OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

That's a damn shame! Booker has been one of my favorites for a long time now. But, I'm glad he's in a position to walk away if he wants to.

ehh, no spinnaroni no booker as far as i'm concerned. at least smackdown was enjoyable while rey los cherios gave chavo about 10 chair shots to his knee.

i want to see a masked mexican wth a cape wrestle under the name "super mercado" and hit people with a price gun or a cantalope. he could ride to the ring on one of those peddle ice cream bike/trucks too and, throw popsicles out to the crowd.
i want to see a masked mexican wth a cape wrestle under the name "super mercado" and hit people with a price gun or a cantalope. he could ride to the ring on one of those peddle ice cream bike/trucks too and, throw popsicles out to the crowd.

ehh, no spinnaroni no booker as far as i'm concerned. at least smackdown was enjoyable while rey los cherios gave chavo about 10 chair shots to his knee.

i want to see a masked mexican wth a cape wrestle under the name "super mercado" and hit people with a price gun or a cantalope. he could ride to the ring on one of those peddle ice cream bike/trucks too and, throw popsicles out to the crowd.

I do really miss the spinarooni!:lol:

I'm kind of surprised Vince didn't do all of that with Juvi, Super Crazy, and Psicosis! I was bad enough I guess to have them riding to the ring on lawnmowers!:rolleyes:
Ric Flair Update

Sent In By LOP Reader Timothy Foster

Thought i would pass this along to you. i was listening to a local sports talk radio show, "prime time w/the pacman" on 610 AM WFNZ in charlotte, nc today and ric flair made a surprise call. ric was taking jabs at one of the hosts for calling appalachian state's big win over michigan last week a "fluke" as well as pumping up everyone about this week's south carolina/georgia game. the show's host, mark packer, finally asked ric about the story of ric's quitting the WWE to see if it was true. ric replied, "no, it's not true. what would the WWE do w/out me?" and laughed it off. but ric did say that he is opening a new business in charlotte this coming monday. the name is "ric flair finance". might explain why he's been off WWE TV for this long. ric said he would explain more about the situation next week when he appears live on "primetime".
I think Flair really did try to quit, but he was probably talked out of it. I would imagine he wants to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame and I could see McMahon holding that over his head.

Of course this is all just a guess on my part.
There could be ANOTHER major announcement at the TNA ppv other than the two-hour time slot. Rumor has it that they have signed a big name former world champion and will announce it in some way during the show.

I'm guessing it's Paul Wight.


after Angle gave Sting the olympic slam

Rhino beat James Storm
after giving him the gore though a table

Robert Roode Beat KAZ
after giving him the payoff


After countering the ankle lock and pinned angle

Chris Harris Beats Goldust...I Mean Black Reign
MORE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 team gauntlet match. The match starts off with AJ vs. Daniels for one minute. They say Eric Young is #20 tonight. Third out is Homicide for another one minute. 4th in is Chris Sabin. Havoc enters next. Homicide is eliminated. 6th in was Petey Williams. Sabin eliminated by Styles. Next in is Brother Devon, followed by Jimmy Rave (with Christy Hemme). Brother Ray entered next. 3D eliminated Havoc. Raven entered next. Raven was eliminated by Team 3D. Next in was Sharkboy. Sharkboy bit Devon's butt. Brother Ray eliminated Sharkboy. Next in was Sonjay Dutt. Rave and Williams eliminated. BG James entered next, followed by Hernandez. Tomko entered next, AJ's partner. Tomko eliminated Team 3D. Skipper enters next for Triple X, followed by Alex Shelley. BG eliminated by Shelley. Lance Hoyt (with Hemme) entered next. Hoyt eliminated Skipper. Kip James entered next, followed by no. 20, Eric Young. Kip eliminted Dutt. Hernandez eliminated by Tomko. Young eliminated Tomko. Hoyt is gone. Daniels and Kip eliminated each other. It's down to AJ, Young, and Shelley. Young is eliminated by Shelley and Styles. So now its Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley vs. Tomko and AJ Styles. AJ Styles and Tomko win at 25:40 to become #1 contenders to the tag team belts

from gerweck.net
SPOLIERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!


after Angle gave Sting the olympic slam

Rhino beat James Storm
after giving him the gore though a table

Robert Roode Beat KAZ
after giving him the payoff


After countering the ankle lock and pinned angle

Chris Harris Beats Black Reign

AJ Styles/Tomko Beat MCMG in 10 team gauntlet match.

Christian Cage Beat Samoa Joe Via DQ
Please let it be Angle vs Joe @ BFG. Please Please Please...

I only say this because I'm going to the show.
angle via tapout


why is team pacman tage champs? they never even had a match, how did they earn it? TNA is so stupid right now. TNA was great from 2002-2006. this year has sucked. did the announce 2 hour show? or more superstars coming?
Its so TNA can get a mention on SI.com and espn.

I dont have a problem with them wanting to get their name out there, but geeze, this is lame.
Tonight's the night we find out who the bastard is!:lol:

Any last minute predictions? I'm still going with Hornswaggle. If you recall, his original name was "Little Bastard".