Over-rated Bands

Mainly it just comes down to personal taste, as with anything...

...of course you do get a lot of people who hate a band/artist, proceed to make their opinion well-known and then try to justify a reason as to why they don't like them. Providing a reason makes them sound more intelligent than the people who say the band sucks...thus giving them an excuse to bash the band. :Smug:

A lot of people don't like Glen so therefore they won't like his vocals.

Anyways, its 5am, I'm ranting and I haven't gone to bed yet :p
lol, yeah I know...I was making a point that when people dislike something and they are looking for an excuse to criticize it, they will come up with a reason to make themself look less ignorant.

I don't think Glen is nearly as disliked as Chris Barnes though :lol:
Glen benton is generic,cliche and gimmicky. I have seen deicide live twice also which makes me believe more he's studio. Not that I like christians or anything but his lyrics are lame.
Acid Bath is not like regular sludge, a lot of people that like Sludge wont like it and that is why many people call them over-rated.. the people that rate the band highly are often Grind fans

yeah, that happens a lot. most of my fellow grind fans cannot understand why I hate that band.
yeah personal taste is really only thing that matters. but , in my opinion, he is a good vocalist, shitty bassist, and all around asshole. i dunno, i guess everyone contributes something to the scene , and he sure as hell has done his part.
Opeth are poetic with some of the most remarkable vocals on both ends of the scale around... not to mention the amount of sheer variety in playing styles in the drums and guitars that get blended into the tracks, they have some very complicated yet tasteful accoustic passages. Still, like some other bands that pop to mind (Slipknot for one, Dream theatre), because they are well known, while they have talent, it is often blown completely out of proportion by these people who have never heard anything like it before.
Slipknot are not Nu Metal, its alternative with the occasional rap-style verse, just because a band uses turntables it does not make them hip-hop. The bands last two albums especially have been far from Nu-Metal.

as long as they employ whiny, "my dad beat me" style vocals, they will still be nu-metal.
Who are some bands that you think are extremely over rated?
-to start off ill post some

Cradle of filth-because they totally suck and sold out

Dream Theatre-Sure they're good musicians, but symphony x's music is muuuch better

Mastodon-over all quite un-impressive

Power Metal in general

To be fair it's not cradles fault they sold out it's not as if they changed because of a label they've always pretty much stayed the same (except the latest album but i'm sure that's nothing to do with it) i think they have bought out some great material.

I think Job for a cowboy are over rated despite the fact i like them.. seriously there are much better bands out there.