OK guys, I have a suggestion: vote yay or nay


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wtf are you guys talking about? how many threads have i started that are purely about music? answer: i dunno but i know i have.
just ordered 5 FIVE discs from the end! thats alot man ALOT!!!!!!
*goes and violently listens to as much music as possible*
seriously, im hard-pressed to funnel income into purchasing several "obscure" (to me anyway) discs per month. my wife and i both have an allowance per month and i usually buy big ticket items. so i rarely have anything left over to buy music. but like i said, i did just order some discs.
fwiw, since joining UM and this forum especially, ive never purchased more music from more bands.

edit: that last sentence doesnt sound right. i mean, more than any other time in my life, ive purchased more music since joining UM. or something.
dorian gray said:
wtf are you guys talking about? how many threads have i started that are purely about music? answer: i dunno but i know i have.
just ordered 5 FIVE discs from the end! thats alot man ALOT!!!!!!
*goes and violently listens to as much music as possible*

:lol: x 5 discs

Don't hurt yourself
that was like $61. man. nothing to sneeze at when your allowance is $100 a month.
Thanatopsis123 said:
But do you really post about any of these bands? Oh, perhaps you're just posting in music threads by Doomcifer and IofTheStorm, so I wouldn't see it.

hahaha, in all honesty i dont see the point in posting in threads about bands. been there done that. i dont want to read or submit posts that are the equivalent of "this band rules!" anymore. it doesnt do anything for me. now, a technical critical analysis of a bands work is another thing. i just simply dont have the time anymore.
Conspicuously Absent said:
my allowance is 15 bucks a week... thats for cofee, snacks & anything else.... I dropped 140 bucks on music before Xmas
i could drop literally thousands of dollars on music right now and not even notice a change in my bank account. but like i said before man, i got a mortgage, a wife who doesnt work anymore, a baby, two cars, on and on. im about to buy short and long term disability insurance for fucks sake. im not complaining, just let it be said that life changes drastically when youre a couple years out of college. it doesnt have to, i guess. it just usually does.
yeah, i'm in college, i'm practically broke and have things like books & tuition. I'm unemployed and my parents have less money than me... but you know... i don't have any financial worries cause i'm young.
lizard said:
I probably buy three or four CDs a month. It always amazes me to see some of you guys liking soooooooo much stuff...to me, there's just not that much quality stuff out there. so these picks will be interesting.
seconded. my feeling is also that alot of the guys here dont actually buy shit. they download it and then maybe buy it later. i just find it hard to believe a bunch of college students are spending hundreds of dollars a month on obscure music.
dorian gray said:
seconded. my feeling is also that alot of the guys here dont actually buy shit. they download it and then maybe buy it later. i just find it hard to believe a bunch of college students are spending hundreds of dollars a month on obscure music.

I can say with 100% certainty that when I rave about a band, or say I bought it, I surely did in fact buy it. :D
dorian gray said:
i could drop literally thousands of dollars on music right now and not even notice a change in my bank account. but like i said before man, i got a mortgage, a wife who doesnt work anymore, a baby, two cars, on and on. im about to buy short and long term disability insurance for fucks sake. im not complaining, just let it be said that life changes drastically when youre a couple years out of college. it doesnt have to, i guess. it just usually does.

1) Sell your child.
2) Get your woman to start walking them streets and working down those heels.
3) Sell one car, women shouldn't be driving anyway.
4) Insurance is for fags.

Money problems solved. I'm also available for marriage counseling.