OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

[FONT=verdana,]On Jericho's website www.chrisjericho.com, if you highlight the area between where it says "To Catch Up On More Reviews For A Lion's Tale; Around The World In Spandex Click Here" and the "Quick News" image, @@@ will show up hidden in the black background.

On a keyboard that would also mean 222... much like SAVE_US.222
[FONT=verdana,]Kristal Marshall wants to be moved to the Raw brand since she dates Bobby Lashley. There are rumors that suggest that Lashley has "de-bulked" since his last appearance on WWE television.[/FONT]
That fact that he had surgery kinda helps that rumor along.

All thoes suspended dudes should start filtering back in tonight.
Cena's out for 6-8 months. He will surrender the title and someone will take his place in this Sunday's title match.

While I hate to see anybody get hurt, the timing may be right for Cena to take some time off anyway. The guy has been overused and shoved down the fans throats for the better part of two years now. Maybe taking some time away from the ring will help his image. It always seems to work for HHH!

Also, I hope they put Kennedy in his spot in the title match. It wouldn't even matter to me who won, as long as it isn't Cena!