Ok, this is actually a serious thread. I have a question.

I remember turning 20. I was still in the military and my last week before my 20th birthday,
I told my commander that this is my last week of rebel.. haha
I did everything I wasn't suppose to (as a joke of course) during that week...
Turning 20 actually did not scare me, but I remember feeling weird about it...
I think everytime you'll turn to a new decade it will make you feel weird...
Now I'm "scared" of 30, and I'm thinking about my life a lot...
it happens.
At the end of the road though.... age is still... just a number :)
40's my next big milestone and it's only a few years away :gulps: - it's all fun though, just different.... Having kids is the thing that'll really change yer life though - now that's a big leap to make..... :loco:
c'mon will...kids!!!!!

Will Jr and Williamina are crying out to be liberated from your scrotum! haha

but seriously, they do change the way you live, at least if you are a responsible human being. like jibberjabber or whoever above, you may think you know what to do but until you have one, you really don't, unless maybe you 've been closely involved with nieces and nephews.
20 didn't scare me at all, 30 was a bit odd.
This year I hit another potentially depressing point and I have been over the last few months contemplating it.

Mainly because, thought I have not interest in marriage, a steady grilfriend would be nice for a change. Most of my friends are married or on thier way to being married and I'm here all by myself. They hardly go out because they are all attached to kids and wives and stuff. So most days there are those bad hours between 7pm and whenever go I to sleep.
Will Bozarth said:
When you people were 19, turning 20, did that "2" scare you? I'm developing this odd sense of getting older and dying. I know that I'm not going to die at an old age.... I don't know. gah.

If so, what did you do to get over it?
To me age is just a number. I'll be 28 on the 23rd and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. You're only as old as you make yourself feel. Just have fun and don't worry about your age. Keep yourself feeling young by doing all the things you love to do. I mean yes there are days when I look at all of my friends that I've known for 15 years and get a little sad because everyone has such different lives now and the "crew" has pretty much dwindled down to 2 or 3 if we're lucky, but the memories of all the good times we had always make me smile. If you're living life to the fullest your age won't matter. Play your music, go see shows, travel, whatever it is that makes your heart smile and you will be all good.

And besides, 20 is young as hell!!

Party On!!
I don't normally feel old thinking about my age, but realizing my half brother, who was an infant when I was in highschool, just turned 13 puts things in perspective.

This board makes me feel old. Most of you are teens or young twenties. Mr, Bozarth, you have no idea how much life is going to happen to you between the ages of 20 and 30.
lizard said:

man I was the stupidest 20 year old on the planet :lol:

I dunno, I could probably argue with you about that one. Convincingly.

Age is just age, not attitude. I'm still acting like an idiot on stage, and I'll be 40 next year.

Having said that, experience is useful - especially the bad ones.
eaeolian said:
and I'll be 40 next year.

Yay! I'm not the oldest person here!!!

When you have kids, time will seemingly fly. It's a weird phenomenon - almost like your mission objectives have been accomplished and now your own personal life isn't that important. Stay away from the song "Time" by Pink Floyd, unless you like being depressed about your age.
Does anyone else forget how old they are, all the time? Since I turned 16 birthdays stopped being a big deal for me, didnt really have a party/do anything for the last two at all.
metalkingdom said:
Yay! I'm not the oldest person here!!!

When you have kids, time will seemingly fly. It's a weird phenomenon - almost like your mission objectives have been accomplished and now your own personal life isn't that important. Stay away from the song "Time" by Pink Floyd, unless you like being depressed about your age.

Eh, yes and no. Although time does go by in a hurry, so much happens that it never seems empty...
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Does anyone else forget how old they are, all the time? Since I turned 16 birthdays stopped being a big deal for me, didnt really have a party/do anything for the last two at all.

I generally have to think about it - "how old am I again?" - unless I'm working out or doing some heavy work at one of the houses. Then I remember "hey, I'm too old for this crap." :lol: