Overated Prog bands?

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
I rekon DT.

Please no SX vs. DT shit!

They're a great band and all but they are one of progs most famouse and reconised bands when there is better bands out there that dont get nearly as credit as DT

Any others?
I would say that a lot of Dream Theaters stuff is overrated, but they have definitely put out a lot of killer songs.
Yngwie's first two or three albums aren't overrated imo. I would say his work after that is overrated, but I don't think very many people are giving it good ratings to begin with.
Yeah, I think Dream Theater's *recent* stuff is overrated but theres no doubt that a song like A Change of Seasons is pure genius.

btw, Yngwie cant write a song of his own?!? More like everyone in the neoclassical genre can't write a song of their own since they always wind up copying the formula he laid down first. Now if you had said Yngwie hasn't been able to write anything different in the past 20 years then Id agree with you ;)
I don't feel DT are particuarly over-rated when considering the impact they've had on many bands in both instrumental approach and song composition. On the other hand, I don't particularly like the fact that every progressive rock band to come out ever since has been compared to them or thought to be influenced by them, even if they are the benchmark for many listeners.
Chris Brooks said:
I don't feel DT are particuarly over-rated when considering the impact they've had on many bands in both instrumental approach and song composition. On the other hand, I don't particularly like the fact that every progressive rock band to come out ever since has been compared to them or thought to be influenced by them, even if they are the benchmark for many listeners.


Spock's Beard were never a prog band, their songs are boring to death. :hotjump:

Queensryche in their old days were "different" and new to all traditional heavy stuff, but they were never really progressive - only slow. Nowadays they are nothing.

As far as DT is concerned: You can't say DT is better than Sym X or worse - they have different styles and both bands are simply FANTASTIC!
dream theater and symphony x rule after those 2 you go down a level with anything else i have heard in the prog vain although adagio is promising
posted by Lord Of The Snow
As far as DT is concerned: You can't say DT is better than Sym X or worse - they have different styles and both bands are simply FANTASTIC!

If you read what i said in the first post

Posted by me
Please no SX vs. DT shit!


I'm not having a beef with you or anything. I'm just trying to prevent another flame war about DT (like on the thread "Lets see....")
I acually agree with you both are great bands but i don't think that DT should be the most reconized and famouse prog band. SX should be!
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
I'm just trying to prevent another flame war about DT (like on the thread "Lets see....")

But see what happened... a lot of people were flaming at DT.

i don't think that DT should be the most reconized and famouse prog band. SX should be!

Then why is DT more famous and sell more CDs?

Currently I also like Sym X more, but that may change with the next DT or Sym X album - in my eyes it's absolutely silly to have a ranking like one band is "first", another band is "second". It's all a matter of personal taste and it's of no use to anyone if somebody says "I think band A is better than band B" or "I think guitar player A is better than guitar player B"... Those kind of threads in a forum are really boring.
Lord Of The Snow said:
But see what happened... a lot of people were flaming at DT.

Then why is DT more famous and sell more CDs?

Currently I also like Sym X more, but that may change with the next DT or Sym X album - in my eyes it's absolutely silly to have a ranking like one band is "first", another band is "second". It's all a matter of personal taste and it's of no use to anyone if somebody says "I think band A is better than band B" or "I think guitar player A is better than guitar player B"... Those kind of threads in a forum are really boring.

Dream Theater being more famous or selling more cds doesn't really have much to do with it. Dream Theater are great, certainly. But I also think they were in the right place at the right time as far as getting on a label and getting enough support to get their name out there to a certain degree. If they came along with their first record at the same time as Symphony X, I think they would be pretty much in the same boat as far as popularity goes.

That having been said, I do agree with you that it's silly to try to go back and forth about who's better. We all like what we like.

Personally, I don't think Dream Theater is overrated in the least, but that's just me. :)
Spocks Beard. Alternative pop band with a way too smooth and comfy sound for my liking.

Flower Kings. Hailed as the new hope of prog, but to me they sound like boring rehashing of the classic 70`s stuff.

Evergrey. Extremely clichèd songwriting and sound like any other power-prog band out there.
The Stormbringer said:
Their last two albums maybe...

I definetly agree that they are not overated at all.
Six degrees is probably my least favorite album, besides Falling into Infinity so I also agree about that. But Scenes from a memory :hotjump: in my opinion is one of the greatest prog albums ever released. That one is not overated at all.