This is the worst idea ever. The Big Day Out is mostly for urban yuppies who'll mostly be expecting alt rock and the like. Opeth is not a good band to put in its line-up.
TheApostle said:i agree hes a bad president, but kerry isnt any better, at least bush does something..
howcome everyone started complaining about bush AFTER the war started ... not many people had such a big problem with it when he first started it.. sure a few here and there... then election comes around and everyone is sucking kerry's dick when hes not any better...conclusion, they all suck....
About the opeth topic... I dont live in NZ, but I would agree that a small club gig is better:Smug: Festivals and larger ones just take away from seeing more of Opeth...
TheApostle said:i agree hes a bad president, but kerry isnt any better, at least bush does something..
howcome everyone started complaining about bush AFTER the war started ... not many people had such a big problem with it when he first started it.. sure a few here and there... then election comes around and everyone is sucking kerry's dick when hes not any better...conclusion, they all suck....
Moonlapse said:Nah, I'd rather not. I'd rather not have to see Opeth playing alongside all the punk/emo crap that runs at BDO. I want a small club gig again, goddamnit.
The Hubster said:I agree... keep it small, intimate and raw. Best way to see a great band.
The Hubster said:2. The BDO has become Americanised and extremely commericalised. Like Triple J, its now filled with these little pricks who try to convince 14 yr old coke snorting kids that theyre punk, but in reality, none of them could talk when punk was around.
The days of a good Aussie underground festival died back almost 10 years ago. The music scene in our country has stagnated (for the most part) ever since, relying on American mainstream styles of almost all influence if not copying outright.
Opeth at the BDO? Thats the worst idea I have ever heard! Whats next, Katatonia supporting Justin Timberlake?
The Hubster said:The days of a good Aussie underground festival died back almost 10 years ago. The music scene in our country has stagnated (for the most part) ever since, relying on American mainstream styles of almost all influence if not copying outright.
Horst Nordfink said:Right on. Fuck the original poster and fuck the BDO.
WestHammer said:if you mean the BDO homebake and that then yeah i totally agree with you, but the local metal scene here is getting really strong now i feel (opinion only), goredofest last weekend was proof of that, did you go? it was midday to midnight metal fest at the gaelic club and was really well done, headlined by the amenta, with daysend infernal method etc etc, was a fucking great festival, and was definately underground, about 700 payers i think..
WestHammer said:if you mean the BDO homebake and that then yeah i totally agree with you, but the local metal scene here is getting really strong now i feel (opinion only), goredofest last weekend was proof of that, did you go? it was midday to midnight metal fest at the gaelic club and was really well done, headlined by the amenta, with daysend infernal method etc etc, was a fucking great festival, and was definately underground, about 700 payers i think..