Palin: Iraq war a "task from God"

She's just cynically telling people what they want to hear.

I sincerely dislike her though, and I think it's her face I distrust.
can't we all just agree

Fauxbama and McZombie are two sides of the same coin; you want real change, stop voting the same two parties
hahaha. That is great. Another zealot in office. Hopefully the people in the us are smarter than in 04.

I'd like to see her make out with ann coulter though.

Söy;7581903 said:
can't we all just agree

Fauxbama and McZombie are two sides of the same coin; you want real change, stop voting the same two parties

That is not going to happen though. So much is fucked up over the last 8 years it's a gamble not worth taking this time if you don't like either of them.

Better just get with who is saying shit you most believe in.

In my case this is Obama, because the old fart and his twat stand for everything I'm against.