Pagan's Mind/Stratovarius Chicago 9/25 Friday - Anyone going?

I am planning on getting them at the door.
What suburban venue would seriously turn away a paying customer!

The place looks huge from the outside.

Diabolik - You are going for sure now?
In case anyone needs a refresher, here is Diabolik and I.
I am the better looking one!
The venue supposedly holds 400 people....not sure about where they are actually holding the show within the bar. I'm sorry to say that I doubt attendance will come anywhere near this number, so I think getting tix at the door will not be a problem.

Diabolik and Jasonic-
You better be there! I haven't seen you guys since Powerfest LAST year! And that was for like 5 minutes!
Yeah, and I literally got to Powerfest last year 2 minutes before the band before Iced Earth. That year for me was zero social interaction. Only a little bit at an afterparty. I will be there for sure.
I am going to be in Chicago and in St. Paul. :) LOL. Not sure why you'd think I was pulling your leg, haha, but I'm not. The ticket was very inexpensive (very!) and with PM now cruising next April I got business to cover before they head back to Europe.
I will be there mainly for Pagan's Mind. I don't have tickets but I am sure I can get some at the door.

Apparently, there have only been like two other shows at this venue, so this will be fairly new. Hopefully things will go smoothly.

Has this venue ever had metal concerts? I've never even heard of it until the Pearl Room shows we're announced there. I want to see Vader and they are playing there so I hope they have their stuff together.

And does anyone know if cameras will be allowed?

No clue but if it's a sports bar that doesn't get too many concerts then I don't think it'll be a problem. If anything you can always take the camera back to your car since the venue is on a strip mall.

I am going to be in Chicago and in St. Paul. :) LOL.

I think that's absolutely fantastic, hope you have a blast.

Also, I called the Pyramid Club a couple of hours ago, I asked if the VIP ticket holders we're going to get early entry (I don't have a ticket but I was curious) he said that the doors open at 6 and that was all he knew. So does this mean that everyone gets to go in at 6? I mean the show starts at 7 right?
I also asked if the show is all ages cause their myspace page says 18 and over and he said that yes as long as they are accompanied by an adult.
The guy that answered sounded very annoyed at the questions. I wonder how many times he had to answer them. lol

I hope this show doesn't turn into a mess.
what is the curfew on friday in the burbs now-a-days? Curious to know when it will be over.

Suburb bar curfews vary by city. I've been out of the bar scene for about a decade, but I grew up not far from this place. Back when I hit the bars in that area the only bars open past 2am on the weekend were in Cook county. We'd either drive NW to the Schaumburg area or east and hit Galoway cafe or Edens or some other rough place along Mannheim.

But 2am should be plenty late enough for the 4 bands to finish their sets.

I'm with everyone else waiting to see how this will turn out with attendance, sound, lighting, organization etc.

Let's have MAIDEN SHIRT FRIDAY, Chicago suburbs style!

I was going to go with my PP VIII, but the Maiden shirt idea could work too. Now I feel like some high schooler that has two days to debate which shirt to wear.
I'm starting to worry if there will be any tickets available at the sounds like this place is small, and I'm kind of hoping to be able to buy my ticket when I get there.

And does anyone know if cameras will be allowed?

19,000 sqft != small

Hopefully they (the venue) have their act together, have decent sound and lighting, and are able to pull off a reasonably smooth show. I had no interest in this show, but I'm now finding myself mildly curious...
Not sure if this impacts anyone here.
Per the Pyramid Club My Space, the show is 18+

I called the club yesterday, and spoke with some guy who barely spoke broken English. He had no clue what I was even talking about when asking about a "Concert at the club on Friday"

I certainly hope they are selling tickets at the door.
I certainly hope there is a promoter helping with the show, and not just the club personnel.

I could see Strato pulling into the club around 2 or 3 PM for soundcheck, and then no one from the club getting there until 6 or 7.

It's going to be funny when there regular Friday night crowd comes to the door, and they say, "$40 please!"

Maybe they can hire Timo Tolkki to do security!! :goggly: