Opeth, Lamb Of God, Gwar, Strapping Young Lad, Chimaira, Clutch+more-New 18 Band Tour

Atlas Shrugged said:
Next thing you know, Opeth will follow the way of Slayer, Lamb of God, KillSwitch Engaged. (Opening up for Slipknot)

I could care less about Mikael and Co's financial earnings. Music should be an Art, not a fucking business. (Good music anyways)

Dude, even classical music was a business. These bands have to make money or they can't continue giving you music that you can hold above other peoples' heads. And if they did what those other bands did, what's the worst that would happen? They would get more fans? Boo-fucking-hoo. How long are people going to complain about their favorite bands becoming more successful? This is just getting ridiculous. If they open for slipknot, just leave after Opeth plays if that makes you happy. I'm pretty sure Mikael and Co. could care even less about your feelings about their tour. If you care so little, how about just downloading all their music, burning cds, and selling them on ebay, but only to fans of good music of course.
NineFeetUnderground said:
*cracks knuckles*

alright ladies... Im starting to get pretty sick of all this hypocritical nonsense you guys sling every which direction when tour news of Opeth pops up.

A good portion of you all say you are for more exposure for Opeth, and think they deserve success, blah blah blah....but VERY FEW of you are willing to see them tour with mainstream or non DeAtH AnD BlACk Br00Taul Bands. If Opeth continues to become more and more popular, and get a larger and larger fanbase, then how exactly do you expect them to continue to tour with small time bands like "novembre" or "woods of ypres" or even Katatonia or Agalloch for that matter? its not going to happen. All of you can pretty much right now FORGET the idea of Opeth continuing to do much touring with underground/european/extreme metal acts. Im sure they will still do occasional tours with bands like Nile, Morbid Angel, Dimmu Borgir, etc etc...but for one of the up and coming highest grossing metal exports of all time to resort to touring with a bands like Agalloch is just not a reality...not for the band...not for their record label...not for their touring/revenue quota.

So any of you who arent willing to put up with these so called "nu metal" bands like throwdown, norma jean, lamb of god, unearth, etc etc (which by the way, they arent nu metal...get a clue)...need to start getting a grip on reality and re-evaluate where your priorities and support for this band lie.

Im not a fan of a single band other than Opeth listed on that tour...but as long as it doesnt cost me an arm and a leg, id go to see Opeth. Everyone has the right to do or not to do that same thing...but to continue to whine about it is pointless, childish and blatantly isnt going to change a thing.

Its not hypocritical to want "success" for Opeth and not be in favor of them gaining "mass" popularity; success isnt limited to merely economics. What makes Opeth great is something most people simply wont get no matter the exposure; thats not obnoxious internet elitism at work, its reality. Opeth is a great deal about atmosphere and tension; things that get absolutely destroyed by the crowds at most metal shows, and certainly if they follow an act like GWAR or Lamb of God. If you feel increasing their revenue at essentially any cost is a good thing, then i guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
Opeth has achieved their current success by building a fanbase that are "music" fans, for the most part, and I can only see that increasing by continuing to do what they are best at- releasing quality music without the hype and media BS. But signing up for tours that essentially are giant ads... i dont see how thats a positive or lasting addition to the fanbase.
@burning sky:mmmm. i have to question this. you dont think the fanbase at say a slipknot concert is going to be a bit different than that at an opeth concert? i do. i think opeth's would be older, more intelligent, more musically inclined, more mature, and more experienced in death metal and music in general. i also doubt the idea that a band is not influenced in any way by their concert-going audience.

another thought i have on this: look at the thread about who we would like opeth to tour with. are any of those bands listed in this festival (or whatever it is)? no. that doesnt say anthing to you guys?

i dont think anyone is complaining about opeth becoming more successful. i think people are complaining about the caliber of bands they will be playing with.

i also question whether mike and company "couldnt care less" about our feelings. i may be wrong, but isnt that the opposite of the point? we buy his fucking records dont we? total apathy on his part would equate to him playing guitar in his living room. thats the bottom line. once you are paid for a product or service, you care. you are part of that transaction, whether you like it or not. end of story.
dorian gray said:
@burning sky:mmmm. i have to question this. you dont think the fanbase at say a slipknot concert is going to be a bit different than that at an opeth concert? i do. i think opeth's would be older, more intelligent, more musically inclined, more mature, and more experienced in death metal and music in general. i also doubt the idea that a band is not influenced in any way by their concert-going audience.

another thought i have on this: look at the thread about who we would like opeth to tour with. are any of those bands listed in this festival (or whatever it is)? no. that doesnt say anthing to you guys?

i dont think anyone is complaining about opeth becoming more successful. i think people are complaining about the caliber of bands they will be playing with.

i also question whether mike and company "couldnt care less" about our feelings. i may be wrong, but isnt that the opposite of the point? we buy his fucking records dont we? total apathy on his part would equate to him playing guitar in his living room. thats the bottom line. once you are paid for a product or service, you care. you are part of that transaction, whether you like it or not. end of story.

