Palin: Iraq war a "task from God"

Lol, nooo helping people who need help is socialist, and therefore bad. I don't get America's disgust of paying taxes either

I don't either.... honestly... I've been here for 5 years, paying taxes and all, and I don't get the big deal... I paid more taxes in Europe and Israel by far...

So who can tell me what's the big deal with the taxes issue?
I'm really asking...

Obama's plan is to raise taxes for people who make more than 200k a year not for those who make below...
True enough. An egalitarian society is desirable in most cases, but attempting to craft one by a Robin Hood-esque tax system undermines many of the central financial tenets by which Western societies work.
The Man they call Jayne!

Oh, He robbed from the rich
and he gave to the poor.
Stood up to the man
and he gave him what for.
Our love for him now
ain't hard to explain.
The hero of Canton
the man they call Jayne.

Our Jayne saw the mudders' backs breakin'.
He saw the mudders' lament.
And he saw the Magistrate takin'
every dollar and leavin' five cents.
So he said: "You can't do that to my people."
said "You can't crush them under your heel."
So Jayne strapped on his hat
and in 5 seconds flat
stole everythin' Boss Higgins had to steal.

Oh, He robbed from the rich
and he gave to the poor.
Stood up to the man
and he gave him what for.
Our love for him now
ain't hard to explain.
The hero of Canton
the man they call Jayne.

Now here is what separates heroes
from common folk like you and I.
The man they call Jayne
he turned 'round his plane
and let that money hit sky.

He dropped it onto our houses
he dropped it into our yards.
The man they called Jayne
he stole away our pain
and headed out for the stars!

(Here we go!)

He robbed from the rich
and he gave to the poor.
Stood up to the man
and he gave him what for.
Our love for him now
ain't hard to explain.
The hero of Canton
the man they call Jayne...

It's like I said...the successful and wealthy are going to have to bite the bullet, and do you know why? BECAUSE THEY CAN.

I understand that it's not completely fair to tax the successful and wealthy more, but TOUGH SHIT! The problems of a person making over 200k a year by paying 5-10% more taxes is laughable compared to the problems of a person making 20k a year and not able to afford health care. It's like he said: "It's just neighborly."

And to tell you the truth, Americans are fooled by taxes. They think taxes are why they can't afford health care, when it's just the opposite. LACK of taxes on a nationwide basis for health care and education is why everyone is fat and stupid these days. Again, it's NOT fair to the big guys in their ivory towers, but you know what? 200 years of affluence and fucking the system was enough. It's not like they're going to all of a sudden be middle class again...instead of netting 10 million a year, the wealthy may net 8 or 9 million a year. BOO MOTHERFUCKING HOO. Instead of netting 350k a year, the "merely" successful may net 300k a year. Again...BOO MOTHERFUCKING HOO. If the majority of Americans will have health care and good education by raising taxes and taking some lessons from European plans, I think it's a worthy sacrifice.

People are going to be more educated, create more jobs, become healthier, and overall be much HAPPIER. Or we could just stick our heads in the sand like we have for the past fifty years and label everything that helps a lot of people "communism" and continue in our own fashion of ruining ourselves and our country from the inside out, starting with our embarrassing education system, our even more embarrassing health care system, and our abysmal reputation among the rest of the world.

Here's a wake-up call people: speaking about the social system, health care system, and education system in the US, we are quickly becoming a third-world nation. Sure, we'll always be an economic and military superpower, but it all ends there if our people can't go to a doctor without selling their children into prostitution or we don't know the difference between Switzerland and Sweden.
It's like I said...the successful and wealthy are going to have to bite the bullet, and do you know why? BECAUSE THEY CAN.

I understand that it's not completely fair to tax the successful and wealthy more, but TOUGH SHIT! The problems of a person making over 200k a year by paying 5-10% more taxes is laughable compared to the problems of a person making 20k a year and not able to afford health care. It's like he said: "It's just neighborly."

And to tell you the truth, Americans are fooled by taxes. They think taxes are why they can't afford health care, when it's just the opposite. LACK of taxes on a nationwide basis for health care and education is why everyone is fat and stupid these days. Again, it's NOT fair to the big guys in their ivory towers, but you know what? 200 years of affluence and fucking the system was enough. It's not like they're going to all of a sudden be middle class again...instead of netting 10 million a year, the wealthy may net 8 or 9 million a year. BOO MOTHERFUCKING HOO. Instead of netting 350k a year, the "merely" successful may net 300k a year. Again...BOO MOTHERFUCKING HOO. If the majority of Americans will have health care and good education by raising taxes and taking some lessons from European plans, I think it's a worthy sacrifice.

People are going to be more educated, create more jobs, become healthier, and overall be much HAPPIER. Or we could just stick our heads in the sand like we have for the past fifty years and label everything that helps a lot of people "communism" and continue in our own fashion of ruining ourselves and our country from the inside out, starting with our embarrassing education system, our even more embarrassing health care system, and our abysmal reputation among the rest of the world.

Here's a wake-up call people: speaking about the social system, health care system, and education system in the US, we are quickly becoming a third-world nation. Sure, we'll always be an economic and military superpower, but it all ends there if our people can't go to a doctor without selling their children into prostitution or we don't know the difference between Switzerland and Sweden.

The problem, I think, is that we the people do not have any plan or goal or agreed upon consensus about what and where we want to be as a nation in 50, 100, 500 years. Once you know what your goals are it is much easier to objectively judge laws and systems based on whether they meet those goals. Your post assumes a certain set of goals, namely that the US should be the best in healthcare, education, and social services. If, however, I assume that America should be an Objectivist utopia, then the changes you propose would be contrary to that goal.

Edit: And for the record, an income of $350,000 would pay $101,251 in federal income tax in '08