
The Hunger Games is good. I've only read the first book, and everyone's telling me the others aren't as good but I shouldreallyreadtherestanywayorwhatever... typical fanboy/fangirl nonsense. Know what I mean? I'll read the books at whatever leisure I like. And don't let people like FABT get to you -- you read the second and third books if you want. Make your own decisions for what to read; don't let others make them for you.

is anyone here going to see the hunger games movie?
Went to the 'Fight The Silence' tour concert yesterday. Man it was so amazing! I didn't bring my digital camera though :( and my phone can only record bout 20-30 second clips at a time. Completely skipped my mind. Ida liked to be able to re-watch some of it and share it.. We were right upfront for the whole show, so we had an amazing view of everything. I've only been to this venue once before, but this time they were having problems with the main mic the for most of the time so you could barely hear em singing over the music.

What was wild was, out of all the bands there, the one we had least interest in seemed to have the most stage time, lol. The main act 'For Today' seemed to only have half of that time. But he did spend a decent amount of time in between songs to talk about God, Jesus, how he's our savior and to let go of bad things, and all types of other good stuff ida like to have gotten on camera. But it's all good. They even did a thing after the show where before they left the stage, they said to go meet them outside and get prayed for and stuff, even while it was raining. He said "Come on out if you need it, i'd rather get rained on then go to hell" lol.

They had merch tables down on the floor and stuff with the band members there from each band to meet em after each set. Some cool organizations there for people to speak to. It was awesome. I didn't move from my spot till the end though hahah.

My Children My Bride was amazing live. As was Make Me Famous and of course, For Today! Like I said, i've only been to this venue once before. But even when the main act came out at the other show, they didn't get to use the stage like For Today did. Where the banner of the band/tour name normally is, they had the drums set up on a little stage of it's own behind that (which we didn't see till the lifted the banner)! I was like "oh dam they got mad room to jam now". Then after the sound test for the drums was done, they pulled the banner up, turned off the lights, and awesomeness happened hahah.

Had a blast, only thing I regret was not bringing a camera. But i'm glad I got to experience it first hand, so it's all good. One thing I remember him saying after the last song that we cheered/asked for to happen with the "One more song!!" chant. Was that to not feel like we have to go to war and drag non-christians to church (hahah) but that we are all princes and princesses, and we/those with those titles don't have to fight for that spot cause it's already ours, all we have to do is claim it. I thought that was pretty cool. He said some other good stuff, but I can't really remember.
I saw the Hunger Games movie.
Didn't read the books though...

I must say it was actually good. I'm not a movie person nor do I like reading that much, my medium is games but that movie did okay, it wasn't a Michael Bay clusterfuck of explosions and cheese. It did nicely...I'm sure it's very different than the book but I wouldn't judge it just in that context.

I don't have time for a longer review right now but all I can say is I've had sweaty palms at one point and that never happens to me, not even when watching horror films.
I went ahead and got my hands on Mare Nostrum by Stormlord. THANK YOU, to whoever recommended them. I'm enjoying this so much.
I don't know if this link will work, but I'll give it a try. I believe I have my Facebook photos set so that anyone can view them. I had the very good fortune to go to dinner with Rhapsody of Fire last night when they were in St. Paul and I was sporting my Theocracy Wages of Sin shirt (sorry, the pic turned out sucky - I'm second from left) - thought you all would dig it:

- edit: trying again with url Aletheus suggested - let me know if that works!
This content is currently unavailable
I can't see it so I guess not...

You can right click - copy image location and paste the link.
So I finally got around to buying and listening to Nightwish's Imaginaerum. I did enjoy the album, though not as much as Dark Passion Play or Once.

However, I was rather shocked by this line towards the end of Song of Myself.

"Oh, how rotten your pre-apocalypse is
All you bible-black fools living over nightmare ground"

I loved the rest of the song, it had quite beautiful imagery and symbolism, and seemed to capture the feel of Whitman's song of myself pretty well. But that line seemed very... out of place, both in the context of the song, and Nightwish as a whole. Can anyone think of a way of interpreting or seeing that as anything but an open attack on Christianity?
Ah, nice to see another person who prefers DPP over Imaginaerum.

As for that line in Song of Myself, I don't find it shocking or even surprising. While Tuomas has religious beliefs of some sort (as far as I'm aware, he's never been too specific), I've never gotten the impression that he looked on Christianity favorably. Things like that are relatively few in Nightwish's body of work though, so I'm willing to overlook them in view of how awesome their music is.

My problem with Song of Myself is that the poem drags on for too long and the song lacked a big finish. The first part was so huge and epic and awesome, but sadly the song ends with a whimper when it should have ended with a bang. :(
I think that the song was written with the title track in mind as the "big finish" for song of myself, the end transitions into the beginning of Imaginaerum very smoothly.

As for DPP over imaginaerum, I think that a lot of people were so hung up in the endless tarja vs. annette debates that they forgot to notice that DPP was a VERY solid album, definitely one of Nightwish's better ones, IMO
I think that the song was written with the title track in mind as the "big finish" for song of myself, the end transitions into the beginning of Imaginaerum very smoothly.

IMO, the title track makes a poor closer. It's a nice enough piece of music, but not strong enough to finish things off. What's more, it feels kind of tacked on. It would be a good track to use when the movie soundtrack gets released, but on the album? Not so much.

As for DPP over imaginaerum, I think that a lot of people were so hung up in the endless tarja vs. annette debates that they forgot to notice that DPP was a VERY solid album, definitely one of Nightwish's better ones, IMO

Dude, I am a shameless Tarja fanboy - she's my favorite singer of all time - but DPP would probably be my favorite Nightwish album if it weren't for Bye Bye Beautiful. I will grant you that Imaginaerum is a more CONSISTENT album though. It's the most solid thing they've done since Oceanborn - not a bad song in the bunch.

It's funny.....I keep hearing about how much Annette has improved since DPP, but honestly, I liked her performance on that album better (though she is awesome on both).

The line only means "Stop worrying about the future when you can't do anything to change it"

That's one possible meaning, I suppose, but unless I hear something to that effect coming from Tuomas, I'm a bit skeptical.
My understanding is that "Bible-black" is a term used to criticize people for standing up for the truth revealed in scripture. But I could possibly be wrong. That whole "poetry" thing at the end of Song of Myself is just a bunch of malarkey anyway, if you ask me. (e.g. what's with the naked old man in his attic or whatever??)
I agree, the poem is just awful. The lyrics to "Rest Calm" are gorgeous poetry....but when Tuomas actually tries to write a poem, he falls kind of flat. He tries to sound profound, but ends up coming across as contrived and shallow.

I will say that Imaginaerum is probably my favorite Nightwish album....I'll echo that there isn't a bad song in the bunch, but I'll throw in the disclaimer that this is NOT a metal CD. It's a fantastic album, and it draws from many different genres. It ranges from folk, hard rock, classical, jazz, pop, and power metal.