Opeth, Lamb Of God, Gwar, Strapping Young Lad, Chimaira, Clutch+more-New 18 Band Tour

spelling bed like that makes me read it with all the "d"s. it wouldve been better like, "beeeeeeeeeeeeed". i still like you though.
End of off topic discussion.

Ozzfest would have been better than this. I think Opeth is big enough to play on the main stage. Aren't they pretty close to Dimmu in terms of popularity? At least I'm now looking forward to yelling stuff at 14 year olds. Like, "Go back to the mall, mallcore kid!" Or, "Hey, the mall called, they want you back." End of bad "jokes". Maybe Opeth will get an hour or so to play. That's not that bad.
arrrrghhh! i just checked out Opeth.com. you guys failed to mention that there will be "headlining tours" after the festival tour. my anxiety has decreased. i still dont understand what Opeth is doing at this "sounds of the underground" bullshit festival. indentured servitude?
dorian gray said:
arrrrghhh! i just checked out Opeth.com. you guys failed to mention that there will be "headlining tours" after the festival tour. my anxiety has decreased. i still dont understand what Opeth is doing at this "sounds of the underground" bullshit festival. indentured servitude?

If you still cannot logically realize why they are playing this tour, then something is wrong with your brain.
I'm going to hold out hope that that the "several" festival appearances Opeth.com lists are the Sounds Of The Underground (Yeah right), and the US tour will be a full headlining tour. I seriously doubt, and I imagine that the US tour mentioned will turn out to be this 18 band crap.

That said, if this festival comes anywhere near me, I will go, just because I want to see Opeth again no matter what, even if I have to force my way through a bunch of metal core kids in order to get as close to the stage as I would at a club. I can already say that most of the bands will bore me, and the summer Texas heat will only piss me off. But for that 30-45 minutes Opeth gets to play, I will be in in musical ecstasy. Then I will absolutely hate whatever useless band follows them, and will have to leave before I throw something at them and make an ass of myself. Also, if while watching Opeth, some little metalcore kid should Kung-Fu me, I'll take his head off.

Bottom line is, my personal opinion is that this tour sucks. But! If it makes Opeth money, and helps them do more headlining tours in the future, helps them continue to make a living doing what they love, that that's the important thing, and I'm all for it.

My selfish opinion is that I want another headlining tour, because I want as much Opeth as possible. I don't want to be out in the heat all day, waiting for them to play two songs only to have them followed by Norma Jean or some shitty stomp riffs for the next four hours. I want them to play to an audience that appreciates them, so that they can leave each show feeling happy about it, having enjoyed themselves and want to keep touring. I don't want them to go through the grinder, I've heard festivals are among the hardest tours to play from a band's stantpoint, and I don't want them stuck playing a crowd who doesn't understand or appreciate them, who may boo or ignore them, it's not fair to Opeth.

I've been waiting and hoping for over a year for another Headline appearance, and now it seems that may not happen. I've been telling someone how great they are, I have a drummer friend who's over 50, yet due to Opeth has an interest in extreme metal, and I promised to take him to see them when they return. Well, he's not gonna wanna go sit in the heat with a bunch of 14 year old Hot Topic metalcore mall losers, and I don't blame him. I want to give him the chance to experience the awe of a full Opeth headlining set, not an abbreviated, distorted muddy sound festival set.

It seems to me that the full awesomeness of the songs will be lost in a massive, daylight, outdoor venue. And that's just not fair to the music.

So really, I guess my main reason for being opposed to this tour is a selfish one, wanting to see Opeth in a club, headlining. Hell, even if they were headlining this festival that would be much better, at least they'd get a full set. But aside from my own interest, this doesn't seem fair to the band. We all know they've worked very hard to get where they are with their fans, they've gone from opening act to headliner in every country they play, they have a very loyal fan base who understands their music and appreciates all it's many nuances.

