Opeth - selling-out?

yeah! finally! someone here finally understands the situation!
but most of the people here are blind and they don't seem to realize it. No explanations are needed, just listen to Morningrise and Blackwater Park.
But the final thing that made me go angry is the "mellow" album.
Don't get me wrong, I like when bands make unique things but that's not the way to do it. I heard that people suggested to mikeal the same thing after still life and he didn't agreed because he said that it break the concept of Opeth, than what happened now?!:p
Originally posted by O'blivion
the new Katatonia does not suck. here we go again. . . LFDGD is their most mature release to date. they understand things about music now that they didn't when the made BMD. they've imrpoved in EVERY department, and the next album will be even more spectacular. just becasue you don't get it, it doesn't mean it sucks, it just means you don't get it. i don't get dream theater, it doesn't mean they suck, it just means i don't get them, get it?

I like metal. New Katatonia is not metal. Therefore to me they suck. I like Opeth and I don't want them sounding like Katatonia because I don't like Katatonia. Get it?

So, as you might suspect, I am not crazy about the softer album idea, but then again there are many other bands out there that are worthy of replacing Opeth if they become shit. Opeth gave us five great albums and they should be remebered for them even if they do "sell out", become soft, or simply disband. In my opinion, they should disband before doing the other two, but some of you on this board would most likely disagree with that statement. In conclusion, Opeth (or any other band for that matter) are not saints, even though some of you on this board view them as such. They are no more saintly than any of us, so I do not understand why you view them as infaulable?
i think selling out is compromising your musical ability to sell records. that's why i don't get why people say that blackwater park is a sell out album. their are a lot of quality riffs and the acoustic stuff is stronger. look back at the orchid, morningrise, and eve MAYH and listen to the acoustic stuff there, a lot of it is really just single line clean harmonies between the two guitars. but on SL and BWP the acoustic stuff is a lot more complicated at times, especially on SL. BWP is also darker than orchid or morningrise.

i'm slightly skeptical of the mellow album, i don't think it will be a sell out album though, i just don't know what to expect from it more than anything else. i don't think it will sound like katatonia, though. i like new katatonia, but lets face it, the song structures are fairly simplistic, and akerfeldt said he wanted to experiment with the mellow album so i think if anything the songs will wander even farther from conventional songwriting that past opeth albums. i'm hoping it'll be a great progressive rock album.

just out of curiousity, why is it that some of you don't like the idea of opeth doing a mellow album?
I love the idea... I can already listen to Opeth when I'm in a mellow mood or when I'm in an angry mood... Now I'll have a whole album for the mellow mood and a whole album for the angry mood... Sounds simplistic but that's how I look at it...
I think this is a stupid question just because I dont think Mikael really cares he write the music that he likes and I know Mikael I am pretty sure they will never release a bad album and if they get really popular who cares if they still make good music then there should be nothing wrong with it. I know Mikael probably would want to be more famous so he could make a better living but I dont think the band will change just because of that.
Yeah, I'm sure they're selling out by trying to get their music out there for more people to hear. Or maybe their record company is doing it....

It's ridiculous how people are so quick to call everyone sellouts. If the drummer of some band wore a color he didn't normally wear, people would probably say the band sold out.
Stop fucking whinging about "selling out", it sounds like a bunch of 14 year olds who want to be "hardcore". I like every Opeth release, and I'm not going to judge this one before it comes out.

I'm sure with all the talent that Opeth has, they're not going to resort to becoming a shitty pop band in order to sell more. The fact is that Opeth is becoming bigger not because they're "selling out" but just because they're GOOD! They deserve success.
FIRST OPETH ALBUM: Orchid...Style (in essence): death metal
LAST ALBUM: Blackwater Park...Style: death metal

if anybody says this is selling out and becoming mainstream, then i'll first go shoot him/her and then myself to avoid the trouble of interpol.
Just remember that you don't own Opeth and they don't owe YOU anything. They can do whatever they like.

This whole sell out dicussion that seems to pop up on basically every underground music forum really does get tiresome sometimes. It's like some people have nothing better to do than constantly analyse and compare artists with other (more popular) artists.

Do you see Opeth making commercial music? I've heard people call BWP a sellout album. Why the hell is BWP a commercial/sellout album? Does it sound commercial? Would the average person that walks into a recordstore buy it after he/she's heard it? Unlikely. Just because the style has changed doesn't mean it's selling out.

It also annoys me that some people here (cough Trapped cough) constantly call everyone who does like the newer Opeth releases "sheep" or "asskissers". I mean has it ever occured in your (close-minded) mind that some people actually DO like their new stuff? What do you expect everyone on this board to do? Hate the new Opeth stuff because it's the "cool" thing to do? Or because it's different from their earlier albums?

Just because you don't enjoy the new album or don't "get" it doesn't mean it's bad and certainly doesn't mean that automatically everyone else shouldn't enjoy the album either.

People should worry less about bands "selling out" and start listening to the music instead. If you like an album then who cares if it's bought by 5 million people and on MTV all day or if it only sold 1000 copies? As long as you enjoy it.
In case any of you guys forgot, Opeth is also making a much heavier album to be released simultaneously, so its not as if they're abandoning their roots. And I am also confident that this "mellow" album will be tastefully done.

I know I might sound a bit naive, but I think Opeth deserves the benefit of the doubt because of their output thus far (and no, I didn't especially love BWP)