Palin: Iraq war a "task from God"

Yes! Heard that.

with all honesty though, and as much as I fucking hate this woman,
The republicans got what they needed... an attack dog. does military experience make one a good president, I don;t believe it does in anyway. It makes a person a good Despot or totalitarian leader, but I don't think it's good for a Republic as I feel it makes these people a bit out of touch with it's citizens.
Thought I'd bring up some non-slander into this thread. Fact Check put together a collection of Palin factual and bullshit:

Who cares. I never even heard of half that shit, only the book burning and I didn't care about that because the story seemed like bullshit to me. There are PLENTY of things to hate about Sarah Palin, and reasons not to vote for her, there's no need at all to make things up on top of all that.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was republicans themselves sending these rumour across the globe in an effort to confuse people and cover up how much of a nutjob she really is, that way when the public hears something that is REALLY fucked up that Palin has said or done, they will just say OH POOR SARAH PALIN BEING TARGETED AGAIN... people will just think OH ANOTHER LIBERAL SCUM SLANDER TALE.... come on.
I hate things about Palin too... but honestly, if religion is such a big deal in this election, then why are you voting for Obama?

O'Rielly really raped Obama in the section of the interview aired tonight, btw. Economics. Never thought I'd actually like anything that asshole was doing, but this interview is the best fucking interview I've seen. He's trying to force Obama to answer the questions, and if he tries to avoid them, he's getting right back in his face.

Tomorrow's section of their interview should be fun... Rev. Wright.
BTW. I should note that I actually respect Obama for actually going on O'rielly a second time. That does show a lot of character and a willingness to face, even if trying to avoid, the tough questions that that douche O'rielly is going toss at him. This is definitely something that is going to toughen him up and ready him to answer the questions that are going to be asked in the debates to come.

I'm interested.
O'Reilly is the face of ignorant, extremist conservative, narrow-minded republicans (please note that not all Republicans are this way). He went on that show to address that part of the population, whom he knows he CANNOT reach, to try and maybe get to some of the people who were on the fence or who didn't agree with him fully. Whether he hurt or helped I don't know I haven't seen it all yet.

And check out these articles on that same site... seems to me John McCain is misrepresenting the facts FAR more than Mr. Obama, and their own unbiased fact-checking shows that independent experts have reviewed the policies of both men and time after time Obama's plans are better in terms of how many Americans will benefit from them.
BTW. I should note that I actually respect Obama for actually going on O'rielly a second time. That does show a lot of character and a willingness to face, even if trying to avoid, the tough questions that that douche O'rielly is going toss at him. This is definitely something that is going to toughen him up and ready him to answer the questions that are going to be asked in the debates to come.

I'm interested.

Heh, I agree with you, but O'rielly is really a bad example of a TV person
who knows no facts and talks from high trees....

There is a reason Colbert is so famous and funny... his cynical O'Rielly character is not much different than the real one...

Regardless, I tivo'ed it so I'll let you know my thoughts.
O'Reilly is the face of ignorant, extremist conservative, narrow-minded republicans (please note that not all Republicans are this way). He went on that show to address that part of the population, whom he knows he CANNOT reach, to try and maybe get to some of the people who were on the fence or who didn't agree with him fully. Whether he hurt or helped I don't know I haven't seen it all yet.

And check out these articles on that same site... seems to me John McCain is misrepresenting the facts FAR more than Mr. Obama, and their own unbiased fact-checking shows that independent experts have reviewed the policies of both men and time after time Obama's plans are better in terms of how many Americans will benefit from them.

Both exaggerate facts. That is a given. O'Rielly has not been O'Rielly lately. I think it's a lack of support for McCain, because he is not sounding half as Right-Winged as he usually sounds. Old school O'Rielly wouldn't have even let Obama speak, nor actually agree with him on some points. It ALMOST surprised me as much as the Ann Coulter of late... Almost makes you think these people's personalities are as made up as Colberts, granted, we have early proof of O'Rielly being a big fat douche. :lol:

Obama is not going on there to reach the other side on this show, more than the other side watches O'Rielly. He is on the show because many have been questioning his ability to answer the important questions when they're tossed. He has been accused by both sides of avoiding them. He has proven us semi-wrong. He would have his great moments, then the subject of Payroll Tax would come up, etc. and he would start trying to play it off. Luckily, O'Rielly didn't let him, and we got a semi-answer. I still do not agree with the answers, but I am content that we're really getting them now.

I expect Biden to follow, and I expect Palin to hit the show as well. O'Reilly wants her on the show... if McCain's campaign doesn't put her on, then, yeah, I'll have a big problem with that. She needs to do those kind of interviews, well, interviews PERIOD, before I fully accept her, as well as many.

And if anyone is going to get shit straight with her, it's O'Rielly.
Conversely, I don't think anyone should go on his show. That's how he gets paid, and I feel you're just encouraging him.
You know Bill O'Rielly is an asshole with a lazy staff that gets biased facts build up so they can ram up their guest's asses, most of the time anyways. I don't think ANY OF THEM should be on that show, a REAL interview by a neutral party would be nice, sort of like a build up to the debates... regardless, the American public is simple and sadly will not spend time researching both sides and their policies but will instead get their opinions from 5 minutes newscasts and their friends.
O'Rielly is as neutral as you're going to get this election season. You've got 3 types of people in the media this campaign: Extreme supporters of Obama, extreme supporters of McCain, and then those who flipped sides.

You're getting extreme bias from all 3.
Fuck Bill O'Reilly. Are you even serious that he is unbaised, Eric? He cuts off his guest like an arrogant bitch and belittles his guest by calling them morons or calling their ideas wackey.
If you bothered to read (or could read, never sure on the internet anymore), you'd see that I am saying he is being very unbiased in this election season, not saying that he is unbiased as a whole. The fact is that he is doing some damn good reporting in this election season, for once. He's not just getting on ones ass, he is getting on both. And he is spot on for once about the biases in certain other mainstream media outlets this year. And not just those leaning towards Obama.
I really don't get where the O'Reilly bias hate comes from, I always see him with opposite sides arguing he incredibly quick to anger though and too religious on almost all views for him, but for non-satirical news, who else is there to watch? I can't stand anyone else.
I hate things about Palin too... but honestly, if religion is such a big deal in this election, then why are you voting for Obama?

O'Rielly really raped Obama in the section of the interview aired tonight, btw. Economics. Never thought I'd actually like anything that asshole was doing, but this interview is the best fucking interview I've seen. He's trying to force Obama to answer the questions, and if he tries to avoid them, he's getting right back in his face.

Tomorrow's section of their interview should be fun... Rev. Wright.

biggest load of bullshit ever. Preacher that hates America. Lets listen to him for 20 years, yay!