Opeth at Big Day Out 2006!!

Battalion includes Tim who also drums for Nazxul. They play a fairly melodic style of BM in the vein of Dissection, Dawn or early Sacramentum. Just a bit more aggressive.

Lord Kaos was originally fronted by Astennu, who went on to join Dimmu Borgir and The Kovenant/Covenant. Similar style... I'm not particularly fond of them, but whatever floats your boat.
I saw the Aussie band Cog, the other day, from Sydney. They were pretty shitty, the singer needs to write some new lyrics. But they did this awesome cover of a song by Leftfield, it was definately yhe highlite of thier set.
Have any of you guys seen a band called Colditz Gilder? Math-rock from Melbourne, they played at the Annandale here in Sydney a little while back, supporting Nunchukka Superfly.

Colditz Gilder are pretty unique for Australia: they have elements of prog and jazz, and at times get almost metal-ish. No vocals, all instrumental. Great band who are really left of field in the Aussie music scene.
Benighted1 said:
HAHAHA agreed. I would never live in that awful country. one of the most brainwashed nations of the world..
Back to the Thread subject.. Opeth in sunny OZ & clean green NZ?? sounds good to me :Spin:
woah common now, there is a little pocket called the northeast which doesn't really count as the USA.
Let's just say most of America is shit, with a few people exempt from that because they actually have a brain.
Does anyone know any good metal bands in NZ? All I've heard of from here are 8ft Sativa, and they are a big pile of horseshit. I look round Auckland for any metal gigs, no luck so far, i need to form a band and deliver some evil to Auckland, rid the place of the fucking hip hop/rap infestation. I swear, the concentration of wiggers per square mile is insane.
Looking for a Job said:
it's easy to understand why you could think most people in america are idiots, and that's probably because a huge proportion of the people here are fresh off the boat/back of the pickup truck
The dumb people in America are usually located in the middle states. If it weren't for immigrants, America would be the dumbest 1st world country. Imagine people like Bush and his daughters throughout the coasts...not such a comforting prospect.
Apprentice's Master said:
The dumb people in America are usually located in the middle states. If it weren't for immigrants, America would be the dumbest 1st world country. Imagine people like Bush and his daughters throughout the coasts...not such a comforting prospect.

Well said, and I agree 100 percent.

Funny that Looking for a Job should make a comment like that, given their handle :P

LfaJ: wake up: immigrants are your infrastructure as well as your higher execs. Get back to your trailer and keep watching your cousins on Jerry Springer. Go back to school and get educated... or rather, FINISH school.
im beginning to see "Looking for a Job's" higher intelligence from this conversation. Not that he needs my help with anything, but I respect you.

Seems to me that people from other country's dont give much of a chance to anyone if they are from the US. Change US to MTV and you have all the morons. Anyone affiliated with that channel is why people hate our country, as they have no intelligence what so ever. I do respect your opinions and I actually im planning on visiting Aus/NZ, as I heard it was a nice place.
^^ Look, I'm well aware that not all people from the US suck. And it's not really the individuals I refer to in my comments, it's the herds, the packs, the sheep.

I'm sure that like anywhere else, the US has a minority who are actually cool.

Australia (in particular, Sydney) has the same problem, and it's only getting worse as well. (No offence to left-wing Americans) but Sydney is becoming more and more (MTV) Americanised which is really sad to see. It extends through social and musical cultures right down to the way people actually talk!

I don't dislike America completely, there IS some cool stuff to come out of it's people (see R.E.M. , Firefox, Fight Club and a whole bunch of other things).

What I dislike is herd mentality, conservatism, materialism, narcissistic movements, etc. In my view, America is the leader in this field.

I'm sorry, I know I'm being brutal but this is how I feel about it.
I love how everyone from other countries is suddenly a scholar when it comes to demographics in America. Enough with the blanket statements like "Americans are sooo dumb all of them suck" cause that shit is basically identical to all the hicks and retards you are mocking.
aestusmaris@hotmail.com said:
Let's just say most of America is shit, with a few people exempt from that because they actually have a brain.
Does anyone know any good metal bands in NZ? All I've heard of from here are 8ft Sativa, and they are a big pile of horseshit. I look round Auckland for any metal gigs, no luck so far, i need to form a band and deliver some evil to Auckland, rid the place of the fucking hip hop/rap infestation. I swear, the concentration of wiggers per square mile is insane.

to be honest there really is no metal scene here in NZ, and any band that tries to break into the genre are pretty quickly doused out by the limited opportunities the music industry offers here, any good bands are exported or simply have gone back to their day jobs, its a sad thing to see but i mean if you talk to the average NZ'er and ask them their fav band theres a very good chance theyll mention some shitty NZ Hip Hop/Rap band from Coca Cola chart show, or one of the flock of horrid pop bands that is beamed onto our TV's and radios week in week out, however their are very rarely the odd people who have formed an opinion and chosen to listen to decent different music, theyre few and far between, theres a few of them on here! (including yourself though i see your from England originally so that half counts), and yeah 8 foot sativa arent great, though they put on an pretty good live show , and its not like theres anything else on offer on the concert trail unless youre interested in the "Hookup Tour", i really really dont see things changing with the steaming-pile-of-crap-excuse-for-music that floods not only our music scene but our urban culture now, but hey as long as there's a few of us holding the fort of metal, blasting metal proudly from our stereos and bands like Opeth putting out music, i can live with NZ having such a piss poor music scene. Though one day i may snap and kill alot of those goddam wiggers you mentioned, that prowl the streets pants around their ankles spouting of whose shit they're gonna mess up if you diss their heroic "music artists", but i imagine theyll fall prey to natural selection by shooting each other whilst yelling BATTLE NIGGA BATTLE!, so ill trust nature or their inferior IQ will bring them their timely death. You should so start a band to annihilate the hell out of the aforementioned crapfest, and i would join you had it not be for my lack of musical talent, but id be there getting boozed and rocking till the day i die, and being a pom im sure oyu know how to hit the piss haha, oh and yeah, best thing to come outta NZ, Crowded House, The Finn Brothers are a credit to musicmanship and songwriting, i would of been happier living in the music scene of their time, who knows after this Rap FAD dies down, well see a resurgence of 80's type NZ music, and Crowded House type bands will reign once again! :rock:

/end rant