Agree about the excellence of the show, puyol. I've seen hundreds of bands over the years (been going to gigs since '84) but it's been a long time since I was so excited about any show. I had high expectations going in and came out with them surpassed. I won't be going to any gigs for a while, because there aren't many bands who could come close to what I saw last Wednesday. As for greatest hits, well, I don't think there are many weak tracks in the Opeth back catalogue, so they could have played just about anything and it would've been great.
Did you get the same David Coverdale impressions in Osaka? I think in Tokyo it was a classic case of KY, which (kuki yomenai - can't read the atmosphere, basically), and watching it go right over the audience's heads made it even funnier.
I myself am KY - kanji yomenai.