Pathfinder Promotions Full Metal Birthday Bash! - Aug 24th

We have faith in Hoyt to work miracles. If he couldn't get tonight's show done then even God would have had difficulty. But please do come hang out with us at Breaker's tomorrow night we will do our best to celebrate the big guy's birthday in style. PS That show with Icarus Witch and Cresent is going to RULE, really great line-up, way to go Hoyt!!

thanks for the words of support and encouragement, Billy. :rock:

And yes, I hope to see some folks out at Breakers this evening. I should be there between 9 and 10PM myself.

A Lower Deep is going to blow the roof off the place! :notworthy
for those who care... I will be meeting with the venue Thursday afternoon to discuss bringing in proper sound. I'll follow up after the meeting, but at this point in time I am planning to move forward with my shows at Sidelines. The owner wants to work with me to bring in some great live music. But I need the support of the metal community to make it work. So I'll be acting like a beggar child in the coming months and begging all of you to show. ;)

Shouldn't have to beg. We all bitch about having so little good metal in the south, especially of the prog/power genre, and then it's like pulling teeth to get local shows supported. Hopefully, people will realize that to have a continuous vital scene for the type of music we all love we have to support the hard working bands and promoters trying to succeed in a very difficult market. But if anyone can get it going it'll be Hoyt and his 'stable'.