NONE of that happened last night...I don't know why I brought it up.. It was a suck ass performance from two suck ass teams and I wish I slept through it!!!

Note to self: never post something that pisses off a board moderator. :heh:

He'll get over it I'm sure!!:lol:
Another shitty preformence by the Raiderz......

Raiders' Brayton ejected for kneeing

SEATTLE -- One night's - or perhaps a season's - worth of frustration peaked with Tyler Brayton's knee.

Oakland's defensive end was ejected late in another Raiders' loss Monday night for kneeing Seahawks tight end Jerramy Stevens in the groin at the end of a play.

Brayton and Stevens were pushing and grabbing at each other's shoulders away from a 4-yard run by Mack Strong with 1:54 remaining in the hot-tempered game that Seattle was leading 13-0 and won 16-0.

Brayton abruptly ended the clench by raising his right knee onto the upper, inside half of Stevens' left thigh while an official watched just yards away. Brayton got a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct and was ejected. The four-year veteran walked directly off the field into the locker room while the Qwest Field crowd chanted derisively.

"I made a mistake," said Brayton, who is often quiet off the field but fiery on it. "I'll be the first to admit I made a mistake. I let my emotions get the best of me - and that's not a good thing when you do that."

It's definitely not good in the NFL's eyes. Brayton can now expect league discipline, according to Raiders coach Art Shell.

Shell was a league vice president for football operations before returning to coach the Raiders this season. A few years ago, he heard player appeals on fines and suspensions for on-field conduct.

"The official told me what he did ... he'll be disciplined," Shell said. "He'll be disciplined by the league, for sure."

Stevens said Brayton was frustrated after getting blocked repeatedly on running plays while the Seahawks ground out the final minutes of the win over the Raiders (2-6).

"I threw him on the ground four plays in a row," Stevens said on the field immediately after the game.

"It wasn't anything I said. It was him getting beat on plays," Stevens said later, inside the locker room. He added he appreciated Brayton's knee not reaching its intended destination.

"I was kind of shocked that he would really do that," Stevens said."

Earlier, Stevens had been involved in one of the game's five unsportsmanlike fouls.

Following an incomplete pass intended for Stevens in the second quarter, the tight end got into the face of Stuart Schweigert. That drew the unsportsmanlike flag - and the ire of coach Mike Holmgren, who pulled Stevens off the field and berated him.

Stevens said that immediately after Brayton kneed him, he could hear Holmgren's barking to get under control in the back of his mind.

"I've been with him five years," Stevens said, describing Holmgren's sway.

Stevens was making his first start since last February's Super Bowl, following two knee surgeries. Before the Super Bowl, he was embroiled in a verbal battle with Joey Porter of Pittsburgh over Stevens' comments that Steelers running back Jerome Bettis may have a sad homecoming and retirement day in Detroit while losing the big game.