OT: The Official SPORTS Thread!

Okay. Steroids were not available back then, but drugs like Speed were. Speed was used extensively and so were other endurance/heart rate enhancers. Ever heard of Hank Aaron's red juice? He drank it before every game. Who knows what was mixed in there. My point is that the game has never been pure or without any drug substances.
Okay. Steroids were not available back then, but drugs like Speed were. Speed was used extensively and so were other endurance/heart rate enhancers. Ever heard of Hank Aaron's red juice? He drank it before every game. Who knows what was mixed in there. My point is that the game has never been pure or without any drug substances.

Agreed. There never has been a completely cheating free baseball game. But when multiple sources say that Barry Bonds was using illegal substances, it gets harder and harder to deny it. A scumbag like Jose Canseco can say that Bonds was on something, but when the owner of Balco said he sold Barry Bonds illegal substances along with personal trainers saying he was using something, how long can he keep denying it?
I don't doubt that he was on something, but that isn't my point. My point is that you cannot erase his stats or anything because nearly everyone was doing it with him. And it wasn't illegal either at the time. It would be double jeopardy.

Also you can't convict someone by word of mouth, you have to have evidence and so far there has been none in his case.
Bonds' steroid use goes well beyond any methamphetamine use by a '60's-'70's era player. Amphetamines and methamphetamines were available by prescription prior to the '70's until enough abuse by the public caused Congress to illegalize the substances.

The shit Barry's on has enhanced his strength and perhaps even the quickness of his already faster-than-normal bat. It was very obvious in seeing pitches he was driving to the gap in right center before his head grew were suddenly flying over the fences post-head growth.

Greenies and red juice was used as an upper, not a strength enhancer. That is where I have quarrel with Barry's antics.

Yes, he's a great player and always has been. He was fantastic with Leyland's Pirates in the '80's. With the Giants, his ego took over and he did anything he could to be the best player in baseball. Unfortunately, that egotistical drive involved anabolic growth hormone reliance.

Has he failed a drug test? No. But anybody who fails a test they know well in advance is upcoming is a fragging idiot. And Barry's not an idiot.

Do I exonerate Sosa and McGwire? No. McGwire also used anabolic growth hormones and at least admitted to it (Androstenedione). And we all know about Sammy's cork incident. Who knows what else he was doing. He surely faded into oblivion though. And he was one of my favorite players, being a Cubs fan.
Has he failed a drug test? No. But anybody who fails a test they know well in advance is upcoming is a fragging idiot. And Barry's not an idiot.

I'm not so sure about this. Steroids and other drugs stay in your system for long amounts of time. It's not like you can plunge yourself out two days before the test. Also, the tests are for the most part random, excluding the usual medical and physical ones.

Do I exonerate Sosa and McGwire? No. McGwire also used anabolic growth hormones and at least admitted to it (Androstenedione). And we all know about Sammy's cork incident. Who knows what else he was doing. He surely faded into oblivion though. And he was one of my favorite players, being a Cubs fan.

Speaking of Sosa, he signed a minor league deal with someone a few days ago.

Another thing I have a problem with is the fact that congress has to get involved. This is baseball, and they should have more important things to attend too. Also, the whole investigation is a witch hunt to get Barry.
Another thing I have a problem with is the fact that congress has to get involved. This is baseball, and they should have more important things to attend too. Also, the whole investigation is a witch hunt to get Barry.

Yes, it is a witch hunt to get Barry. He has basically has taunted baseball and congress, knowing that they can't prove he was on anything. There is more important things for them to do, but that isn't our decision what they do or don't do.
Baseball is very relevant to Congress because it is such a high-profile sport. When the average kid sees their hero taking Andro to help him hit the ball 485 feet rather than 320 feet for a fly out, that kid wants to go out and suck Andro out a tube. It's public image for baseball and illegal drug use for Congress. If baseball cannot clean itself up, Congress will have no alternative but to clean it up for them. Is this a good use of Congress' time? Hell no, but they have no other alternative if baseball cannot take care of itself.

Sosa signed with the Rangers, the team he started with at 16.

There are plenty of ways to hide drugs in your system. For one, the cream and the clear never showed up on tests - just look into Track & Field and all the athletes who used BALCO's stuff free and clear until the substance was leaked to the anti-doping agencies and they developed a test to find it in the athletes' systems.
1. C. Zambrano
2. T. Lilly
3. J. Marquis
4. R. Hill
5. W. Miller


Wow. Simply stunning.
Two crafty, veteran lefties (well, Lilly's the only vet) in your line up can't hurt, and (if and) when Prior and Wood finally make it back, they will have the overwhelming power they need. I would look in your own backyard for some crap pitching, if I was you. The Giants will be owned by pretty much everybody. Zito will drop onto the DL for half the season and Bonds will be in prison.

Now, with that scary offense of the Cubs, I don't know that pitching is going to be a huge deal.
You're pretty stupid. Look at this.

1.B. Zito
2. M. Cain
3. M. Morris
4. N. Lowry
5. R. Ortiz

Of course you wouldn't know any of these people. Cain throws 100 mph has loads of talent. Morris is a solid 3 starter. Lowry is a soft tossing lefty that has a great curve and Ortiz is good also.

Also, if Bonds goes to jail, everyone should.
Pretty stupid, am I? I've been a baseball fan longer than you've been alive, ya li'l shit. :rolleyes:

Morris was a solid one, now he's a three? Slipping.

Zito looks very good so far this spring, but I'm interested to see what will happen when he has to take 2-3 at bats and run the bases each start.

Ortiz as a five? Perhaps more slipping, or perhaps a 20-win season against weaker opposition.