Palin: Iraq war a "task from God"

The stupid cunt even tried to ban books from libraries ...

Book Banning Fascist
Thursday, September 4, 2008 - 3:46pm | Oblivion


If Sarah wanted a book removed from our public library, then it probably needs to go. Freedom of speech is one thing, but downright lude and crude doesn't belong in PUBLIC libraries. Let them go to barnes and noble. I have confidence in Sarah to do the right thing. Send all those liberal porn loving people back to New York! GO SARAH!

50Thursday, September 4, 2008 - 3:41pm | Oblivion

Kilkennedy wishes

She were prom queen or even runnerup. No, she wasn't even asked to the prom. That's why she hates Sarah. She's been trying to get media attention for years, but failed miserably. Just like when she wants people to do her work for nothing. She only supports herself, and thinks of no others.

49Thursday, September 4, 2008 - 3:36pm | musicbean

Next thing you know...

...we're gonna hear from disgruntled schoolyard playmates from Palin's elementary days..."But teacher, she MADE me steal the pencils from your desk!!!" Kilkenny, wake up and smell the coffee and take responsibility for your own mistakes. If this really would have been an issue you should've filed a formal complaint in 1996 instead of letting the controversy "disappear into the musty files." You ...

read more

48Thursday, September 4, 2008 - 3:29pm | Oblivion

Kilkinney is not in her right mind

She's always asking for volunteers. She does nothing but try to be somebody at all kinds of meetings, but she mostly just blows hot air. I got tired of being asked to do things beyond my job description, so one day I just told her to go away. Sorry kilkennedy, but you should move to California where you're spittle will be more welcomed.

47Thursday, September 4, 2008 - 3:27pm | akartisan

Imagine That

She didn't fire anybody.What is the deal.

46Thursday, September 4, 2008 - 3:05pm | AkBrat

Imagine that

A town leader wanting to set up her appointees with people that will work for her and not against her....Makes ya wonder if anyone has a clue as to how governments and even small town mayorships work.

September 4, 2008 - 3:50pm | bluhair


It doesn't matter if books were censored or not. It's the fact that Palin made the overture.

Slippery slope.

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September 4, 2008 - 4:26pm | wildbill3

No she didn't.

You are filling in the blanks with your own agenda. It doesn’t matter what Palin says or does, she is a conservative Republican, so in your eyes she is evil. The funny thing is that I feel the same about you. You support Obama, so in my mind you are evil. You are un-American, and a traitor to the U.S. So, as you can see, you aren't the only one who can be ridiculously bias. I am as well to you, and your God Obama. You are a sheep following an ass, Jackass that is.

wtf is the matter with these people?

Edit: Doesn't she remind you of that bitch from Donnie Darko? HAHA!

Edit 2: I didn't realize the video (where the quotes are from) is actually the topic of the thread =P
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lolz the donnie darko lady

listening to my mom talk about how great sarah palin is makes me want to punch her in the face.

my dad is just a hardcore republican and my mom, i guess in an effort to impress my dad, is attempting to follow the election and is pretty much in love with sarah palin because all my mom hears is "yay god! boo abortion! yay down's syndrome kid!"
Did you know she never left the country and just recently got a passport?
The possibly future VP of Ameri-*fucking*ca has never left the country...

She is against sex education in schools, and Alaska is the number 1 in the country with the highest rate of STDs...

She wants to teach creationism in schools!!!!

According to simple statistics, McCain is above the life expectancy for a man, and he had cancer.....
which means, there is a 50% chance of him dying within the first year of his term,
60% chance of him dying the second... and by the end of his term, there is an 80% chance of him dying... which leaves us
with the fanatic idiotic Palin as the leader of the USA!

I fucking hate this bitch so much.

Not to mention all the shit she is doing for the environment...

The worst thing about this whole issue, is the fact that we all know
why McCain picked her... if she was a man, would she be the one that was picked?
Probably not.
So this is really McCain's first significant step as a leader, and THIS is what we get??? what does that tell us about him as a leader and president?


He's going to Iraq in September... odds are that leg will be thrust 200 feet in the air via IED while the rest of him goes 200 feet in the opposite direction.
^:lol: I love when they avoid the question :lol:


I can imagine him shitting his pants as he tried to dance around that :lol:

p.s. fuck his voice.