Palin: Iraq war a "task from God"

yeh, no one at all ever said god was on our side until this crazy broad!

Saying God is by your side is a lot different than saying God sent you to invade Iraq. I'm giving her a chance, dude. I'm not sold on Obama, either, but I'm trying to be objective about this...

Also, the only other moron to mention God in the Iraq war was when Bush let slip the "crusade" word, much to the chagrin of just about his entire cabinet. She's not the only one to do it, but she just lumped herself into the same pile as the other morons who did the same. Seriously, what do you expect to accomplish in the winning of hearts and minds by telling them that "our" God sent us to invade their country? Of course it's ridiculous, but a little more tact would've been much better on her part. I haven't been impressed but I haven't been unimpressed either by her performance so far. That whole investigation she's under doesn't sit well with me, though.
:lol: God's will... the shit people do when they proclaim it's God's will is usually pretty fucked :lol:

p.s. What would that prayer be like:

Dear God, please don't protect the troops risking their lives in Iraq, instead use your divine power to make way for an environment raping pipeline to make us more money. Amen.
im not sold on any of them, but (barring the most absurd scandal in history) my state will go for Obama so i dont really have to be sold on any of them haha. doesnt someone usually run on the sole platform of legalizing weed? ill vote for that guy.
You know what, Neal? With all the shit that the US has been through in the past 8 years, I don't see it too far away. The neocons are starting to dwindle and I wouldn't be surprised if the US just agreed that smoking weed really isn't that big of a deal anymore. Maybe it wouldn't be completely legalized but I can see it being something like some sort of fine or something if caught with it. All states besides Cali, that is, since they're kinda leading the charge already.
Articles like this disconnect me from my parents. My dad is a die-hard Republican and thinks this crazy bitch is fucking perfect for VP. Man, I love my parents to death but sometimes I just wanna shake them and scream "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!"

This cunt scares me just as much as a fundamentalist Muslim.
I still can't get over praying for a pipeline. What about praying for the victims in fucking Darfur? Nah, fuck that...let's pray for oil because I can't drive a fucking Hummer anymore due to gas prices. THAT'S the real priority...I'm a 16 year old girl with a Volkswagen Toureg and I just don't want to trade it in for something more economical because I won't be cool anymore.
Both of my parents are die hard republicans too. But, believe it or not my Mom is actually voting for Obama. There is no hope for the other parent. It is also the first time in her entire life she's probably voting democrat. Yay Mommy!
She seems like too much of a religious nut to be in power. I don't care about the pregnant daughter or any of that shit, but having someone blinded by their faith in charge of us doesn't make us much different than the ones we're fighting.
I'm not one of these people who get all up in arms when politicians talk about God, but this is a bit irresponsible, regardless of faith. If this is blown up by the media, which it probably will be, it's going to anger a lot of people.

But what can you expect from someone who has never even owned a passport? She probably doesn't even realize the possible ramifications of statements like this.
Hey there Mrs Palin (aka stupid cunt) I just got off the prayer hotline with God and he told me your slut daughter is going to hell for premarital sex! Choke on that one you ignorant twat!