OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

• Benoit, who died June 24, 2007, received nandrolone and anastrozole in February 2006. (Anastrozole is used by athletes to counter side effects of steroid use, such as water retention and breast enlargement.)

• Two weeks prior to Eddie Guerrero's death on Nov. 13, 2005, he was sent nandrolone, testosterone, and anastrozole. Guerrero died in a Minneapolis hotel room due to what a coroner later ruled as heart disease, complicated by an enlarged heart resulting from a history of anabolic steroid use.

• Chavo Guerrero, who found his uncle Eddie dead in the Minneapolis hotel room, received, among other drugs, somatropin (HGH), nandrolone and anastrozole between April 2005 and May 2006.

• Between November 2003 and February 2007, Shane Helms, a/k/a The Hurricane, received, among other drugs, testosterone, genotropin (HGH) and nandrolone. (As previously reported by SI, he allegedly received HGH from an Arizona doctor in 2005.)

• Starting in September 2004 through February 2007, Randy Orton received somatropin, nandrolone, stanozolol.

• John Hennigan, a/k/a Johnny Nitro, a.k.a. Johnny Morrison, is the current WWE Extreme Championship Wrestling's heavyweight champion. Between June 2006 and February 2007 he was prescribed somatropin, anastrozole, testosterone, stanozolol and chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced naturally during pregnancy. (HCG is taken by anabolic steroid users to stimulate the production of testosterone, which is suppressed as a result of steroid use.)

• Ken Anderson, a/k/a Mr. Kennedy, lost to Eddie Guerrero in Guerrero's final match on Nov. 11, 2005. Kennedy received shipments of anastrozole, somatropin and testosterone between October 2006 and February 2007.

• Shoichi Funaki received somatropin in March 2006.

• Brian Adams, a/k/a Crush, who retired from the pro circuit in 2001, was found dead of unknown causes on Aug. 13. He received nandrolone, testosterone and Somatropin or HGH in December 2006.

• Charles Haas was prescribed anastrozole, somatropin, stanozolol, nandrolone and chorionic gonadotropin between August 2006 and January 2007.

• Edward Fatu received somatropin between July and December 2006.

• Between November 2004 and November 2006, Darren Matthews received stanozolol, somatropin, genotropin, and anastrozole.

• Adam Copeland, a/k/a Edge, received somatropin, genotropin (both HGH), and stanozolol between September 2004 and February 2007.

• Sylvain Grenier received somatropin, nandrolone, genotropin and stanozolol, starting in February 2005 through July 2006.
My guess is they keep Khali champ and when Rey Mysterio returns, he beats Khali.

Rey is the #1 contender, I may have got this right!:kickass:

Besides, with so many people injured or suspended, how many other choices do they have?
Honestly...i think The WWe reads This Thread...First eighteeschick gets Something...Then Me...Now You....I Think Youve Done it Twice...
WWE fired Simon Dean/Nova today. I didn't even realize he was still under contract!

Yeah he's been working in developmental since he ended his in-ring career.
It was kinda sad because he was aweseome as Nova. The Simon Dean character was just stupid and bound to fail.
Ok...So I Want to See The TNA PPV(I Cant remember the name)

Just To see how they play out with angle....i hope he loses the xdivision title

As noted just about an hour ago here on the site, Mike Bucci, who is better known as Simon Dean and also one of the names listed on the New York Daily News' list of Signature ******** clients has been fired by WWE. Bucci was largely the manager of WWE's developmental territories, leaving behind his career as an active wrestler last summer to take the management position.

A number of sources within WWE are saying that the company terminated Bucci's contract sometime this afternoon. The word among wrestlers is that Bucci was called in for a meeting today by WWE officials on the heels of his name being mentioned by the The New York Daily News yesterday as one of the wrestlers named in the Signature ******** growth enhancing drug scandal. Wrestlers at the Florida Championship Wrestling training center were told of Bucci's dismissal this afternoon according to sources.

It is believed that Bucci was something of a sacrificial lamb, hence his sudden dismissal from the company. He wasn't getting good reviews with his work and thus he was considered to be expendable. Bucci was someone WWE could let go to "show" that they were serious about the current problem. Considering that he was in a management position and wrestlers fell under his leadership, WWE felt that they had no choice but to let him go because "they couldn't have him setting an example like that."

Bucci's dealings with Signature ******** likely occurred when he was an active wrestler for WWE, not while he was a manager of WWE's developmental territories. Had he not moved into that leadership position, he probably would have only faced a 30-day suspension. But since he was in a leadership position, he is now out of a job.

Bucci had been affiliated with WWE since 2002. After working in OVW for two years, he was finally promoted to the main roster in the fall of 2004 under the guise of a physical-fitness guru named Simon Dean. He faded away from his active wrestling duties in 2006 and wrestled in his last match in June of last year. He was taken off the road as an active wrestler so that he could put more focus on his Head of Developmental Talent Relations job. When WWE pulled their affiliation with DSW in April, Bucci was transferred to Florida Championship Wrestling to help run the developmental league with Steve Keirn.

Also keep in mind that Bucci had incredible heat on him from his regular job in talent relations and was in the doghouse before his name surfaced.
johhny nitro is definitely out cause he lost the ECW title to CM PUNk and Umaga will b dropping the IC belt to Hardy....

when did punk get the belt? a house show?

jeff hardy deserves a belt as much as these steroid offenders do. he gets suspended every 3 months anyways
They are going on an international tour next week so they are taping raw and smackdown this weekend.

It would be funny if they put the belt on Jeff since he just got back from a suspension himself.
Nick Dinsmore got released. Steriods? Its not like he was a body builder. I know he's had painkiller problems in the past, who knows.