Palin: Iraq war a "task from God"

the real winner here is that kid that knocked her up. he thought he was just gonna bang the governor's hot daughter, but now he's marrying into the vice president's family. fuckin' score.
Hey there Mrs Palin (aka stupid cunt) I just got off the prayer hotline with God and he told me your slut daughter is going to hell for premarital sex! Choke on that one you ignorant twat!

Ahhh, it gets cold up in Alaska and boring. Got to do something.
Daughter has some CANS.

I bet mom romps like a drill sergeant..."Drop and give me 20, Todd!"

...pretty interesting stuff this time around.
I may as well vote for Gallagher as a write in. At least then I know I voted for someone I like.
Hey there Mrs Palin (aka stupid cunt) I just got off the prayer hotline with God and he told me your slut daughter is going to hell for premarital sex! Choke on that one you ignorant twat!

Did you know she never left the country and just recently got a passport?
The possibly future VP of Ameri-*fucking*ca has never left the country...

She is against sex education in schools, and Alaska is the number 1 in the country with the highest rate of STDs...

She wants to teach creationism in schools!!!!

According to simple statistics, McCain is above the life expectancy for a man, and he had cancer.....
which means, there is a 50% chance of him dying within the first year of his term,
60% chance of him dying the second... and by the end of his term, there is an 80% chance of him dying... which leaves us
with the fanatic idiotic Palin as the leader of the USA!

I fucking hate this bitch so much.

Not to mention all the shit she is doing for the environment...

The worst thing about this whole issue, is the fact that we all know
why McCain picked her... if she was a man, would she be the one that was picked?
Probably not.
So this is really McCain's first significant step as a leader, and THIS is what we get??? what does that tell us about him as a leader and president?

As birthday buddies, you should vote for Obama in my place because I'm four days too young.

wtf, Firefox doesn't recognize "Obama" in its dictionary.

But it doesn't recognize "wtf" either.

Nah, I still hold that voting for the President is pointless. Indiana almost always goes Republican, anyway. Now, if Obama had picked Bayh as a running mate, maybe that'd be a different story...