OT: Debate Thread

Yep....ditto for me as well. There's no excuse for it, and I never want somebody to ask me "how long did you know about this and NOT say anything?". If things aren't working out, end the relationship first, and then do what you need to do. I personally would do that, rather than having to kill someone over it later. I have ZERO tolerance for infidelity when I'm involved with someone. It pissed me off when I was a teen, and it pisses me off as a grumpy old man! :)

It is funny how we sharpen our teeth and nails against concepts like infidelity and cheating, but doing the same thing over and over in everyday life and pretend like angels flying with wings :)

I mean no offence to any of you, but if someone is saying he/she is not cheating about anything, that's a lie to me. We are betraying to ourselves first :)
I don't cheat, on anything, nor do I steal.
As for infidelity, for as long as I knew what that other "part" was for,
I can honestly say I have NEVER cheated on anyone I was in a relationship with. Part of the problem with society today is the fact that both men & women can't seem to control their own desires, and society seems to accept that. I don't. Whores & Gigalos have been around forever, but it seems like a certain self contol gene is on the decline. People don't weigh the consequences, and expect to be forgiven for everything. Yeah, I'm a real hardass when it comes to relationships, but you can call me a liar all you want, I don't cheat....

I didn't mean cheating especially as in a relationship man, you got me wrong. I mean it on anything you can think of. Just about anything. Let me say, ignoring is cheating too. People die on earth, they starve, and we know what causing it, but we are ignoring it. So isn't that a kind of cheating. Cheating ourselves. You know what i mean. That is just one that came to my mind.
No, I still don't get it. Ignoring, standing by while bad things are happening has nothing to do with cheating. It may make one a lousy human being, but sometimes stuff can't be helped. About the only thing I see a ton of cheating is in sports, worldwide....

J-Dubya 777 said:
I don't cheat, on anything, nor do I steal.
As for infidelity, for as long as I knew what that other "part" was for,
I can honestly say I have NEVER cheated on anyone I was in a relationship with. Part of the problem with society today is the fact that both men & women can't seem to control their own desires, and society seems to accept that. I don't. Whores & Gigalos have been around forever, but it seems like a certain self contol gene is on the decline. People don't weigh the consequences, and expect to be forgiven for everything. Yeah, I'm a real hardass when it comes to relationships, but you can call me a liar all you want, I don't cheat....


Well, here's an idea I'm gonna toss out: what if cheating and its consequences aren't part of a lack of self control in today's society, but it's just being publicized more? People may have been afraid to talk about it before (meaning as far back as you want), but today everybody wants to be in the know, everybody wants information. With the advent of the internet it seems that reports of EVERYTHING are up, and maybe people feel more comfortable confronting this issue of a cheating spouse after hearing about so many other people going through a similar situation.
turke said:
It is funny how we sharpen our teeth and nails against concepts like infidelity and cheating, but doing the same thing over and over in everyday life and pretend like angels flying with wings

I'm not sure what people you're used to but I pride myself on always being upfront and honest and to have moral values, so I cant honestly say that I do any cheating on a daily basis no..
ABQShredHead said:
Sad, yes; avoidable, yes - it's called marriage.

Wrong. That exact thing happened to me, and who was it that walked out on me & left me with no income and a 4 year old daughter & a 3 month old son (yeah, he walked out on our son's 3 month birthday..nice hmm?)? My then-husband. As much as I believe in the commitment that it represents, marriage doesn't guarantee anything, except that children born during the marriage will be "legitimate" in society's eyes.
SilentRealm said:
I think the best way for a woman to try and prevent something like that is to know what the signs of a commitment-phobe or potential wanderer are, and take a good hard long look at the man she is about to commit herself to first - and try to do so without the "lust blinders" that cloud the judgement of even the most intelligent headstrong woman. Nothing is ever failsafe but I know I've seen so many relationships that are trainwrecks waiting to happen because one partner refuses to see the truth about the person they're with, and then complain later that they don't know what went wrong, when the whole time I and other people around me could see exactly what was wrong.

