OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

Lol Jeff gets suspended for acting immature, so they give him the title :lol:

WWE is relying on past glories, not giving anyone else a real chance. If Jeff Hardy does win it from Umaga it will be his 4th reign with the title, just like when Chavo won the CW title at No Way Out, it was his 6th time with it. They have a full roster of worthy guys yet keep giving the same guys the titles.
Well, I haven't read any spoilers (except for the ECW title) but I think Raw should be interesting tonight! Let's see how they explain the absense or impending absense of half the roster! With Kennedy in such a high profile storyline right now, who will they name as McMahons son? Who will be the GM for Raw for the next month? I assume that Umaga will drop the title to Jeff Hardy.
In the 9/10 National Enquirer, there is a claim that Chris Benoit had a six month relationship with a female wrestler in Edmonton in 1986, which resulted in the birth of a daughter. According to the story, Benoit never denied he was the father, and now the mother and daughter want to claim part of Benoit's estate.
"Things are looking up!"

Did they re-hire Big Show or is it Khali? Maybe Sid?

I've been scratching my head on that one too. I keep thinking of when HHH and HBK dropped a load of "shit" on Vince and "his son Shane"(and I think the spirt squad too).

I know Vince had been dying to do and Incest angle for years.
Ken Shamrock wouldnt do it, and Stephanie wouldn't either.

They could say that HHH and Steph are half brother and sister.(oh god please dont let that be it.)

The thing to consider is who do they want to give "the rub". Who do they love and want to push? Kennedy was obvious but now that he's on a 30 day vacation, theres no obvious choice.