Dark Overlord
Originally posted by Hearse
Oh my god! How can you vote for all those good songs!
Like The Twilight is my Robe, which is one of the best songs of Opeth. And all you who vote for Dirge of November think that Patterns in Ivy's 1.30 acoustic piece is better?
If I have to choose one and if I don't count those rehearsal tapes.
I would say; Patterns In The Ivy. Its a dull song played alone. But if you listen the whole album as whole, it fits there. It just doesn't work when you play it alone.
Yes I think patterns in the ivy is better than dirge for november. Ironically, patterns in the ivy was the FIRST opeth song I heard. yeah, bwPark introduced me to the band, so what. And i really don't hate the song blackwater park, I just think it's slighly worse then the rest of their work. Like if I gave a rating to all of their songs blackwater park would be 4.9 stars and the rest would be 5