I agree. In a sense, that gets back to my argument - marriage is a serious institution that is not treated with the respect it requires to function correctly. Published statistics about divorce rates and glorified failed relationships in Hollywood have made a mockery of the institution. To get back to the original argument - is marriage obsolete? - I argue, no, it is not obsolete; it is merely corrupted.

SilentRealm said:
I have another interesting question though if anyone cares to join in.. if you have a friend and either you know their partner is cheating on them, or they are cheating on their partner and you find it despicable.. do you tell the cheatee what is going on?

Cheaters are anathema to me. I can't stand why anybody would be in a committed relationship to somebody and go stuff their wanker somewhere it's not supposed to be. I can't even walk into a nudie bar because I couldn't stand to look my wife in the eye when I got home.

I would likewise tell the "cheatee" the situation, if they were a friend of mine. Or I would tell my wife if they were a friend of hers, and she would damn sure tell them what was going on. My wife is very up front with that kind of thing. And, likewise, if I knew my friend was the cheater, I would not want to have much to do with him/her anymore.

J-Dubya 777 said:
I have ZERO tolerance for infidelity when I'm involved with someone.

Ugh! You and me too. I found out I had been cheated on in a young relationship and never spoke to her again. I later saw them out bowling one afternoon. I knew the gal working that day and she set me up on the lane next to them. I rolled a 242. They left in a hurry. This is my house!

Jax said:
Wrong. That exact thing happened to me, and who was it that walked out on me & left me with no income and a 4 year old daughter & a 3 month old son (yeah, he walked out on our son's 3 month birthday..nice hmm?)? My then-husband. As much as I believe in the commitment that it represents, marriage doesn't guarantee anything, except that children born during the marriage will be "legitimate" in society's eyes.

That's a drag (not to sound minimizing of your situation). Marriage doesn't guarantee anything, yes, but it does allow provisions for certain situations - alimony, child support, etc. Did you get to divorce court, or was he just long gone?

"Walking out" is another thing I don't get. I don't know how somebody could do that, regardless of whether they are married or in a budding relationship. Be a man and end things properly, if you want out. Don't just cut and run.

I myself couldn't think of life without my two kids, even though it's only been four years since I first became a dad.
Jax said:
Wrong. That exact thing happened to me, and who was it that walked out on me & left me with no income and a 4 year old daughter & a 3 month old son (yeah, he walked out on our son's 3 month birthday..nice hmm?)? My then-husband. As much as I believe in the commitment that it represents, marriage doesn't guarantee anything, except that children born during the marriage will be "legitimate" in society's eyes.

Sounds like he didn't take it seriously as he should've. :(

I don't think some people's misbehavior invalidates the entire concept--just means they should've never married in the first place. He doesn't sound like he had anywhere near what it took to handle it.
Yeah, let's make divorce the obsolete concept! That's a spledid idea.

But, then you'd have the issue of "he/she physically abuses me and if I stay in the marriage I fear for my life". Perhaps we can move to more of a Hammurabi's Code-type law system regarding marriage conduct.

:rolleyes: :heh:
ABQShredHead said:
That's a drag (not to sound minimizing of your situation). Marriage doesn't guarantee anything, yes, but it does allow provisions for certain situations - alimony, child support, etc. Did you get to divorce court, or was he just long gone?

I chose not to ask for alimony, & I took my maiden name back in the divorce..basically I wanted nothing from the SOB except that he help support our children. As far that went, because the state of California and/or the county of Sacramento went by percentage of his income & he had to pay the county back for the welfare I received while I got back on my feet after he left, I got a whopping $50 a month for two kids. Hardly worth the effort.
Rose Immortal said:
Sounds like he didn't take it seriously as he should've. :(

I don't think some people's misbehavior invalidates the entire concept--just means they should've never married in the first place. He doesn't sound like he had anywhere near what it took to handle it.

I agree. However, to clarify (as quoted in my post), I was replying to the comment "Sad, yes; avoidable, yes - it's called marriage.", which infers that being abandoned can be avoided by getting married, which is clearly not the case.
ABQShredHead said:
Nah, the "stick it to the SOB after he abandons you" is what I was inferring.

I guess I chose to be the bigger person, I didn't want jack shyte from him. *shrug*