Who is Suicide Site Hacked
Steve Gerweck - Tuesday, August 19 2008 - 6:01 PM
420chan, a popular image board has a Wrestling Board called /wooo/. On that board they have a group in which they call themselves the wWo, or /Wooo/
World Order. 'For the lulz' as they put it was the reason for hacking the Myspace page, and they originally had 'Voices' by Rev Theory playing in the background with a black screen among it, a white out of Orton doing his Orton Pose.
As you can see now, whoissuicide.com removed the link to the myspace page
because they can't get it back from the wWo. 420chan members thrive off
posting random images and hacking, as well as other things I would much
rather not talk about, but all in all, they hacked this myspace page. Randy
Orton is not going to TNA. Orton is their 'Mascot' so to say, and Flair is often used just because of the name of the board, being /wooo/.