I'm assuming thats to my post. I just disagree about all the top part you said, but the bottom part... I saw Opeth do an interview on fuse, and the whore-bitch asked mike how he thought the fans would react to such a different release. His answer: "I don't really care. We make music for us, not for them, and if they dont like it, they can *explitive* themselves." Those are not the EXACT words, but minus some "the"s and "it"s its pretty close to his exact words. I'd take that as them not caring.
daebreak80 said:
unearth (my least favorite band)
damn...they're not THAT bad are they - I can only remember hearing one song where the guitar went -----chug chug SQEEE chug chugchug chugchug chug SQUEE---- through the whole song. I swear all hardcore bands think pinch harmonics are the best thing since sliced bread
haha! ive read stuff like that before. it's incredibly rude and immature. people can always say what they want - i dont hold it against them personally. in business, well, thats a different story. i always just think about how people would react if i said that at my job. i would actually end up in court. i dont have much respect for people who live in such a dream world. if you're making money from a buying public, you have a vested interest. to deny this is naive.
synergy said:
damn...they're not THAT bad are they - I can only remember hearing one song where the guitar went -----chug chug SQEEE chug chugchug chugchug chug SQUEE---- through the whole song. I swear all hardcore bands think pinch harmonics are the best thing since sliced bread
bwaahahahahahahaha! that was awesome. that is *the* riff. chug chug chug weeee chug chug chug weeee! whenever i hear that in a legitimate song, i start laughing.
i've never heard a band write songs worse than unearth. they rip off a jester race riff, then follow it up with some crappy hatebreed breakdowns. the songwriting is awful. i live in the epicenter of the unearth fanbase, massachusetts, and it really sucks seeing their name all over the place around here. i hate their music more than any other band's.
buchkoba00 said:
I swear I get dumber every time I read this forum.

Nu-metal? What the hell are you people talking about? Those aren't nu-metal bands.

Don't like them? Fine. But they aren't f'ing nu-metal.

Any Tour with Opeth, SYL, Unearth and Lamb of God sounds pretty good to me.
You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect that, but Unearth (metalcore), Lamb Of God (un original thrash) I could do without. Those bands you could see every 3 months touring the states. There's plenty of hardcore, metalcore, and nu metal on this mallcore tour "Sounds of the Underground".
This tour's lineup is about $ I know.
Opeth would go over better with a doom, progressive death audience. Opeth,SYL, Enslaved (since Enslaved are looking for a USA tour) or perhaps Necrophagist or even Nile.
I guess Kataklysm are still overlooked.
I wouldn't mind seeing the faster paced death metal bands with Opeth including Immolation.
At the most commercial, perhaps Type O Negative with Opeth and SYL.
One more thing i forgot to mention...

Beyond all the concerns of concert enjoyment, Opeths popularity, etc., is the true economic impact.
By paying for a show, one is not simply giving money to Opeth. It gets filtered down a long line of bureaucracy, as well as all the other bands. So even if you leave after Opeth, youre buying GWAR's costumes, and allowing them to produce more product.
It pisses me off to no end that I basically shelled out several dollars to Devildriver this last tour... we Opeth fans enabled them to put out a second shitty release, and whatever other ethical things im sure they spend their money on.
Money is true power, and its what you really "vote" with.
dorian gray said:
so how do you guys know this is for real? i still feel confused.
Looks pretty real to me: http://soundsoftheundergroundtour.com/

I think Justin has a point-- and one of the main reasons that I think Opeth was even placed on this tour amidst all the other bands was to attract more people who would otherwise not be attending due to lack of interest in the other acts (I'm sure they know Opeth has a very loyal fanbase).
Okay, the bands in the link are not the same as those originally posted. Here's the new list in the order they appear.

Poison the Well
From Autumn to Ashes
Norma Jean
Every Time I Die
High On Fire
Strapping Young Lad
All That Remains
Fear Before the March of Flames (?)
A Life Once Lost
The Red Chord
(Very Special Guests) Gwar
"one more devastating headliner" (Lamb of God)

There are a few more interesting bands here. I've heard enough good things about The Red Chord and High on Fire. I can stomach Unearth, I guess. There are 20 bands there, so some must be half and half. I also don't like the idea that my money is supporting all of these shitty bands. I guess we should all just order Opeth merch directly from the website if we want them to get our money.
thanks for the link dude. i believe it now.
"brought to you by........Hot Topic"
The Great LAF said:
Looks like we now know how the new album will sound like.

RIP Good Opeth

Wow, some of the replies in this thread were stupid, but this takes the cake. What a bunch of fucking babies. So because of this new tour, that defines the musical direction they're going to go in with the next album? Does it mean it's going to have a bunch of pinch harmonics, breakdowns, and sound like old in flames? Are you a fucking retard?

As for everyone else, you're missing the point. Of course a headlining tour with such and such doom/death and black metal bands would be awesome, and it could still happen after this tour, but it's just not concieveable. The only way for the band to get bigger is to go out with bigger name acts. It looks as though on the tour flyer that they're pretty up there in terms of time slot/how long they'd be playing. They will go into this tour, and have thousands of fans who haven't heard of them, whether they be gwar fans, clutch fans, lamb of god fans, chimaira fans, it doesn't matter, they will all be exposed to Opeth during this show. There's a good chance that at least 10-20% of these fans will like Opeth, and then in turn buy the band's merch and cds, giving them money. This is good for Opeth, as they grow and expand, and have found new fans in a way which they wouldn't have on a headlining tour. The only thing this is bad for is sour grape stupid-as-fuck elitist Opeth fans who are usually the stupid-as-fuck elitist black/death metal fan as well. Get over it.

Bands get bigger, fanbases grow, Opeth can't do headlining tours with fucking AGALLOCH and WOODS OF YPRES who have the total fanbase and draw of around 50 in each city, even if they are amazingly good bands(I would know, I host Woods of ypres' forum). I personally hate the ENTIRE band list except Gwar, High On Fire, and Clutch, with a lesser extent lamb of god. That doesn't mean I'm not going to go and turn my back on the band because they're 'SELLING OUT DOODZ!!!111'.