Pagan's Mind/Stratovarius Chicago 9/25 Friday - Anyone going?

I will be there for sure along with my better half. He is going to be wearing his prog power shirt as well. Not sure what I am going to be wearing. Might wear my Pagan's Mind girly shirt, but I don't want to be that girl that wears the shirt of the band she is going to see. We shall see. I will see you all there!!!

Great, so pretty much EVERYONE who I don't know yet will be wearing a Prog Power shirt!!!!! I guess I will just walk up to all of you and say, "Forum poster or not" and see if you look back at me like I have six dicks on my head........ :lol:
Great show by PM guys last night. Strato wasn't bad, new guitar player is pretty fookin' good.
Special thanks to Wayne, Frode, and Greg (Evil). Had a lot of fun, and it was nice to hang out with a lot of familiar faces. I even met Jasonic & Diabolik! :)
Wayne - 1 more load in/out and then home. Happy hunting, bro! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm venison!
I think I had more fun meeting and talking to everyone than the actual show itself. It would have been different if this was at a real club with a real stage. It is amazing with how many people I have met through this forum.

The place that had the show...The Pyramid Club. Is definetly not a place that needs to keep doing them. The place a HUGE. Lots of tv's, pool tables, and stuff. Lots of room. The show itself was pushed to this corner of the club that seems to be a restruant part of the club but they moved the tables and chairs. There were booths surrounding 2 halves of it. The sound was different for each band.

Sceptor had ok sound....the vocalist is amazing. Reminds me of Bruce Dickenson. This guy can hit some many high notes without missing a step. The songs were not that memorable though. I wouldnt mind seeing them again more so than most locals.

Sacred Dawn had terrible sound. It was very muddy. It also didnt help that no one could see them play since they had to play on the ground floor like Sceptor. I really liked thier set at last years Powerfest. They really impressed me. If I saw them at this show for the first time....I would have thought different. I am looking forward to seeing them at Reggies in November with great sound and a real stage.

Pagan's Mind.....I think they are dull on disc but everyone and thier mother asides me since mine is dead raves about thier live show. I thought at first they were pretty good. After the 4th song I was done. At least they got a stage to play on but it was almost like watching them practice.....the Bud Light sign behind them didnt help and all the tv's and waitresses coming out from the side of the stage to serve drinks was slightly distracting. I think in a real club I would have been more impressed. They had the best sound of the night. Very clean and you could hear everything.

Stratovarius....I wasnt going to go to this show but reading thier set list changed my mind. I have waited years to hear "Destiny" played live. They fell victim to bad was way too loud. At times it was fine but it was almost like the soundman just turned up everything. The crowd kind of walked away after a few songs and all through thier set people slowly were leaving it seemed. They played a nice range of stuff....but really???? the solos were not needed tonight.

I think this show at a real club that handled live music would have made this show a lot better. After leaving I was really let down. It just didnt feel like a show.

I had a blast meeting everyone always seems that there is never enough time to talk to everyone.....

I ran into Joan (Orbweaver),J-Dubya777 and Al (Met-Al) first. It was nice to finally meet J-Dubya. Amber (Metal-Spice)...who I never really ge to talk to much at shows. I think we have talked more on this forum and in person. Hanging out with Brit (Invisable Guest) and Pat is always a good time. Those 2 can turn a dull show into a great time. Jose ( Saladbar), Scott(Kingsgene), and Vito (BalanceofPower) are always fun to talk to, it was great seeing them. it is funny...tonight I met all these forum is always odd when people greet you and give you thier screen name first. I had a blast talking to Texasbeth about the Metal Cruise she is running. I hope it turns out great. She is a great sales person...trying to get 2 of the most stubborn people to go (Jasonic and I). I cant beleive she has 4 kids...I thought she was in her early 30's late 20's. There were others who also showed up and I got to meet real quick. Maybe I need to go to ProgPower one day.

I am curious to hear how they handle the Vader show that is coming there soon. They are going to trash that place. The turnout was lots better than I thought it was going to be with the short notice on the venue change. I think maybe like 200? I am bad at guessing this type of stuff.
I had a great time at this show. I got there late due to traffic so I missed half of Sacred Dawn's set which sucked. I thought they were amazing though, to bad they were on the floor and I couldn't actually see them except for Ed their drummer.

This was the first time I saw Pagan's Mind and I thought their sound was really good. I didn't like their set list though. I really like their Celestial Entrance and Enigmatic Calling albums, and they only played like one or two songs from those albums. But it was great to finally see them live.

I am what you would call a casual Stratovarius fan, I only own two albums and never really went out of my way to get more. After this show though I'm ready to buy their whole catalog. They played some killer fucking songs, and they played my favorite songs that I know.

I was hanging with Mike Feldman, Tammy, Jason and Bob for most of the night. Always great to see you guys at shows man. Scott(King's Gene) is a super cool dude and I'm glad I got to you meet you bro. The highlight of the Stratovarius show was when Jason, Bob, Scott, Britt, and I all high fived each other after some cool part in one of the songs. Fucking METAL, I love it!

I wish I could have hung out with more of the power metal show regulars but I didn't walk around much to find people. Sorry everyone.
I posted this on the PM forum but wanted to ask anyone on this thread if they know why Pagan's Mind is not finishing the tour with Strato? I was looking forward to seeing them again in San Francisco after their great performance at ProgPower and then found out that they aren't coming.