Own Pictures

Awesome. I don't usually do turkey, not horribly fond of it, but most of the guys I work with here do. Not sure what will be next for me, moving up to NH in a month or so, and haven't quite gotten around to checking out hunting regs. Looking forward to deer season tho, I've seen quite a few on the wooded end of my folks' farm.

About the poor turkey bit... it's a cleaner death then starvation or disease, which happens to a lot of both turkey and deer, since man is nearly the only predator left in most of the country. A few things will still go after turkeys, but population management for the deer is up to us. And venison is damn tasty. :)
here is a before and after hair cut photo from today.



i thought this one would be funny to throw up. yes that is twisted tea, yes i enjoy them more than beer, yes i drank 26 of them on new years eve.

It would have been a shame... someone as hot as you if you were.

now you're just trying to butter me up..

i'm not one of your turkeys you know!! that.. gets buttered up.. and cooked.. *runs off crying*

:lol: im silly today

honestly, i got no probs if people actually eat them, i just dont really like when people kill for pure sport and then just leave them to rot out in the forest.. that's just senseless and cruel..
Haha lol

Look how stupid looking Odin's Drink made me:


:OMG: Can't believe that's me xD

What kind of a puny little drinking mug is that?? Were you drinking wine coolers? That just doesn't look very German to me..;)

Ha, seriously though, hear me now and believe me later (:D that's a Hans and Franz reference there): when i was over in Germany a few years ago i was amazed (and delighted!) at the size of German beer mugs (or steins).

My dad's grandparents were all from Germany and I'm set to inherit the family stein. It's fucking wicked. On it is a sort of vignette with all these pagan Teutons emerging victorious from a forest to a scene of dead and dying Romans pleading for their "civilized" lives. It's great..

I'll try to post a picture of it when i get a chance.