Over-rated Bands

I tend to see AILD et all more as some some dual vocaled bastard child of metalcore and melodic death metal. I have seen it called NWOAHM (New Wave of American Heavy Metal), and it seems to be a big enough movement to warrent that. Haven't heard Botch or Integrity. I tend to stay away from anything that stinks of core.

your loss. there are shitons of great crust-punk, grind and old school hardcore bands out there.

I don't doubt it. But I have heard enough generic hardcore and metalcore to put me off looking into the genre more deeply, plus there's already way too much thrash and death metal and other stuff that interests me more, and I ain't got that much time. I do like the old school HC sound of bands like Minor Threat and The Crucified (older stuff).

The reasons why Slayer is mentioned first amongst thrash bands is because they are the best thrash band. No other thrash band has the amount of killer riffs and songs that they do.

you're terribly wrong.
dark angel, kreator, and razor are much, much better
they can mix great riffs, fast thrash, and great vocals/lyrics in one, unlike slayer who have to yell and scream GOD SUCKS in at least 4 songs per album
Older Destruction is better than older Slayer.

Kreator-pleasure to kill destroys anything from slayer by a long shot.
annihilator wasn't ever much more than average, overkill has never released a classic thrash album. I am pretty indifferent in regards to kreator

My top 10 list after those 5 would likely include sepultura, sodom, sacred reich, holy terror and watchtower
overkill didn't release a classic album?
feel the fire is almost as classic as it gets.

and annihilator's alice is hell was much better than average, better than slayer has put out at least
The reasons why Slayer is mentioned first amongst thrash bands is because they are the best thrash band. No other thrash band has the amount of killer riffs and songs that they do.

It's not about Slayer being the best, it's about them being well known. You can't go up to anyone and say things like "Holy shit, Toxic Holocaust rocks the balls out of Aura Noir! (lie)".

I mean fuck...come on.
It's not about Slayer being the best, it's about them being well known. You can't go up to anyone and say things like "Holy shit, Toxic Holocaust rocks the balls out of Aura Noir! (lie)".

I mean fuck...come on.

and it sucks that slayer is more known than kreator or dark angel
then again it's kind of funny when you see people say that slayer is the best thrash metal band when they haven't heard 20 good ones.
you're missing the point that the big thrash bands aren't necessarily the overall best ones.

No, I was simply looking at what the person I quoted had said (hence the quotation...) and expressing my opinion that Anthrax and Testament are better than Slayer/Metallica/Megadeth.
Sacrifice is among the elite of the thrash scene IMO.

Slayer early work should definitely be acknowledged as killer and classic thrash, but they were just one of the many killer thrash bands out there.

I personally would rate many albums as favorites before even mentioning Slayer. Megadeth - Peace Sells, Kreator - Pleasure to Kill, Destruction - Infernal Overkill!!! Those three destroy! Also Death Angel - the Ultraviolence, Possessed - Seven Churches...the list goes on...
