Official Football Thread

hehe ok first results

Newcastle - Manchester U 1-2 (1-0) End
1-0 A. Shearer (24)
1-1 R. van Nistelrooy (51)
1-2 P. Scholes (59)

Chelsea Leicester 2-1 (2-1) End
1-0 Own Goal (3)
2-1 A. Mutu (45)
1-1 J. Scowcroft (40)

Nottingham Forest Cardiff 1-2 (0-2) End
1-2 M. Harewood (70)
0-1 R. Earnshaw (2)
0-2 G. Kavanagh (7)

standings :p

Rusty 1
Fractured 1
Ante 1


Yes, nice strong header by their own player. :D

I'm starting do dislike Man U even more. 2 of my top-hated players scored today, Van Nistelrooy & Scholes.

Yeah they are good but......

Speaking of Dutch players. :D Den Ouden scored 2 goals for DIF today against Landskrona. Damn, he is baaad outside the penaltyarea, but when he gets the ball inside the box he scores!! :Spin:

7 goals in 5 games for him. :)
ok final results after round one

15:00 Aston Villa Liverpool Avsl. 0-0
17:04 Middlesbrough Arsenal Avsl. 0-4
0-1 T. Henry (5 min), 0-2 G. Silva (13 min), 0-3 S. Wiltord (22 min), 0-4 S. Wiltord (60 min)

which means that the standing is:

Rusty 2
Frac 2
Ante 2