It just doesn't seem fair that they now have to play a shortened set for a bunch of little kids and knuckleheads who only want a stomp riff to "dance" and kung fu too. The real fans, those who actually appreciate them, and even those who they may be converting, will in all likelihood be lost amidst a sea of mediocrity, just as Opeth will be amidst the other bands.

That just doesn't seem fair.
Isnt this just going back and forward? Havent the same tired arguments been played out enough times? Isnt it about time to CLOSE THIS FUCKING THREAD?
dorian gray said:
arrrrghhh! i just checked out Opeth.com. you guys failed to mention that there will be "headlining tours" after the festival tour.

Where does it say that dude? I see "Several Summer festival appearances have been confirmed and will be posted here soon. A Summer tour of the US has also been confirmed and will be posted here soon as well." But that Summer tour could be referring to "Shitfest '05" or whatever this thing is called.


opeth.com also says, "What can be said is that the band will make a few low-profile apperances prior to the next release and several full blown headline tours all over the world after the release." Hopefully "all over the world" also includes "rocking people's faces off on a US headlining tour, specifically in haggard's backyard." schweeet. :rock:
Décadent said:
Isnt this just going back and forward? Havent the same tired arguments been played out enough times? Isnt it about time to CLOSE THIS FUCKING THREAD?
No... you brought glazed ham into the thread. That rejuvenates everything.

I always considered a "festival" to be a one or two day thing, while a tour is something where a band(s) would tour an area over a period of time...

I want some glazed ham.
dorian gray said:
Seriously guys, people are justifiably irritated that Opeth are playing in a festival with many a subpar band. Most of them arent even in the same vein of metal as Opeth. So fans arent supposed to be irritated by that? I am. I think it is sad that Akerfeldt will go on record saying, "if they dont like our music, fuck em" and then join the ranks of a money-making expedition. That is bullshit. You guys who are saying, "get over it" obviously arent paying attention to anything. You're the same people who are saying this festival is just for Opeth to make more money and gain a larger fanbase. Yet, you're also the same group who says Mike is all about the music. Well, which is it?
And please stop telling me to "get over it". If you've got an argument, present it.

As someone else has already said, this entire bitch-thread revolves around self-centeredness. It is about a selection of fans only wanting Opeth to play to their exclusive tastes, to do and go exactly where they dictate. You know what, if i was Akerfeldt (hahahah last instrument i played was the recorder when i was 9) I'd probably wind up saying the same things to fans who think that they somehow own Opeth. People try and personalize Opeth to the degree that they are actually insulted when Opeth does something solely for themselves; sure, its out of love and adoration, but that doesn't make it any less aggravating for a band that has built its success out of searching its own path.

Have you ever thought that Opeth might actually enjoy the experience of playing at a massive festival, with a new variety of fans who they have yet to win over? The money is probably nice, especially at such a time in their careers, but i doubt that would ever be 'the reason' why Opeth does anything. I think this tour is just about blowing off some steam before the arduous tasks of writing the best cd ever, then a MAJOR series of worldwide tours.

So to sum up, Get over it....and wheres that damn ham?
Besides Opeth and SYL, High On Fire is the only other band that sticks out. I would go late just to see Opeth but becuase I want to See SYL and HOF I'll have to sit through the misery of the rest of the day. Im so tired of this mallcore shit. I had to suffer through it at a Behemoth show of all places.
Ok I just skipped over the last 3 1/2 pages of bullshit. All of you faggots (except for some of you ;)) I bet have loved nu metal at one point. You're so bewildered and fucking trendy with your new found love of extreme metal that you have to act all "cool" and "elitist" when Opeth tours with a bunch of metalcore bands. Jesus...they aren't gonna lose their "underground fanbase," every fucking kid who's into heavy music of some sort has made their mind up about Opeth, they are not as underground as you think so just close that internet explorer window and go listen to your new inflames/death cds. Opeth is huge now within the heavy music scene, alot of people accepted that like 3 years ago? Everyone has heard them....so until the day a band like Shape of Despair tours with throwdown, norma jean and unearth, I encourage you all to STFU. Support Opeth!