OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

- As previously mentioned Vince Russo has been booking most of what is seen on iMPACT!. According to numerous sources Jeff Jarrett comes up with the feuds and matches he wants and then gives Vince the task of setting up the angles and storylines around them.
- The match agents aka producers in TNA currently include Glen Gilberti (Disco Inferno), Scott D'amore, D'Lo Brown and Pat Kenney (Simon Diamond) while one of the members of Phi Delta Slam is currently working the gorilla position.

- The storyline behind Rhino's departure and return was that he suffered a relapse of his alcoholism due to the actions of James Storm during their fued and went to get treatment.
I like the Rock but he should have to wait a while to get in, I think. Give it to some more old timers first.

By the way, what ever happened with the Rock. I stopped watching wrestling for a long time so I'm lost as to whethe he left on good terms or not.

And Stevie "hot stuff sizzle ass" Richards is back. lol Yeah I really do like watching wrestling because I like it but lets face it, for a chick, there are a LOT Of hot dudes. lol

The Rock left on very good terms and could probably come back any time he wanted too, not that he would.

I don't think Stevie ever really got the chance he deserved. Maybe the "RTC" angle was the biggest exposure he ever got.
- Dave Meltzer is reporting that WWE made a strong attempt to get Bobby Lashley before they finalized his release.
Did anyone see the Reno 911 movie with the Rock in it? That was so friggin funny. I said to my husband, "Hey, I didn't know the Rock was in this." Well, I guess when you have a 2 minute part, thats a pretty good reason why they won't mention you. lol

I would love to see him come back as a wreslter but I'd take him as a commenter, too.

Aside from Y2J, the WWE hasn't had a really big named wrestler come back in a long time. And when I say a big named wrestler, I mean someone that would completely shock us. I miss the days when every few months someone big would come back. Oh well.
- Chris Jericho has received an offer to do a sequel to "A Lions Tale." He has yet to sign the deal.
- Scott Hall is in rehab in Atlanta, GA. Hall is in the same rehab program with Jake Roberts, who is nine weeks into his 14 week stay. As previously noted, Ron Simmons is also currently in rehab.

- Gangrel has been telling people that he'll be retiring from the ring to concentrate on directing adult movies.

- Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) will start production in March in Las Vegas on "Witch Mountain." I wonder if this means he'll be unavailable for WWE's hall of fame ceremony?

(source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter)
- MVP holding the U.S. title beyond 260 days makes him the longest reigning U.S. champion since Rick Rude in WCW and fifth longest in history.
- Randy Orton is said to have formed something of a clique with wrestlers such as MVP, Umaga, Rey Mysterio, and Carlito as of late and has been known to take up for them. One thing the group likes to do is play around with Shawn Michaels by calling him names and pulling pranks on him.

- John Cena is very well liked backstage by most but some see him as "Vince's Boy". They are very good friends Cena is known to hang out with Vince behind the scenes before and after shows. This is why Triple H doesn't even try to mess him or his push.

- As most know by now Shawn Michaels isn't known as someone who likes to job. However Michaels was said to have had no complaints about jobbing to Jeff Hardy on Raw this week and was totally open to the idea.
I'll say it again - that was a great match on Monday night. I do think you could see a difference in the years of experience between the two, though. I mean I know its "fake" and not all of those moves are scripted, right? Seriously, I have no idea.

I did like this one camera angle though when Jeffy whipped Shawn into the turnbuckle and as Shawn was running, he flipped himself onto the top rope. I have never actually seen it done that close up before. I can't even do a damn sumersault. How the hell do they go from running to flipping themselves backwards onto the top turnbuckle?
- WWE.com has put up photos from Raw's tour of Japan. One photo features Ric Flair shaking hands with former IWGP Champion Yuji Nagata with the text "East Meets West as Fans Welcome Flair". Another photo features Jeff Hardy posing with another former IWGP champion Hiroshi Tanahashi with the text "Jeff Hardy Branches out with a Japanese Fan". I wonder if the idiots who run WWE.com even following wrestling at all ?
- Randy Orton is said to have formed something of a clique with wrestlers such as MVP, Umaga, Rey Mysterio, and Carlito as of late and has been known to take up for them. One thing the group likes to do is play around with Shawn Michaels by calling him names and pulling pranks on him.

- John Cena is very well liked backstage by most but some see him as "Vince's Boy". They are very good friends Cena is known to hang out with Vince behind the scenes before and after shows. This is why Triple H doesn't even try to mess him or his push.

- As most know by now Shawn Michaels isn't known as someone who likes to job. However Michaels was said to have had no complaints about jobbing to Jeff Hardy on Raw this week and was totally open to the idea.

wheres this stuff from? sounds like BS tome

reno 911 is funny
- TNA sent out a mobile alert earlier today touting that their are plans to do what they call a "fully interactive PPV" later this year.

- According to Mike Johnson the new female valet of Scott Steiner will be named Rocka Chan.

- Highspots.com will be releasing a shoot interview with former TNA tag team The Naturals very soon.