O/T Picks And Predictions For The Upcoming NFL Season

Buffalo at Miami- Miami
Carolina at Minnesota -- Min
Cleveland at Cincinnati Cin
Detroit at Chicago- Det
Houston at Indianapolis please.... INDY
New Orleans at Green Bay Green BAy
N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia Philly
Oakland at Baltimore OAKLAND
Tampa Bay at Atlanta Falcons
Arizona at Seattle Seattle
St. Louis at San Francisco Sorry the LAMB will win
Kansas City at Denver DEN
New England at N.Y. Jets PATS
Tennessee at San Diego SD
Washington at Dallas WASH

Pittsburgh at Jacksonville(MNF) Jacksonville
Buffalo at Miami- Miami
Carolina at Minnesota -- Min
Cleveland at Cincinnati - Bungals
Detroit at Chicago - Chitown
Houston at Indianapolis - Colts
New Orleans at Green Bay - Aints
N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia - Philly
Oakland at Baltimore - Ravens
Tampa Bay at Atlanta - Falcons
Arizona at Seattle - Hawks
St. Louis at San Francisco - Rams
Kansas City at Denver - Broncs
New England at N.Y. Jets - Pats by a lot
Tennessee at San Diego- Chargers
Washington at Dallas - Cowboys, since no Portis

Pittsburgh at Jacksonville(MNF) - Jags
Buffalo at Miami- Miami
Carolina at Minnesota -- Carolina
Cleveland at Cincinnati - Bengals
Detroit at Chicago - Chicago
Houston at Indianapolis - Dolts
New Orleans at Green Bay - GB
N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia - Philly
Oakland at Baltimore - Ravens
Tampa Bay at Atlanta - TB
Arizona at Seattle - Seattle - Alexander is on one of my fantasy teams. He better break out.
St. Louis at San Francisco - Rams
Kansas City at Denver - Bronco's
New England at N.Y. Jets - Patriots
Tennessee at San Diego- Chargers
Washington at Dallas - Cowboys, unless Bledsoe plays the way he did last week.
Buffalo at Miami
Carolina at Minnesota
Cleveland at Cincinnati
Detroit at Chicago
Houston at Indianapolis
New Orleans at Green Bay
N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia
Oakland at Baltimore
Tampa Bay at Atlanta
Arizona at Seattle
St. Louis at San Francisco
Kansas City at Denver
New England at N.Y. Jets
Tennessee at San Diego
Washington at Dallas

Pittsburgh at Jacksonville(MNF)
Buffalo at Miami----DOLPHINS
Carolina at Minnesota----VIKES
Cleveland at Cincinnati----BUNGHOLES
Detroit at Chicago------DA BEARS
Houston at Indianapolis-----COLTS
New Orleans at Green Bay----AINTS
N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia----GIANTS
Oakland at Baltimore-----RAVENS
Tampa Bay at Atlanta------DIRTY BIRDS
Arizona at Seattle-----SEAHAWKS
St. Louis at San Francisco----49ERS
Kansas City at Denver----KC
New England at N.Y. Jets----PATS
Tennessee at San Diego----CHARGERS
Washington at Dallas-----COWBOYS

Pittsburgh at Jacksonville(MNF)----JAGS
I can't take it anymore....... the Fucking Raiders......5 Fumbles.... a saftey,
I and now and interception with a minutes left....... 28 to 6
Hi Thraxx !!! :D 28-6 woo hoo.... DEEEEEEEFENSE !!!!!

Hey man your back up qb is better than our back up QB.

Aaron Brooks had a huge favor for you....and youre defense saved you from really getting crushed, also stupid penalties from our half too.
I had 'em this week!! Your Bills impressed the hell out of me last week and now yesterday.... They are suposed to suck this year, But I don't think anyone told them yet... Nice win!!

fah-q said:
How about those Buffalo Bills!!! Right now, I am happier than a puppy with two peckers!
Dude, they suck!! And I don't mean a little I mean they truly SUCK!!!!

They had NO CHANCE of winning against The Ravens...So why bother torturing yourself (Unless you like the abuse!!) Just settle in to reality...A 4 win season (maybe) along with a top 3 draft pick and a new coach at the end of the year. That's their future so you might as well be ready for it and stop crying like they actually had a chance yesterday..

thraxx said:
I can't take it anymore....... the Fucking Raiders......5 Fumbles.... a saftey,
I and now and interception with a minutes left....... 28 to 6
11-4.. Not too bad!! If The Eagles didn't choke and my preseason Super Bowl pick Carolina won it would've been better...But I'll take 4 losses.

Buffalo at Miami----------> Bills *
Carolina at Minnesota----> Panthers
Cleveland at Cincinnati ---> Bengals
Detroit at Chicago--------> Bears
Houston at Indianapolis---> Colts
New Orleans at Green Bay--> Saints
N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia--> Eagles
Oakland at Baltimore--------> Ravens (Lock Of The Week)
Tampa Bay at Atlanta-------> Bucs *
Arizona at Seattle-----------> Cards
St. Louis at San Francisco---> 49ers *
Kansas City at Denver-------> Broncos
New England at N.Y. Jets----> Pats
Tennessee at San Diego-----> Chargers
Washington at Dallas--------> Cowboys

Pittsburgh at Jacksonville(MNF)--------> Jags
Wait a minute... something's wrong here...

The Bears are 2-0, and Grossman - egads - actually looked good out there on Sunday.

Remington... is this the Apocalypse that's upon us?
dailyvault said:
Wait a minute... something's wrong here...

The Bears are 2-0, and Grossman - egads - actually looked good out there on Sunday.

Remington... is this the Apocalypse that's upon us?

No freakin' shit! Grossman...completing passes? What the hell was that? I actually think that the offense may help us win games this season. And seeing Thomas Jones not getting stuffed at the line? Weird. I guess my Sunday sacrifice to god (aka Ditka) worked.
It looks like he's finally caught onto the offensive scheme..
Anyone looking for a quality fantasy QB should be looking at him or Alex Smith

remington69 said:
No freakin' shit! Grossman...completing passes? What the hell was that? I actually think that the offense may help us win games this season. And seeing Thomas Jones not getting stuffed at the line? Weird. I guess my Sunday sacrifice to god (aka Ditka) worked.