Opeth/ Ozzfest

Yeah. I didn't see it, but it was cool because every magazine/article/writer came in their pants about it, and proclaimed them band of the festival. Which is as it should be. It got them a lat of extra exposure, so it was cool.
Ya unless they got a headlining spot on either stage it would be fucking stupid. I mean twenty minutes? That would be like Deliverance, Baying of the Hounds, done.
Opeth wasn't well received on Sounds of the Underground? The crowd seemed into where I was... Maybe not as much as GWAR or Lamb of God, but they were fine.

I went to 2004, skipped second stage showed up about 20 minutes before Mainstage. BLS, Dimmu, Slayer, Priest, Sabbath. Definately worth the $90 to me.

Speaking of In Flames... They're on the Sounds of the Underground tour this summer.
Please God don't let Opeth do Ozzfest!

They (should) have way too much integrity to get involved with that clusterfuck. Yeah, the bills were pretty good the last couple years, but a lot of people are REALLY PISSED about the whole Maiden/eggs thing, and I think Ozzfest's glory days are over. Opeth does not need to tie itself to a sinking ship....
I think Roadrunner will strongly encourage Opeth to do Ozzfest. They will pay the money if that's how it works. Opeth won't pay out of their pockets. That's how all the bands get on the tour. The labels pay.

Opeth is definitely a main stage band. They get just as many, if not more, magazine covers than Dimmu, In Flames, etc. Depending on who else plays, Opeth will be between 3rd and 5th headliner on the mainstage.
I haven't been to an Ozzfest since 2000. It was my third Ozzfest. It was my last. I refuse to support Sharon and her kids, I just want that bitch to let Ozzy retire, the poor dude is tired...

Most of the bands suck anyway. Deftones, Incubus, BLS, etc. (at least those were the bands at the last show I went to, I haven't been impressed with the line ups since then) they all put me to sleep, I'm not gonna waste my hard-earned money on swill like that. And the mere fact that the good bands have to pay to be on the second stage, fuck that, I won't support it.

Sure there are some kick ass bands that have been featured at ozzfest lately (slayer, iron maiden, judas priest, arch enemy, soilwork, etc.) but I would rather spend my money on a headlining show by any one of these bands. In fact, I have, and it was worth it.

And MasterofLightning, sure the record company may pay for the fees to be on a tour like that, but where do you think they get the money? yup, the artists...
FullMetalCornflake said:
Most of the bands suck anyway. Deftones, Incubus, BLS, etc. (at least those were the bands at the last show I went to, I haven't been impressed with the line ups since then) they all put me to sleep, I'm not gonna waste my hard-earned money on swill like that.

Sure there are some kick ass bands that have been featured at ozzfest lately (slayer, iron maiden, judas priest, arch enemy, soilwork, etc.) but I would rather spend my money on a headlining show by any one of these bands. In fact, I have, and it was worth it.


Not to be picky, but you're contradicting yourself.

I don't see how any discerning metalhead could deny that the last 2 Ozzfests were head and shoulders above the rest. Very little crappy nu-metal as such at the last two. And is there anything better at the end of the day than Slayer, Priest, and Sabbath?? That right there is one of the best bills ever!

Don't get me wrong - I loathe Sharon, but credit where credit's due....
Opeth already has some summer dates set up for random events in Europe. The more of those that emerge most likely means a decreasing chance of Opeth being on any big American tours this summer simply due to the fact that they would have to skip the tour shows and I don't think that would fly well with the tour organizers.
steel102 said:
after reroute to sellout-dom and soundtrack to gay-sex, in flames is 5000x more popular than opeth. at least in the US

You realise Sellout to Remain would have been a far better parody? As for "Soundtrack"....I'm insure. Soundtrack to Your Cash-in perhaps?

As for "Come Clarity", they should have just made "Dead End" the title track it's a far more apt description of the entire album.

Moving on, Ozzfest. I've never been to one, would have gone last year for Sabbath but i'd already bought my Leeds Festival ticket a few weeks before and simply didn't have the cash, besides seeing the original line up would have been a tick in a box but i prefer their stuff the Dio anyway.

Preist i'm imensily jelous of anyone who's seen them, but i'll see them some day. I've seen Maiden, not fussed on Slayer.

Opeth played Ozzfest, I guess if they have issues with Sharon Osbourne they won't do again. On the one hand if they did it'd be great, at festivals you go to see bands you'd never think of going to see it would open up their music to a whole new group of people and they're bound to be playing mostly "Reveries" which is their most accessible music to date. Wheather or not that's a good or bad thing is a matter of opinion.
Under_the_Weeping_Moon said:
Think it's a possibility? I hope not. I don't think they'll bother with it, especially after the shitty reaction they got on SOTU.

What do you guys think?

excuse my ignorance but I dont follow the actions of bands on tours etc.... what exactly happened at sotu?
Powers said:
Preist i'm imensily jelous of anyone who's seen them, but i'll see them some day.

and you'll really enjoy the gig too, one of the best gigs ive been to actually.
Don Corleone said:
incubus is a really curious band, some great stuff and they are very good live.

s.c.i.e.n.c.e was really different and interesting.. but imo all their releases after this album are cliche and sound mainstreamy